Releases: Azure/eno
Releases · Azure/eno
What's Changed
- Add fuzz-style test framework by @jveski in #297
- Fix aggregate simplified status panic issue by @chihshenghuang in #298
- update fetchPreviousSlices func by @chihshenghuang in #300
- Extract pod garbage collection into a separate controller by @jveski in #299
- Simplify resource slice controller by @jveski in #302
- Bump from 1.7.12 to 1.7.27 in /pkg/helmshim by @dependabot in #304
- Bump from 0.33.0 to 0.36.0 in /pkg/helmshim by @dependabot in #301
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1
What's Changed
- Remove bottleneck in reconciliation controller by @jveski in #289
- helmshim: call write() for default output writer only in RenderChart func by @chihshenghuang in #284
- More intuitive latency reporting for write buffer by @jveski in #290
- Merge reconstitution controller into the reconciliation controller by @jveski in #291
- Handle case where resource version doesn't change after update by @jveski in #292
- Handle case where synthesizer sees newer inputs than watch controller by @jveski in #294
Full Changelog: v0.0.48...v0.0.49
What's Changed
- Merge watchdog controller into scheduling controller by @jveski in #283
- Enqueue reconstituted resources when composition is deleted by @jveski in #286
- Use composition as deletion signal instead of resource slices by @jveski in #285
- Refactor the reconciliation controller to use controller-runtime's controller loop by @jveski in #287
- Simplify the resource cache by @jveski in #288
Full Changelog: v0.0.47...v0.0.48
What's Changed
- Improve the synthesis dispatcher implementation by @jveski in #276
- Add Code quality analysis to the repo. by @Tatsinnit in #278
- Bump from 0.26.0 to 0.33.0 in /examples/helm-shim by @dependabot in #279
- Update various dependencies by @jveski in #277
- Update controller-gen by @jveski in #280
- Synthesis priority bugfix by @jveski in #281
- Resource tree by @jveski in #282
New Contributors
- @Tatsinnit made their first contribution in #278
Full Changelog: v0.0.46...v0.0.47
What's Changed
- Allow specifying affinity overrides in synthesizer spec by @NickKeller in #271
- Write buffer overhaul by @jveski in #273
- Bump from 0.26.0 to 0.33.0 in /pkg/helmshim by @dependabot in #275
New Contributors
- @NickKeller made their first contribution in #271
Full Changelog: v0.0.45...v0.0.46
What's Changed
- Fix resource slice self healing unit test by @chihshenghuang in #256
- Bump from 0.24.0 to 0.31.0 in /pkg/helmshim by @dependabot in #257
- chore: fix README and dev/deploy.yaml by @tyler-lloyd in #261
- List synthesizer pod in pod namespace only by @chihshenghuang in #258
- Fix the deadlock between rollout and self healing controller by @chihshenghuang in #259
- Bump from 0.24.0 to 0.31.0 in /examples/helm-shim by @dependabot in #260
- Update x/net package by @jveski in #262
New Contributors
- @tyler-lloyd made their first contribution in #261
Full Changelog: v0.0.42...v0.0.43
What's Changed
- Recreate missing resource slice by @chihshenghuang in #255
Full Changelog: v0.0.41...v0.0.42