Releases: apache/rocketmq-mqtt
Releases · apache/rocketmq-mqtt
What's Changed
- change meta to be a consistency module implemented by JRAFT by @DongyuanPan in #122
- [ISSUE #124] add snapshot to raft state machine by @scutcr7 in #127
- add some comment by @DongyuanPan in #128
- Unified Group ID separator by @DongyuanPan in #129
- bug fix: change groupId by @DongyuanPan in #134
- [ISSUE #135] Delete unused data members, and optimizing abstract interfaces by @DongyuanPan in #136
- readme by @pingww in #146
- update readme by @DongyuanPan in #148
- Put the LMQ prefix when storing the Offset Topic of LMQ by @DongyuanPan in #151
- add MqttMessageFactory and optimize codes. by @wangzhiwei1314 in #138
- fix unit test by @DongyuanPan in #156
- [ISSUE #70] Retained message based on raft state machine by @YYYYWD in #131
- Develop merge main by @DongyuanPan in #158
- [SECURITY] Fix Temporary File Information Disclosure Vulnerability
by @JLLeitschuh in #169 - Move rpc code out of state machine processor by @DongyuanPan in #168
- [ISSUE #163]Optimize format by @Oliverwqcwrw in #164
- Feature Support:Will Message by @DongyuanPan in #174
- [ISSUE #69] support will feature. by @scutcr7 in #120
- Fix the error about empty retained message by @YYYYWD in #175
- clean offset by @pingww in #176
- Refactoring will and retain by @pingww in #177
- refactor by @pingww in #178
New Contributors
- @scutcr7 made their first contribution in #127
- @wangzhiwei1314 made their first contribution in #138
- @YYYYWD made their first contribution in #131
- @JLLeitschuh made their first contribution in #169
- @Oliverwqcwrw made their first contribution in #164
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...rocketmq-mqtt-1.0.1
This is the first version. The subsequent bug fixes will be back ported to this version from the trunk in a timely manner.
What's Changed
- Repository Init by @pingww in #2
- Create NOTICE by @tianliuliu in #3
- [ISSUE #4] Add license label in README file. by @tianliuliu in #5
- [ISSUE #6] Some code can be Optimize by @tianliuliu in #7
- [ISSUE #10] remove duplicate caffeine dependency in pom.xml by @ChangingFond in #11
- [ISSUE #8] fix rocketmq-mqtt check style error and .travis.yaml file is not exist by @tianliuliu in #9
- [ISSUE #14] delete the unused .travis.yaml file and fix the mqtt queue multi level topic with special characters by @tianliuliu in #12
- [ISSUE #20]add img and label for codeCov and build status in readme by @tianliuliu in #21
- [ISSUE #26]add the refer to LMQ wiki and example by @tianliuliu in #27
- [ISSUE #17] check upstreamHookResult before enter message handler main logic by @ChangingFond in #18
- [ISSUE #23]add unit test to increase codeCov by @tianliuliu in #28
- [ISSUE #31] Refactor some code and fix some bugs by @tianliuliu in #32
- [ISSUE #19] fix '#' check in topicFilter by @ferrirW in #25
- [ISSUE #29] Remove redundant code in by @fujian-zfj in #30
- [ISSUE #33] some thread safety problems by @tianliuliu in #34
- [ISSUE #36] Some interface have no comment by @tianliuliu in #37
- [ISSUE #42] optimize func of Trie more readable and increase its codeCov to 100% by @YxAc in #43
- Increase test case and improve code coverage by @shendongsd in #41
- [ISSUE #38][part 1] just add prometheus frame support by @tianliuliu in #39
- [ISSUE #22] make codeCov of more than 80% by @YxAc in #45
- [ISSUE #46] support prometheus collect lmq write read rt metrics by @tianliuliu in #47
- [ISSUE #53] fix ChannelInfo npe when clear method is called by @tianliuliu in #54
- add follow rocketmq logo by @tianliuliu in #60
- [ISSUE #56] add exportJvmInfo to judge prometheus whether export jvm info or not by @tianliuliu in #57
- add channel decode exception ,replace JSONObject.toJSONString(obj).ge… by @aliensb in #59
- [ISSUE #22] add config and hook test for mqtt-cs by @YxAc in #62
- [ISSUE #22] optimize code and codeCov enhancing of protocol.mqtt.handler by @YxAc in #63
- [ISSUE #22] codeCov of protocol.mqtt and protocol.rpc by @YxAc in #67
- [ISSUE #71] Rename WebsocketEncoder to WebSocketEncoder and add test by @YxAc in #72
- [ISSUE #73] Separating all aggregated imports by @YxAc in #74
- [ISSUE #75]the unit test error in main by @tianliuliu in #76
- [ISSUE #24] recalculate timeout check by @pingww in #66
- Fix the bug of Get Start in Readme by @DongyuanPan in #78
- Define a subscription storage interface by @pingww in #79
- improving codeCov for #22 by @YxAc in #82
- Codecov #80 by @pingww in #87
- [ISSUE #22] codeCov for mqtt.cs.session by @YxAc in #90
- [ISSUE #22] Improving codeCov for mqtt.common by @YxAc in #89
- [ISSUE #97] fix wrong judg of toLmqMessage and add ut by @YxAc in #98
- Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1 by @dependabot in #86
- Bump logback-core from 1.1.5 to 1.2.9 by @dependabot in #84
- [ISSUE #22] improving codeCov of mqtt.ds by @YxAc in #96
- getBean return null when meets beans exception by @ChangingFond in #102
- Bump logback-classic from 1.1.5 to 1.2.9 by @ChangingFond in #100
- Add prehandler and fix some bugs by @pingww in #105
- [ISSUE #106] fix fastjson update version to 1.2.83 by @tianliuliu in #107
- Add meta module by @DongyuanPan in #110
- Support tls tcp server by @ChangingFond in #115
- use openssl provider instead of jdk provider to improve performance by @ChangingFond in #123
- removed meta kv which will be possible to implement directly using a … by @pingww in #139
- fix #88 by @pingww in #140
- distributioin by @pingww in #145
New Contributors
- @pingww made their first contribution in #2
- @tianliuliu made their first contribution in #3
- @ChangingFond made their first contribution in #11
- @ferrirW made their first contribution in #25
- @fujian-zfj made their first contribution in #30
- @YxAc made their first contribution in #43
- @shendongsd made their first contribution in #41
- @aliensb made their first contribution in #59
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #86
Full Changelog: