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Denny Lia edited this page Jan 13, 2025 · 3 revisions


  1. Some of the surface finish has peeled off of my Anycubic Ultrabase build plate, causing the first layer level to be irregular, resulting in irregular adhesion and surface blemishes in the finished printed item.

  2. PEI Spring Steel Surface is not as level as Anycubic Ultrabase Bed's surface, especially since it will be removed and flexed frequently and is mounted on a magnetized rubbery layer on top of the Ultrabase Bed.

  3. The BLTouch Probe X and Y offsets from the nozzle are hardcoded into the Kunt Wurst Marlin Firmware and doesn't agree with what is possible for the 4 MAX Pro 2.0 hot end.

  4. The Kunt Wurst Special Menu didn't work to calibrate the BLTouch Probe Z-Offset for me. After modifying the Probe Z-Offset calibration and performing the Automatic Mesh calibration, I found that moving the nozzle to +0.2mm (typical first layer level) resulted in the nozzle tightly pinning a piece of paper to the bed. This didn't giving much confidence that if I used these settings that my surface or nozzle wouldn't be damaged.

  5. All of the BLTouch guides that I saw recommended adjusting the nozzle Z height while printing to correct level. The 4MAX Pro 2.0 doesn't have a means of adjusting the nozzle Z height while printing that I know of.

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