Releases: snipe/snipe-it
This version of Snipe-IT REQUIRES PHP 8.2.0 or greater.
Happy Wednesday! One more tiny point release that addresses issues some folks might have run into on creating a new user via the "New" modal windows, some auditing errors if you don't have a notification webhook set, and some weird redirects with the new report templates on Snipe-IT installations that live in a subdirectory.
If you're having problem using the upgrade.php
script with an error like Method Illuminate\Routing\Route:: breadcrumbs does not exist
, please run git pull; composer install --no-dev; php upgrade.php
, which will pull the latest code, install dependencies, and then run the upgrade script (which handles migrations, clearing caches, etc.)
Please make sure you have changed your BS_TABLE_STORAGE
value to localStorage
in your .env
and clear your cookies after upgrading. See the pinned issue #16136 for additional information.
What's Changed
- Adds audit notification for MS Teams by @Godmartinz in #16414
- Changed
colors in default theme to be more accessible by @Godmartinz in #16413 - Fixed custom report template route for installations in subdirectories by @marcusmoore in #16420
- Fixed user create modal - check if
is set by @snipe in #16427
Full Changelog: v8.0.3...v8.0.4
This version of Snipe-IT REQUIRES PHP 8.2.0 or greater.
Howdy folks! This is a small point release that handles a few small bugs that have surfaced over the past week.
If you're having problem using the upgrade.php
script with an error like Method Illuminate \Routing \Route:: breadcrumbs does not exist
, please run git pull; composer install --no-dev; php upgrade.php
, which will pull the latest code, install dependencies, and then run the upgrade script (which handles migrations, clearing caches, etc.)
Please make sure you have changed your BS_TABLE_STORAGE
value to localStorage
in your .env
and clear your cookies after upgrading. See the pinned issue #16136 for additional information.
What's Changed
- Added "Reminder" to subject line of follow up asset checkout emails by @marcusmoore in #16156
- Fixed #16371 - incorrect count and missing name in acceptance reminder email by @snipe in #16375
- Add some safety around the charset-detection and transliteration in backup restore by @uberbrady in #16376
- Wrap long text in PDF export in tables by @snipe in #16378
- Added ldap invert active flag by @azmcnutt in #16379
- Avoid using authenticated user's email address in email partial by @marcusmoore in #16398
- Adds Translation strings to General and Branding Settings by @Godmartinz in #16150
- Fixed duplicate entries preventing LDAP sync from continuing by @Fiala06 in #15911
- Refactored audit notification to mail, added test, added alerts check to scheduler by @Godmartinz in #16251
- Fixed #16402 - localize "each" string in components tab on asset view by @snipe in #16403
- Fixed #16386 - some fields not populating with user data on edit by @snipe in #16409
- Fixed #16407 - weird layout on components for non super user by @snipe in #16410
- Fixed regression from #16150 where branding page could not be saved by @snipe in #16412
- Nicer model name formatting on RMB model not found by @snipe in #16415
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v8.0.2...v8.0.3
This version of Snipe-IT REQUIRES PHP 8.2.0 or greater.
Howdy all! Just a small point release today to handle some tiny issues we've seen since the 8.0.0 release. We've also improved the look of the upgrader script to give you color support to make things a little clearer if something went wrong with your upgrade.
We've also changed the behavior of what happens when you edit an asset to a pending status. Previously, editing an asset to a non-deployable asset status would automatically check it in. Now, both deployable and pending status types will stay checked in (if they are checked out) and only archived and undeployable will automatically checkin assets. This is to account for use-cases like when an asset it out for repair should still technically be assigned to the user in question, as it will be returned once it comes back from repair.
Please make sure you have changed your BS_TABLE_STORAGE
value to localStorage
in your .env
and clear your cookies after upgrading. See the pinned issue #16136 for additional information.
What's Changed
- Fixed #16173:
was not included in the ldap query attributes by @joakimbergros in #16337 - Fixed #16331 - Don't make passport:install command require user input by @uberbrady in #16341
- Fixed renaming custom fields by @marcusmoore in #16345
- Nicer
UI by @snipe in #16342 - Added
for stricter asset model API search by @snipe in #16356 - Added
to additional passport commands by @snipe in #16363 - Add safety around bulk status update by @spencerrlongg in #16360
- Fixed acceptance reminder command lag on users with no associated email by @Godmartinz in #16361
- Allow pending as an asset status type that does not automatically check the asset in by @snipe in #16354
New Contributors
- @joakimbergros made their first contribution in #16337
Full Changelog: v8.0.1...v8.0.2
This version of Snipe-IT REQUIRES PHP 8.2.0 or greater.
This small update should resolve issues folks had with the upgrader failing on backup due to composer install
not having run yet, and a few 500 errors that were occurring due to some changes we made with the way Laravel handles route-model binding.
If you're just getting around to upgrading from the v7.x line, the full v8 release notes are a little more exciting. :) We have a blog post up with a little more context for the v8 changes here.
What's Changed
- Fixed 500 on edit locations page by referencing current location by @jostrander in #16320
- Removed references to mcrypt by @snipe in #16062
- Fixed edit routes in tests by @marcusmoore in #16322
- Changed parameter name for route-model binding by @spencerrlongg in #16321
- Remove remaining hardware references in favor of new RMB by @spencerrlongg in #16325
- Added label test by @snipe in #16335
- Fixed #16334 - Changed composer order in upgrade script by @snipe in #16336
If you run into an issue with blank tables on some screens, please see the pinned issue #16136 for the fix
New Contributors
- @jostrander made their first contribution in #16320
7.1.16 Changelog: v7.1.16...v8.0.1
This Changelog: v8.0.0...v8.0.1
This version of Snipe-IT REQUIRES PHP 8.2.0 or greater.
Happy Monday (again!) We're thrilled to release v8 of Snipe-IT!
We released the final version in the v7 line earlier today (7.1.17) so that folks who for some reason can't upgrade PHP to 8.2+ would still have a final release to use, but of course, we encourage everyone to bring their PHP versions into LTS compliance. If you skipped that upgrade (understandably, since it was just released today), you can see the other changelog here: v7.1.16...v8.0.0
If you run into an issue with blank tables on some screens, please see the pinned issue #16136 for the fix
Here's the highlight reel:
- Custom fields on checkin/checkout! (Documentation updates coming shortly)
- Breadcrumbs for better UX
- Better tooltips to explain icons on very tab-dense screens
- You can now add arbitrary notes to assets
- Added Oromo (Ethiopian) as a language
- Saved custom report templates
This brings our version of Laravel (the framework we use) and the PHP dependencies into LTS (Laravel 11 is in LTS for another year and PHP 8.2's security support is for another two years.) We'll be yanking Snipe-IT into v12 of Laravel soon, but the system requirements won't change, so you won't have to worry about that as long as you're on PHP 8.2 or better.
We're also really pretty excited about the UX improvements - we hope they make your life easier.
Big thanks to asnyder from the MacAdmins slack for some early testing work, and as always, huge thanks @swift2512 for their relentless pursuit of a better UX. ❤️
What's Changed
- Added better error handling around rendering barcodes by @marcusmoore in #16278
- Added breadcrumbs, route model binding for resource routes by @snipe in #16272
- Removed php 8.1, added 8.4 by @snipe in #16290
- Added ability to send user inventory via bulk UI by @snipe in #16292
- Don’t delete avatar file on soft-delete by @snipe in #16294
- Updated default Dockerfile to handle newer PHP versions by @uberbrady in #16293
- Re-added ability to add notes to assets by @marcusmoore in #16285
- Fixes deletion of assigned assets through bulk delete by @Godmartinz in #16277
- Fixed #16282 - adds accessories tab to assets by @snipe in #16295
- Fixes: [sc-28423] Better tooltips on lists, Bootstrap style by @uberbrady in #16287
- Added select/unselect tooltip to presenters, added translation by @snipe in #16296
- Fixed #6188 - Added custom fields to checkin/checkout screens by @snipe in #16297
- Add tooltips to custom fields display, especially for icons by @uberbrady in #16298
- Added checkin/checkout indicators on custom field table by @snipe in #16299
- Added tooltip for currency in table by @snipe in #16303
- Fixed #16262 - Check for quantity before allowing component deletion by @snipe in #16305
- Small cleanups before release by @snipe in #16312
- Updated language strings, added Oromo by @snipe in #16313
- Fixed asset show page erroring when asset not associated with model by @marcusmoore in #16106
- V8 final merge (!!!!) by @uberbrady in #16316
Full Changelog from 7.1.16: v7.1.16...v8.0.0
Full Changelog: v7.1.17...v8.0.0
The next version of Snipe-IT will requires PHP 8.2.0 or greater. Please update as soon as possible to avoid delays updating Snipe-IT moving forward!
Happy Monday! This is the final Snipe-IT release in the v7.x line. Snipe-IT v8 will be out very soon, so please make sure you've updated your PHP version to 8.2 or greater to prepare for the upcoming release!
This release handles a few small issues related to QR codes and adds notes to locations, companies, categories, manufacturers and permission groups. It also fixes an issue where the the number of assets on some tabs was mismatched if the "show archived in lists" box was unchecked, and should fix a misformatted API response that could have impacted Jamf2Snipe and Kandji2Snipe. (That was fixed a few weeks ago, but was not in a tagged release.)
If this changelog looks a little small, bear in mind that we've been busting our butts on the develop
branch to get Snipe-IT v8 ready. That's set to release later today, and will have a few more goodies for everyone.
What's Changed
- Fixed potential attempt to divide by zero in transformer by @marcusmoore in #16116
- Prevent undefined array key in asset observer by @marcusmoore in #16118
- Added Nullsafe by @spencerrlongg in #16148
- Removed default ternary check in Label view by @Godmartinz in #16166
- Added a warning for webhook
. by @Godmartinz in #16175 - Added ternary check that asset has
asset status
before checking archived by @Godmartinz in #16168 - Added qr code type check in getQRCode method by @Godmartinz in #16167
- Upgraded papaparse to 5.5.1 by @snipe in #16207
- Fixed #16208 - don't call preg_split() with a null by @uberbrady in #16209
- Added ternaries on check in/out hardware notifications by @Godmartinz in #16212
- Fixed #16184 - added notes to locations, companies, categories, manufacturers and groups by @snipe in #16226
- Expiration notifcation switched to use Mailable by @Godmartinz in #16232
- Return flat JSON instead of transformed data by @snipe in #16249
- Instead of saving TLS cache-files on save, cache them when used by @uberbrady in #16250
- Fixed QR code on old label engine by @snipe in #16260
- Added
as an option for usernames by @akemidx in #16199 - Fixed #16259 - mismatch in asset count if archived assets are hidden by @snipe in #16268
- Scope API results by location ID by @snipe in #16269
- Updated LDAP sync text by @snipe in #16270
- Added translations to LDAP and Label settings pages by @Godmartinz in #16188
- Added a null check to label templates, adds return types for validation methods by @Godmartinz in #16040
Full Changelog: v7.1.16...v7.1.17
Future major versions of Snipe-IT will requires PHP 8.2.0 or greater. Please update as soon as possible to avoid delays updating Snipe-IT moving forward!
Happy Wednesday, Grokstars! This release adds several small quality of life improvements on both mobile and desktop view, as well as some refactoring to make sure we have tests and a smoother transition as we begin focusing on Snipe-IT v8.
We've also added saved custom report templates, so if you find yourself running different custom asset reports frequently, you can now save them instead of adding filter criteria each time.
If you end up seeing some blank table lists, do the following:
- Clear your cookies
- In your .env changing
. - Clear your config cache (if you use it):
php artisan config:clear
We're encouraging everyone to switch to localStorage
for that value, as folks with a lot of custom fields, etc can end up stuffing the browser cookie full and getting errors, whereas localStorage
can hold a lot more info. (The BS_TABLE_STORAGE
env var determines whether it's cookies or local storage that holds your sorting, pagination, search, etc preferences within the table.)
As mentioned above, future major releases of Snipe-IT will require PHP version 8.2.0 or greater, so get those servers upgraded!
What's Changed
- Fixed Users API
from clearinglocation_id
unnecessarily by @Godmartinz in #15889 - Use transformer for model files by @snipe in #16101
- Mobile view fix by @Godmartinz in #15890
- Hardened asset checkout validation by requiring integer by @marcusmoore in #15892
- Fixed #15901 - re-added required indicator on text and select custom fields by @snipe in #15904
- Revert "Hardened asset checkout validation by requiring integer" by @marcusmoore in #15908
- Included
in phpunit configuration by @marcusmoore in #15910 - Fixed general webhook option notifications not firing by @Godmartinz in #15909
- Added
to mail envelope by @Godmartinz in #15918 - Added: Added Category to User Inventory Emails by @akemidx in #15920
- Fixed:
command, adds Mail class, adds acceptance reminder tests by @Godmartinz in #15925 - Fixed Vague Error Messages In Setting Asset Model Default Values by @spencerrlongg in #15565
- Only update asset locations to assets checked out to users. [Fixes: fd-45583 and fd-45702] by @uberbrady in #15939
- Fixed Unaccepted Assets Reports Resend acceptance reminder email function by @Godmartinz in #15914
- Added null safe operator to accepter reminder command by @Godmartinz in #15954
- Fixes
's quadratic complexity bugs may lead to a DoS by @joelpittet in #15955 - Set appropriate category for licenses when seeding by @marcusmoore in #15956
- Reversed order of the acceptance and note parameters in Mail listener by @Godmartinz in #15957
- Fixed frontend validation messages on create asset page by @marcusmoore in #15944
- Fixes to backup-restore 'clean' mode to better handle character sets and zero-values [Fixes: fd-45757, fd-44714, fd-44737, fd-44692] by @uberbrady in #15960
- Check for assigned (not
) before trying topresent()
the name of the assignee on bulk delete by @snipe in #15962 - Updated font awesome by @snipe in #15972
- Refactored Barcode Settings into Label Settings by @Godmartinz in #15446
- Next try accessories to locations rebased by @uberbrady in #15973
- Added
to Password Reset Username Rules by @spencerrlongg in #15987 - Renamed variables to match columns for label settings by @Godmartinz in #15986
- Added a few order options on audit report by @snipe in #15991
- Updated Checkout Button Permission for Predefined Kits by @spencerrlongg in #15982
- Added simple front end render tests by @marcusmoore in #15976
- Added tests around license checkin by @marcusmoore in #15975
- Added Consumable UI tests by @marcusmoore in #15965
- Added Accessory UI tests by @marcusmoore in #15964
- Hardened asset checkout validation by @marcusmoore in #15912
- Saved Custom Report Templates by @marcusmoore in #15714
- Fixed reset demo command by @marcusmoore in #15992
- Added check for valid asset before accessing properties by @snipe in #16003
- Fixed
security CVEs by @joelpittet in #16013 - Fixed #15977 - Set order by on companies by @snipe in #16024
- Removed the
div from several index blades by @Godmartinz in #15919 - Fixed migration causing issues with mariadb by @marcusmoore in #16028
- Pull
settings into config by @snipe in #16031 - Fixes the mail locale check by @Godmartinz in #16034
- Fixed acceptance reminder email formatting by @marcusmoore in #16035
- Fixed default values for label types in the DB by @Godmartinz in #16033
- Check for blank OR null on asset tag/serial formatter by @snipe in #16047
- Fixes : Following docs on running the project in production mode with docker defaulting to v6.1.4 by @AnouarTouati in #16009
- Update related asset when checkout acceptance created via factory by @marcusmoore in #16051
- Adds try/catch around notification failing with an inactive webhook for better user experience by @Godmartinz in #16050
- Added: Brother TZe 24mm D label by @aHVzY2g in #16018
- Fixed #16054: fix incorrect compose service name in the APP_KEY generation command of the Docker env file by @brlin-tw in #16053
- Added #15107: Customizable 2D Barcode Content for Asset Labels by @NebelKreis in #15747
- Moved keywords in language file by @snipe in #16061
- Conditionally update assets when user's location moves via LDAP by @uberbrady in #16046
- Fixed Asset Count on Users Index Page Counting Soft Deleted Items by @akemidx in #15981
- Docker Improvement: Change the logging channel to storage/logs/laravel.log file by @AnouarTouati in #16011
- Fixed debug mode disabled and composer dev dependencies not installed in docker dev container by @AnouarTouati in #16010
- Fixed unaccepted assets report memory exhaustion bug, Optimized query by @Godmartinz in #16036
- Fixed
field being ignored during set up by @marcusmoore in #16081 - Fixes #15017 - card view for mobile by @snipe in #16089
- Better hide reset password functionality for LDAP users by @snipe in #16091
- Automatically detect character encoding of CSV import files by @uberbrady in #16096
- Fixed #16000 - add S3 support for eula PDF downloads by @snipe in #16090
- Fixed #16097 - added location ID to location importer by @snipe in #16099
- Added
as relation search by @snipe in #16102 - Added fragment to uploads for redirect by @snipe in #16105
- Migrate
helper by @marcusmoore in #16108 - Updated language files by @snipe in #16115
- Replace calls to
by @marcusmoore in #16107
New Contributors
- @AnouarTouati made their first contribution in #16009
- @aHVzY2g made their first contribution in #16018
- @brlin-tw made their first contribution in #16053
Full Changelog:
Happy Monday, everyone! This is a bugfix release, mostly for folks running docker who only can deploy via tagged releases. We also fixed an issue with asset models not displaying on the listing page in some circumstances, fixed a few issues related to the recent MS Teams webhook deprecations, and handled an issue where uploaded asset files could not be deleted properly, plus a few visual tweaks for the signature pad.
What's Changed
- Specify the table name in select for models controller by @snipe in #15811
- Fixing #15064 - to not fail ldap sync on single data issue with ldap … by @maciej-poleszczyk in #15558
- replace the
channel for MS Teams (deprecated) by @Godmartinz in #15816 - Corrected route name for delete action on
on assets by @snipe in #15819 - Removes asset tag if 2D code is not present by @Godmartinz in #15817
- Fixed #15820 - added model number to view-assets by @snipe in #15822
- Fixed admin user not showing in download "all activity" report by @snipe in #15828
- Fixed a few
issues by @marcusmoore in #15840 - Update - small typo by @viclou in #15843
- Fixed Bulk Delete page not showing full information by @akemidx in #15757
- Fixed variable name to correctly log
and date for bulk user delete/checkin by @snipe in #15845 - Indicate requiredness on status select on bulk user checkin+delete by @snipe in #15848
- Added tests around deleting component via ui by @marcusmoore in #15852
- Added #15677: API Route for Generating Asset Labels by @NebelKreis in #15847
- Added #15803: Category Field to Asset Related Mails by @NebelKreis in #15854
- Improved speed of sqlite tests in GitHub Actions by @marcusmoore in #15860
- Added tests for component checkout api endpoint by @marcusmoore in #15864
- Adds a ternary for blank emails for mail notifications by @Godmartinz in #15859
- Replace env with config variable for from address by @Godmartinz in #15839
- Fixed bug in component checkins via api by @marcusmoore in #15851
- Resolves Validation for Encrypted Numeric and Alpha Custom Fields by @spencerrlongg in #15818
- Adding colon to password translation string by @akemidx in #15850
- Always call resizeCanvas by @marcusmoore in #15870
Join the Community!
- Join our Discord! It’s full of great people. We even wrote about it here!
- Follow us on Bluesky at
- Follow us on Mastodon at
- Follow our blog at Grokstar.Dev
- Subscribe here on Github for notifications about new releases. (We recommend selecting "Releases" only for most users - this repo can get noisy.)
New Contributors
- @maciej-poleszczyk made their first contribution in #15558
- @viclou made their first contribution in #15843
Full Changelog: v7.1.14...v7.1.15
v7.1.14 - Security Release
This is a security release. All Snipe-IT users are strongly encouraged to upgrade.
FYI, in our excitement to get this released, we mistakenly tagged this as 7.1.14 instead of 7.0.14 (yay, automation, amirite?) Unfortunately, deleting tags makes this more difficult for our docker users, so we're just running with it. Sorry for the confusion, but you didn't miss anything, it was just a simple typo. We'll update the version.php file so at least they both agree. There are no new server requirements or libraries required outside of the standard 7.x.x requirements to handle this upgrade.
We seem to be getting a lot of mileage from that gif these days. 🫠
This is a security release that handles several CVEs, including CVE-2024-52301, which was just patched in the Laravel core yesterday.
While hosted customers were NOT affected (we do not have register_argc_argv
enabled on any of our servers), self-hosted community users and support-only customers are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible, or at the very least make sure that setting is not enabled in your php.ini
In addition to the security patches, we have also added some new features, such as:
- Ability to import Asset Models (without accompanying assets) via the Importer
- Ability to override or null out the EOL date for assets via the asset bulk edit screen
- Optimized some queries and indexes to speed things up a bit
- Fixed a bug where OU was accidentally required to create locations via the GUI
- Miscellaneous UI improvements and fixes
- Full changelog can be found below
As always, still lots more on deck.
PS - we will likely be discontinuing posting updates on our Twitter account moving forward. Instead, find us in these other places:
- Join our Discord!
- Bluesky at
- Mastodon at
- Our blog at Grokstar.Dev
- Subscribe here on Github for notifications about new releases. (Click on "Watch" on the main repo page, then go to "Custom" and check the box that says "Releases".)
What's Changed
- Fixed numeric sort 'ambiguous order clause' error by @uberbrady in #15610
- Fixed print assigned in profile by @snipe in #15612
- Smarter word-wrapping on long text by @snipe in #15613
- Add Import data tests by @bryanlopezinc in #15579
- Removed duplicate JS and removed line break before user section by @snipe in #15624
- Docker Env: Change trusted proxies to RFC1918 by @sniff122 in #15621
- Added
to importer by @marcusmoore in #15603 - Improve importer tests by @marcusmoore in #15616
- Only show EULA when available on print users page by @marcusmoore in #15630
- Add importer tests by @marcusmoore in #15631
- Fix bulk checkout to users, assets, and locations by @uberbrady in #15642
- Fixed badge counter showing deleted assets on user detail page by @akemidx in #15637
- Fixed #15439 - check database on healthcheck by @snipe in #15601
- Updated livewire to 3.5.2 by @snipe in #15648
- Switched to form requests for settings to better indicate invalid data by @snipe in #15644
- Fixed #15651 - admin user now displaying on maintenances page by @snipe in #15653
- Added tests for accessory api controller by @marcusmoore in #15533
- Fixes #15654 Fix asset creation with API and FullMultipleCompanySupport by @Toreg87 in #15655
- Refactor asset creation with API by @Toreg87 in #15660
- Added LLM note by @snipe in #15666
- Fixed #15663 - remove requiredness for OU by @snipe in #15669
- Fixed
for sort in users API by @snipe in #15671 - Clean up how we use the
in LDAP sync command by @uberbrady in #15672 - Fix outdated comment in CompanyableTrait by @Toreg87 in #15683
- Bulk checkout to bulk actions for assets by @uberbrady in #15680
- Removed second icon in accessory file list by @marcusmoore in #15704
- Added test to ensure icon component does not end in newline by @marcusmoore in #15705
- Removed brianium/paratest by @marcusmoore in #15693
- Linked accessory files in activity report by @marcusmoore in #15703
- Fix user creation with FullMultipleCompanySupport enabled over API by @Toreg87 in #15676
- Fixed custom field existence validation Issue by @spencerrlongg in #15598
- Improve import performance by @bryanlopezinc in #15649
- Better handle inline files in file listing by @snipe in #15689
- Fixed Status Labels Error Message by @Godmartinz in #15566
- Fixed #15686: Corrected capitalization for dashboard section titles by removing
by @NebelKreis in #15687 - Updated
to return null in certain scenarios by @marcusmoore in #15691 - Fixes #15701 - load avif files properly in lightbox by @snipe in #15710
- Fixed custom field checkboxes on asset edit page by @marcusmoore in #15711
- Fixed #15717 - Added ability to checkout consumables in variable qty via API by @snipe in #15719
- Fixed #15695 - Added manufacturer and model_number to components by @snipe in #15720
- Fixed Component Factory: use manufacturer factory for
by @Godmartinz in #15722 - Upgraded
livewire v3.5.9 => v3.5.12
by @Godmartinz in #15712 - Fixed multi create partial failure (fixes: [RB-18591]) by @uberbrady in #15550
- Added the display of logs when tests fail in GitHub Actions by @marcusmoore in #15744
- Separated Notifications and Emails: Check ins and Check outs by @Godmartinz in #15681
- changes
validation to allow an array by @Godmartinz in #15756 - Fixed
deprecation warning in License model by @jerm in #15758 - Fixed MS Team Notifications to utilize workflows after deprecation by @Godmartinz in #15731
- Fixed emails not being sent if target has no email or if not instance of User. Cc_emails will still be sent. by @Godmartinz in #15763
- Added missing Livewire file by @marcusmoore in #15765
- Revert "Added the display of logs when tests fail in GitHub Actions" by @marcusmoore in #15771
- Fixed notifications for licenses and asset to asset checkoutables by @Godmartinz in #15773
- Fixed CVE-2024-50342, CVE-2024-50345, CVE-2024-51736 by @joelpittet in #15779
- Added Checkout ID column to user accessory table by @marcusmoore in #15774
- Add new indexes to locations and users for faster manager lookups by @uberbrady in #15780
- Added EOL date to bulk asset edit by @snipe in #15792
- Added ability to specify null for calculation or explicit on bulk asset edit by @snipe in #15793
- Check that the file exists before trying to download stored EULA by @snipe in #15794
- Fixes Assets location not being resynced when Users location is updated via LDAP by @Godmartinz in #14441
- Updated deprecated trigger for ms teams by @Godmartinz in #15799
- Updated Laravel, additional packages for CVE-2024-52301 by @snipe in #15804
- Fixed license serial gate in markdown by @Godmartinz in #15805
- Added ability to import asset models (separate from assets) by @snipe in #15802
- Fixed dark background to fieldsets and right border by @Godmartinz in https://gith...
Snipe-IT now requires PHP 8.1.2 or greater
Happy Wednesday, everyone! We're pleased to announce Snipe-IT v7.13 is out. The most notable fix in this release is for folks who suddenly couldn't create asset models with the same name but different model number. That was a temporary issue in validation and should be fixed now.
We've also added the long-requested ability to sort numerically on numeric custom fields. (Folks who are not using MySQL/MariaDB, please let us know if this breaks stuff for you, even though we don't officially support non-MySQL databases.)
We've also added a new bulk option for users, which is the ability to print all items associated with multiple selected users, if that's the sort of thing you're likely to do.
And finally, on most list views, you can now see (and sort by) which administrator created the item.
API Change
We've added a created_by
field to additional endpoints. This field replaces the previous user_id
API object, which was only being returned in a few places. The user_id
object will still be returned as normal, but you should plan on making that switch in your API integrations moving forward, as it will eventually be removed.
What's Changed
- Fixed a couple bugs in
component by @marcusmoore in #15486 - Warn user on changing status to
when editing by @snipe in #15492 - Fixed #15504 - allow nulling/not changing locale in user bulk edit by @snipe in #15510
- Fixed misalignment of consumables with smaller media by @Godmartinz in #15493
- Fixes margin for the sidebar menus while using rtl languages by @Godmartinz in #15471
- Fixed check for outside assets on user update validation by @snipe in #15516
- Improved multi-asset create when using numeric prefixes to asset_tags by @uberbrady in #15491
- Fixed selected-index of countries drop-down [fd-44144] by @uberbrady in #15521
- Added tests for delete methods in api by @marcusmoore in #15512
- Fixed mail notification field
status label
not updating by @Godmartinz in #15531 - Fixed #11634 - Sort by numeric columns for numeric custom fields by @snipe in #15518
- Added #15506: Explicitly request used LDAP attributes by @setpill in #15507
- Updated EOL date when used bulk update of purchase date by @Robert-Azelis in #14671
- Added date range for EOL in custom reports by @akemidx in #13291
- Catch Exceptions on Checkout Notification by @spencerrlongg in #15532
- Change
by @snipe in #15519 - Updated jspdf autotable by @snipe in #15537
- Fixed app settings view on mobile by @snipe in #15544
- Fixes #15548 - unify audit api endpoints by @snipe in #15549
- Fixed input field misalignments by @Godmartinz in #15552
- Fixed case on
for user file upload by @snipe in #15555 - Changed
in activity report by @snipe in #15561 - Fixed #13396 - do not allow checkout to undeployable status types by @snipe in #15547
- Added the ability to bulk print users by @marcusmoore in #15534
- Update for #15534 - Refined gates on user bulk by @snipe in #15563
- Refactoring modals with partials and fixing misalignments by @Godmartinz in #15498
- Fixes for requiredness indicator in UI by @snipe in #15573
- Fixed double webhook notifications // Separated email and webhook notifications. by @Godmartinz in #15524
- Removed sortablity for current value column in depreciations report by @Godmartinz in #15583
- Better debugging output for new Github Stale Action by @uberbrady in #15564
- Added maxlengths to additional fields by @snipe in #15588
- Adds checkin action log on asset delete via View UI by @snipe in #15589
- Catch Errors Around Request Notifications by @spencerrlongg in #15592
- Updated strings by @snipe in #15594
- Fixed divide by zero bug in depreciation transformer by @Godmartinz in #15593
Full Changelog: v7.0.12...v7.0.13