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Denny Lia edited this page Jan 20, 2025 · 12 revisions

Adaptor: Several adaptor designs can be found online for the 4MAX, but none of them will work with the 4MAX Pro 2.0. There are several restrictions to consider.

  1. The printer can not be operated without the hot head cover in place. It is used to touch the limit switches.

  2. There isn't any room on the left, right or behind the hot head housing to mount the BLTouch. The only place there is enough room is in front of the hot head housing.

I designed an adaptor to mount on the top cover of the hot end. The height above the build plate of the joint between the top and bottom of the hot end is just the right distance to mount the BLTouch.


STL File - Adaptor on Thingiverse

With the BLTouch mounted on the center of the hot end cover the Probe X offset is approximately +10mm and Y offset is -54mm from the nozzle. The Probe's Trigger Z offset from the nozzle is approximately -2mm. When the probe is Stowed it is approzimately +5mm above the nozzle.

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