Releases: spring-petclinic/spring-petclinic-microservices
New GenAI service on Spring Cloud 2024.0
What's Changed
- Bump to Spring Cloud 2024 and Spring Boot 3.4.1 by @arey in #302
- Generative AI support for Spring Petclinic Microservices by @odedia in #281
- Get rid of Lombok #251 by @arey in #300
- Add shell scripts and doc to build and push Docker images to amd64 and arm64 architectures by @arey in #252
- Introducing record class to only customer-service to start with by @shobhakamath in #253
- Fix docker build on BTRFS by @9SMTM6 in #255
- Bump to Spring Cloud 2023.0.1 and Spring Boot 3.2.4 by @arey in #258
- Bump to Chaos Monkey 3.1.0 by @arey in #264
- Bump org.webjars:bootstrap from 3.3.7-1 to 3.4.0 in /spring-petclinic-api-gateway by @dependabot in #269
- Add Dev Container configuration by @arey in #271
- Bump to Spring Cloud 2023.0.3 and Spring Boot 3.2.7 by @arey in #272
- Bootstrap 5 with SCSS migration by @arey in #273
- Upgrade to Maven 3.9.8 and Maven Wrapper to 3.3.2 by @arey in #274
- Add Microservices Overview to readme by @bryanwong69420 in #276
- Add user friendly error when Java < 17 is used (Issue #280) by @AnkushThakur27 in #286
- Add "Open with Codeanywhere" badge to by @nkkko in #292
- Externalise the genai-service configuration by @arey in #301
New Contributors
- @9SMTM6 made their first contribution in #255
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #269
- @bryanwong69420 made their first contribution in #276
- @AnkushThakur27 made their first contribution in #286
- @odedia made their first contribution in #281
- @nkkko made their first contribution in #292
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.4.1
Spring Boot 3.2.0 and Spring Cloud 2023.0.0
What's Changed
- Add database observability by @MarianConstantinMarica in #244
- Lombok issue fix with Java 21 by @shobhakamath in #245
- Support for Docker and Podman build on mac silicon (ARM) by @zubcevic in #242
- Docker build with the --load option by @arey in #246
- Remove dockerize in favor of docker-compose features by @arey in #247
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud 2023.0.0 by @shobhakamath in #249
- Rename master branch to main #167 by @arey in #250
New Contributors
- @shobhakamath made their first contribution in #245
- @zubcevic made their first contribution in #242
Full Changelog: v3.0.9...v3.2.0
Spring Boot 3.0.9 and Spring Cloud 2022.0.4
Version based upon Spring Boot 3.0.9 and Spring Cloud 2022.0.4
Enable Micrometer Tracing
What's Changed
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud 2022.2, Spring Boot 3 and Java 17 #217 by @arey in #221
- Bump to Spring Cloud 2022.0.1 by @arey in #222
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.1.0 and Spring Cloud 2022.0.3 by @arey in #229
- Downgrade to Spring Cloud 2022.0.2 by @arey in #233
- Repair Zipkin Micrometer Tracing by @MarianConstantinMarica in #225
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud 2022.0.4 and Spring Boot 3.0.9 #234 by @arey in #239
Full Changelog: v2.6.7...v3.0.9
Spring Boot 2.6.7 and Spring Cloud Jubilee
Version based upon Spring Boot 2.6.7 and Spring Cloud 2021.0.2 aka Jubilee
What's Changed
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud 2020.0.1 (aka Ilford) and Spring Boot 2.4.2 #168 by @arey in #173
- Added chaos monkey setup by @marcingrzejszczak in #177
- Bump Spring Cloud version to 2020.0.2 and Spring Boot version to 2.4.5 by @jonatan-ivanov in #178
- Bump up version to 2.4.5 by @jonatan-ivanov in #179
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud 2020.0.2 and Spring Boot 2.5.1 by @arey in #181
- Migrate from Travis CI to GitHub actions by @arey in #187
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud 2021.0.0 and Spring Boot 2.6.1 by @arey in #191
- Remove Spring Cloud starter bootstrap by @arey in #193
- Return to owner details by @arey in #195
- Refactoring & clean up by @ramazansakin in #201
- Spring Cloud 2021.0.1 by @arey in #202
- Bump to Spring Cloud 2021.0.2 and Spring Boot 2.6.7 by @arey in #204
New Contributors
- @marcingrzejszczak made their first contribution in #177
- @jonatan-ivanov made their first contribution in #178
- @ramazansakin made their first contribution in #201
Full Changelog: v2.3.6...v2.6.7
Spring Boot 2.3.6 and Spring Cloud Hoxton SR9
Version based upon Spring Boot 2.3.6 and Spring Cloud Hoxton SR9
This version uses the Spring Boot layered jars mechanism to optimize Docker images.
What's Changed
- Upgrade to spring boot 2.3.1 by @arey in #154
- Add a welcome page to the Spring Cloud Config Server #153 by @arey in #156
- Use Spring Boot layered jars to optimize Docker images by @arey in #155
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3.2 to address Reactor Netty socket leak by @philweber in #158
- exclude junit-vintage-engine pom.xml by @akashsolanki in #162
- fix access modifier bug on VisitResource class. by @mahdieha in #165
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR9 and Spring Boot 2.3.6 by @arey in #169
New Contributors
- @philweber made their first contribution in #158
- @akashsolanki made their first contribution in #162
- @mahdieha made their first contribution in #165
Full Changelog: v2.2.8...v2.3.6
Spring Boot 2.2.8 and Spring Cloud Hoxton SR5
Version based upon Spring Boot 2.2.8 and Spring Cloud Hoxton SR5
Release note:
- Ribbon replaced by Spring Cloud Reactive LoadBalancer and Webflux WebClient
- Hystrix replaced by Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker and Resilience4j
- Hystrix Dashboard removed
- Do not download dockerize, use docker caches
What's Changed
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Hoxton #139 by @arey in #140
- Replace Hystrix by Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker and Resilience4j #117 by @arey in #141
- Readme: Add space after option by @garrying in #142
- Fixed README link to (local) Prometheus UI by @andeemarks in #143
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Hoxton.RELEASE and Spring Boot 2.2.1.RELEASE by @arey in #147
- Update Dockerfile and fix layers caching by @LukasForst in #148
- Upgrade to Hoxton SR5 by @arey in #152
New Contributors
- @garrying made their first contribution in #142
- @andeemarks made their first contribution in #143
- @LukasForst made their first contribution in #148
Full Changelog: v2.1.4...v2.2.8
Spring Boot 2.1.4 and Spring Cloud Greenwich SR1
Version based upon Spring Boot 2.1.4 and Spring Cloud Greenwich SR1
Release note:
- Migrate from Netflix Zuul to Spring Cloud Gateway
- Introducing Micrometer/Prometheus metric collection
- Add Grafana container with a custom metrics dashboard
- Add Hystrix dashboard
What's Changed
- Introducing micrometer/prometheus metric collection by @kevtainer in #105
- Improve Micrometer and Grafana integration by @arey in #122
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Greenwhich and Spring Boot 2.1 #118 by @arey in #119
- Upgrade Maven wrapper to 3.5.4 by @arey in #124
- Removed expired jvm flag -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap from trace service by @damc-dev in #128
- Java 11 version by @arey in #130
- Java 8 on develop by @arey in #131
- Rollback to Java 8 for the develop branch by @arey in #132
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR1 and Spring Boot 2.1.4 by @arey in #133
- Migrate from Netflix Zuul to Spring Cloud Gateway #117 by @arey in #125
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0.6...v2.1.4
Spring Boot 2.0.6 and Spring Cloud Finchley SR2
Version based upon Spring Boot 2.0.6 and Spring Cloud Finchley SR2
Release note:
- Add Hystrix Dashboard
- Implement circuit breaker with Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix
- Use dockerize instead of
- Replace custom Zipkin server with openzipkin
- Dockerfile updated to Alpine
What's Changed
- Update dockerfile by @donydex in #85
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Finchley SR1 by @arey in #86
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0.4 by @arey in #88
- #14 Do not fail maven build of the .git directory is missing by @arey in #92
- #65 Add some MySQL documentation by @arey in #87
- Added Maven wrapper by @mszarlinski in #94
- Fetching visits of many pets at once by @mszarlinski in #95
- #89 Removal of the spring-petclinic-monitoring module by @arey in #96
- Upgrade to JUnit 5.3.1 by @mszarlinski in #97
- Upgrade to Spring Boot Admin 2.0.3 by @arey in #98
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0.5 by @arey in #101
- Remove default generated file by @arey in #100
- Replace @configuration and @EnableAutoConfiguration by @SpringBootApp… by @arey in #99
- Fixes #108 | Replace custom Zipkin server with openzipkin by @mszarlinski in #109
- Update to alpine and dockerize by @Xaseron in #107
- Readme improvments by @arey in #106
- Implement circuit breaker with Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix by @arey in #114
- Add Hystrix Dashboard by @arey in #115
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Finchley SR2 ans Spring Boot 2.0.6 by @arey in #112
- Add a section about other Spring Petclinic forks by @arey in #113
- Remove configuration hosted by the Config Server by @arey in #111
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.0.6
Version based on Spring Cloud Edgware.SR1 and Spring Boot 1.5.9
What's Changed
- closes #3 Enable remote Git config repository by default by @mszarlinski in #4
- fixes #5 Removed duplicate readme by @mszarlinski in #6
- Add node/ subdirectory where frontend-maven-plugin installs node JS by @arey in #8
- Fix owners URL: api/client/owners/ instead of api/client/ownera/ by @arey in #9
- closes #7 Client modules naming by @mszarlinski in #11
- Updated README - listed Spring Cloud components by @mszarlinski in #13
- Fix #15 Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth by @arey in #20
- #21 Add Zipkin optional module by @arey in #23
- Maven improvements by @arey in #24
- closes #10 Display pets' visits on owner details screen by @mszarlinski in #19
- closes #16 Modernize Spring apps structure by @mszarlinski in #25
- closes #22 Making switching easier between github and local repository by @mszarlinski in #26
- Remove deprecated Eclipse doc and convert HTML table to Makdown by @arey in #29
- Restore JMX monitoring by @arey in #30
- Fix #31 Services cannot contact with Zipkin server by @arey in #32
- closes #2 Starting services with docker-compose by @mszarlinski in #28
- Convert from NPM build to wro4j and webjars by @dsyer in #33
- Add some more integration tests by @dsyer in #34
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Camden.SR4 by @arey in #39
- #27 Add Spring Boot Admin server by @arey in #36
- #42 Add LICENSE by @mszarlinski in #43
- Fix #40 Remove error logs from ApiGatewayApplicationTests by @arey in #45
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Camden.SR5 and Spring Boot 1.5 by @arey in #44
- Zipkin server is unavailable when running services with Docker by @mszarlinski in #47
- Upgrade out-dated dependencies by @mszarlinski in #48
- Upgrade out-dated dependencies by @mszarlinski in #50
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Camden.SR6 by @arey in #52
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Dalston by @arey in #55
- Upgrade outdated dependencies (Spring Boot 1.5.3, AngularJS 1.6.4) by @mszarlinski in #56
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Dalston.SR1, Sleuth 1.2.1 and Spring Boot Adm… by @arey in #59
- Upgrade to Spring Cloud Edgware.SR1 by @mszarlinski in #68
- Fixed SpringBootAdminApplication startup error by @jpaszek in #69
- Centralized Docker configuration (#38) by @jpaszek in #70
- Reduce memory consumption of Docker images #76 by @mrumpf in #77
New Contributors
- @dsyer made their first contribution in #33
- @jpaszek made their first contribution in #69
- @mrumpf made their first contribution in #77
Full Changelog: