RingCentral Engage Digital API
API version: 1.0.1
Build date: 2023-03-13T22:37:55.741968+01:00[Europe/Paris]
REST API for RingCentral Engage Digital
For more information, please visit https://developers.ringcentral.com/engage/api-products
Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 1.8+
- Maven (3.8.3+)/Gradle (7.2+)
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn clean deploy
Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
repositories {
mavenCentral() // Needed if the 'ringcentral-engage-digital-client' jar has been published to maven central.
mavenLocal() // Needed if the 'ringcentral-engage-digital-client' jar has been published to the local maven repo.
dependencies {
implementation "io.github.b-qiao.pers.lab.rest:ringcentral-engage-digital-client:1.0-SNAPSHOT"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
To add a HTTP proxy for the API client, use ClientConfig
import org.glassfish.jersey.apache.connector.ApacheConnectorProvider;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientConfig;
import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientProperties;
import io.github.b_qiao.pers.lab.rest.ringcentral_engage_digital_client.handler.*;
import io.github.b_qiao.pers.lab.rest.ringcentral_engage_digital_client.api.AgentStatusApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
ClientConfig clientConfig = defaultClient.getClientConfig();
clientConfig.connectorProvider(new ApacheConnectorProvider());
clientConfig.property(ClientProperties.PROXY_URI, "http://proxy_url_here");
clientConfig.property(ClientProperties.PROXY_USERNAME, "proxy_username");
clientConfig.property(ClientProperties.PROXY_PASSWORD, "proxy_password");
AgentStatusApi apiInstance = new AgentStatusApi(defaultClient);
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import io.github.b_qiao.pers.lab.rest.ringcentral_engage_digital_client.handler.*;
import io.github.b_qiao.pers.lab.rest.ringcentral_engage_digital_client.handler.auth.*;
import io.github.b_qiao.pers.lab.rest.ringcentral_engage_digital_client.model.*;
import io.github.b_qiao.pers.lab.rest.ringcentral_engage_digital_client.api.AgentStatusApi;
public class AgentStatusApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
AgentStatusApi apiInstance = new AgentStatusApi(defaultClient);
String agentId = "agentId_example"; // String |
String status = "status_example"; // String | A hash of channel_id => availability (must contain all channels).
String customStatusId = "customStatusId_example"; // String | id of presence status (optional)
try {
AgentStatus result = apiInstance.changeAgentStatus(agentId, status, customStatusId);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling AgentStatusApi#changeAgentStatus");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
All URIs are relative to https://domain-name.api.engagement.dimelo.com/1.0
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AgentStatusApi | changeAgentStatus | PUT /status/{agentId} | Changing an agent's status |
AgentStatusApi | getAgentStatus | GET /status/{agentId} | Get a connected agent status |
AgentStatusApi | getAllAgentStatus | GET /status | Get all connected agents status |
AttachmentsApi | createAttachment | POST /attachments | Creating an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | getAllAttachments | GET /attachments | Getting all attachments |
AttachmentsApi | getAttachment | GET /attachments/{attachmentId} | Getting an attachment from its id |
BotsApi | botComplete | POST /bots/complete | Bot complete |
BotsApi | botEngage | POST /bots/engage | Bot engage |
BotsApi | handoverFromBotToAgent | POST /bots/handover | Bot handover |
CategoriesApi | createCategory | POST /categories | Creating a category |
CategoriesApi | deleteCategory | DELETE /categories/{categoryId} | Deleting a category |
CategoriesApi | getAllCategories | GET /categories | Getting all categories |
CategoriesApi | getCategory | GET /categories/{categoryId} | Getting a category from its id |
CategoriesApi | updateCategory | PUT /categories/{categoryId} | Updating a category |
ChannelsApi | getAllChannels | GET /channels | Getting all channels |
ChannelsApi | getChannel | GET /channels/{channelId} | Getting a channel from its id |
ChannelsApi | updateChannel | PUT /channels/{channelId} | Updating a channel |
CommunitiesApi | getAllCommunities | GET /communities | Getting all communities |
CommunitiesApi | getCommunity | GET /communities/{communityId} | Getting a community from its id |
ContentsApi | categorizeContent | PUT /contents/{contentId}/update_categories | Categorizing a content |
ContentsApi | createContent | POST /contents | Creating content |
ContentsApi | getAllContents | GET /contents | Contents |
ContentsApi | getContent | GET /contents/{contentId} | Getting a content from its id |
ContentsApi | ignoreContent | PUT /contents/{contentId}/ignore | Ignoring a content |
CustomFieldsApi | createCustomField | POST /custom_fields | Creating a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | deleteCustomField | DELETE /custom_fields/{customFieldId} | Deleting a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | getAllCustomFields | GET /custom_fields | Getting all custom fields |
CustomFieldsApi | getCustomField | GET /custom_fields/{customFieldId} | Getting a custom field from its id |
CustomFieldsApi | updateCustomField | PUT /custom_fields/{customFieldId} | Updating a custom field |
EventsApi | getAllEvents | GET /events | Getting all events |
EventsApi | getEvent | GET /events/{eventId} | Getting an event from its id |
FoldersApi | createFolder | POST /folders | Creating a folder |
FoldersApi | deleteFolder | DELETE /folders/{folderId} | Deleting a folder |
FoldersApi | getAllFolders | GET /folders | Getting all folders |
FoldersApi | getFolder | GET /folders/{folderId} | Getting a folder from its id |
FoldersApi | updateFolder | PUT /folders/{folderId} | Updating a folder |
IdentitiesApi | getAllIdentities | GET /identities | Getting all identities |
IdentitiesApi | getIdentity | GET /identities/{identityId} | Getting an identity from its id |
IdentityGroupsApi | getAllIdentityGroups | GET /identity_groups | Getting all identity groups |
IdentityGroupsApi | getIdentityGroup | GET /identity_groups/{identityGroupId} | Getting an identity group from its id |
IdentityGroupsApi | updateIdentityGroup | PUT /identity_groups/{identityGroupId} | Updating an identity group |
InterventionCommentsApi | createInterventionComment | POST /intervention_comments | Creating an intervention comment |
InterventionCommentsApi | deleteInterventionComment | DELETE /intervention_comments/{interventionCommentId} | Deleting an intervention comment |
InterventionCommentsApi | getAllInterventionComments | GET /intervention_comments | Getting all intervention comments |
InterventionCommentsApi | getInterventionComment | GET /intervention_comments/{interventionCommentId} | Getting an intervention comment from its id |
InterventionsApi | cancelIntervention | DELETE /interventions/{interventionId}/cancel | Cancelling an intervention |
InterventionsApi | categorizeIntervention | PUT /interventions/{interventionId}/update_categories | Categorizing an intervention |
InterventionsApi | closeIntervention | PUT /interventions/{interventionId}/close | Closing an intervention |
InterventionsApi | createIntervention | POST /interventions | Creating an intervention |
InterventionsApi | getAllInterventions | GET /interventions | Getting all interventions |
InterventionsApi | getIntervention | GET /interventions/{interventionId} | Getting an intervention from its id |
InterventionsApi | reassignIntervention | PUT /interventions/{interventionId}/reassign | Reassigning an intervention |
InterventionsApi | updateIntervention | PUT /interventions/{interventionId} | Updating an intervention from its id |
LocalesApi | getAllLocales | GET /locales | Getting all content locales |
LocalesApi | getAllUiLocales | GET /interface_locales | Getting all user interface locales |
PresenceStatusApi | createPresenceStatus | POST /presence_status | Creating a presence status |
PresenceStatusApi | deletePresenceStatus | DELETE /presence_status/{presenceStatusId} | Deleting a presence status |
PresenceStatusApi | getAllPresenceStatus | GET /presence_status | Getting all presence statuses |
PresenceStatusApi | getPresenceStatus | GET /presence_status/{presenceStatusId} | Getting a presence status from its id |
PresenceStatusApi | updatePresenceStatus | PUT /presence_status/{presenceStatusId} | Updating a presence status |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | createReplyAssistantEntry | POST /reply_assistant/entries | Creating an entry |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | deleteReplyAssistantEntry | DELETE /reply_assistant/entries/{replyAssistantEntryId} | Deleting a reply assistant entry |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | getAllReplyAssistantEntries | GET /reply_assistant/entries | Getting all reply assistant entries |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | getReplyAssistantEntry | GET /reply_assistant/entries/{replyAssistantEntryId} | Getting a reply assistant entry from its id |
ReplyAssistantEntriesApi | updateReplyAssistantEntry | PUT /reply_assistant/entries/{replyAssistantEntryId} | Updating a reply assistant entry |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | createReplyAssistantGroup | POST /reply_assistant/groups | Creating a reply assistant group |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | deleteReplyAssistantGroup | DELETE /reply_assistant/groups/{replyAssistantGroupId} | Deleting a reply assistant group |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | getAllReplyAssistantGroups | GET /reply_assistant/groups | Getting all reply assistant groups |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | getReplyAssistantGroup | GET /reply_assistant/groups/{replyAssistantGroupId} | Getting a reply assistant group from its id |
ReplyAssistantGroupsApi | updateReplyAssistantGroup | PUT /reply_assistant/groups/{replyAssistantGroupId} | Updating a reply assistant group |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | createReplyAssistantVersion | POST /reply_assistant/versions | Creating a reply assistant version |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | deleteReplyAssistantVersion | DELETE /reply_assistant/versions/{replyAssistantVersionId} | Deleting a reply assistant version |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | getAllReplyAssistantVersions | GET /reply_assistant/versions | Getting all reply assistant versions |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | getReplyAssistantVersion | GET /reply_assistant/versions/{replyAssistantVersionId} | Getting a reply assistant version from its id |
ReplyAssistantVersionsApi | updateReplyAssistantVersion | PUT /reply_assistant/versions/{replyAssistantVersionId} | Updating a reply assistant version |
RolesApi | createRole | POST /roles | Creating a role |
RolesApi | getAllRoles | GET /roles | Getting all roles |
RolesApi | getRole | GET /roles/{roleId} | Getting a role from its id |
RolesApi | updateRole | PUT /roles/{roleId} | Updating a role |
SettingsApi | getAllSettings | GET /settings | Getting all settings |
SettingsApi | updateSettings | PUT /settings | Updating settings |
SourcesApi | getAllSources | GET /content_sources | Getting all sources |
SourcesApi | getSource | GET /content_sources/{sourceId} | Getting a source from its id |
SourcesApi | updateSource | PUT /content_sources/{sourceId} | Updating a source |
SourcesApi | updateSourceEmailCredentials | PUT /content_sources/{sourceId}/email_credentials | Updating source credentials |
SurveyResponsesApi | getSurveyResponse | GET /survey_responses/{surveyResponseId} | Get a survey response |
SurveysApi | getAllSurveys | GET /surveys | Getting all surveys |
SurveysApi | getSurvey | GET /surveys/{surveyId} | Getting a survey from its id |
TagsApi | createTag | POST /tags | Creating a tag |
TagsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /tags/{tagId} | Deleting a tag |
TagsApi | getAllTags | GET /tags | Getting all tags |
TagsApi | getTag | GET /tags/{tagId} | Getting a tag from its id |
TagsApi | updateTag | PUT /tags/{tagId} | Updating a tag |
TasksApi | completeTask | POST /tasks/{taskId}/complete | Complete a task |
TasksApi | getAllTasks | GET /tasks | Getting all tasks |
TasksApi | getTask | GET /tasks/{taskId} | Getting a task from its id |
TasksApi | moveTask | POST /tasks/{taskId}/move | Move a task to another queue |
TasksApi | transferTask | POST /tasks/{taskId}/transfer | Transferring a task |
TeamsApi | createTeam | POST /teams | Creating a team |
TeamsApi | deleteTeam | DELETE /teams/{teamId} | Deleting a team |
TeamsApi | getAllTeams | GET /teams | Getting all teams |
TeamsApi | getTeam | GET /teams/{teamId} | Getting a team from its id |
TeamsApi | updateTeam | PUT /teams/{teamId} | Updating a team |
ThreadsApi | archiveThread | PUT /content_threads/{threadId}/ignore | Archiving a thread |
ThreadsApi | categorizeThread | PUT /content_threads/{threadId}/update_categories | Categorizing a thread |
ThreadsApi | closeThread | PUT /content_threads/{threadId}/close | Close a thread |
ThreadsApi | getAllThreads | GET /content_threads | Getting all threads |
ThreadsApi | getThread | GET /content_threads/{threadId} | Getting a thread from its id |
ThreadsApi | openThread | GET /content_threads/{threadId}/open | Open a thread |
TimeSheetsApi | createTimeSheet | POST /time_sheets | Creating a time sheet |
TimeSheetsApi | deleteTimeSheet | DELETE /time_sheets/{timeSheetId} | Deleting a time sheet |
TimeSheetsApi | getAllTimeSheets | GET /time_sheets | Getting all time sheets |
TimeSheetsApi | getTimeSheet | GET /time_sheets/{timeSheetId} | Getting a time sheet from its id |
TimeSheetsApi | updateTimeSheet | PUT /time_sheets/{timeSheetId} | Updating a time sheet |
TimezonesApi | getAllTimezones | GET /timezones | Getting all timezones |
TopologiesApi | activateTopology | PUT /topologies/{topologyId}/activate | Activating a topology |
TopologiesApi | createTopology | POST /topologies | Creating a topology |
TopologiesApi | deleteTopology | DELETE /topologies/{topologyId} | Deleting a topology |
TopologiesApi | getAllTopologies | GET /topologies | Getting all topologies |
TopologiesApi | getTopology | GET /topologies/{topologyId} | Getting a topology from its id |
TopologiesApi | updateTopology | PUT /topologies/{topologyId} | Updating a topology |
UserCapacitiesApi | createUserCapacity | POST /user_capacities | Creating a user capacity |
UserCapacitiesApi | deleteUserCapacity | DELETE /user_capacities/{userCapacityId} | Deleting a user capacity |
UserCapacitiesApi | getAllUserCapacities | GET /user_capacities | Getting all User Capacities |
UserCapacitiesApi | getUserCapacity | GET /user_capacities/{userCapacityId} | Getting a user capacity from its id |
UserCapacitiesApi | updateUserCapacity | PUT /user_capacities/{userCapacityId} | Updating a user capacity |
UserSignaturesApi | createUserSignature | POST /users/{userId}/signatures | Creating a user's signature |
UserSignaturesApi | deleteUserSignature | DELETE /users/{userId}/signatures/{signatureId} | Deleting a user's signature |
UserSignaturesApi | getAllUserSignatures | GET /users/{userId}/signatures | Getting all user's signatures |
UserSignaturesApi | getUserSignature | GET /users/{userId}/signatures/{signatureId} | Getting a user's signature from its id |
UserSignaturesApi | updateUserSignature | PUT /users/{userId}/signatures/{signatureId} | Updating a user's signature |
UsersApi | createUser | POST /users | Creating a user |
UsersApi | deleteUser | DELETE /users/{userId} | Deleting a user |
UsersApi | getAllUsers | GET /users | Getting all users |
UsersApi | getUser | GET /users/{userId} | Getting a user from its id |
UsersApi | inviteUser | POST /users/invite | Inviting a user |
UsersApi | updateUser | PUT /users/{userId} | Updating a user |
WebhooksApi | createWebhook | POST /webhooks | Creating a webhook |
WebhooksApi | deleteWebhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} | Deleting a webhook |
WebhooksApi | getAllWebhooks | GET /webhooks | Getting all webhooks |
WebhooksApi | getWebhook | GET /webhooks/{webhookId} | Getting a webhook from its id |
WebhooksApi | updateWebhook | PUT /webhooks/{webhookId} | Updating a webhook |
- AgentCustomStatus
- AgentStatus
- AgentStatusChannel
- Attachment
- BotCompleteResponse
- Category
- Channel
- Community
- Content
- ContentAttachment
- ContentBodyFormatted
- CreateAttachmentRequest
- CustomField
- Event
- EventExtraInfo
- Folder
- GetAllAttachmentsResponse
- GetAllCategoriesResponse
- GetAllChannelsResponse
- GetAllCommunitiesResponse
- GetAllContentsResponse
- GetAllCustomFieldsResponse
- GetAllEventsResponse
- GetAllFoldersResponse
- GetAllIdentitiesResponse
- GetAllIdentityGroupsResponse
- GetAllInterventionCommentsResponse
- GetAllInterventionsResponse
- GetAllPresenceStatusResponse
- GetAllReplyAssistantEntriesResponse
- GetAllReplyAssistantGroupsResponse
- GetAllReplyAssistantVersionsResponse
- GetAllRolesResponse
- GetAllSourcesResponse
- GetAllSurveysResponse
- GetAllTagsResponse
- GetAllTasksResponse
- GetAllTeamsResponse
- GetAllThreadsResponse
- GetAllTimeSheetsResponse
- GetAllTopologiesResponse
- GetAllUserCapacitiesResponse
- GetAllUserSignaturesResponse
- GetAllUsersResponse
- GetAllWebhooksResponse
- HandoverFromBotToAgentResponse
- Identity
- IdentityGroup
- Intervention
- InterventionComment
- Locale
- PresenceStatus
- ReplyAssistantEntry
- ReplyAssistantGroup
- ReplyAssistantVersion
- Restriction
- Role
- Settings
- Source
- SourceAutoResponseTriggerEnabled
- SourceAutoResponseTriggerGracePeriods
- SourceAutoResponseTriggersInner
- SourceSignaturesInner
- SourceTemplateMessagesInner
- SourceTemplateMessagesInnerComponentsInner
- SourceTemplateMessagesInnerComponentsInnerButtonsInner
- Survey
- SurveyQuestion
- SurveyQuestionChoices
- SurveyQuestionReply
- SurveyResponse
- SurveyResponseQuestion
- Tag
- Task
- Team
- Thread
- TimeSheet
- TimeSheetHoliday
- Timezone
- Topology
- UiLocale
- User
- UserCapacity
- UserCapacityChannelsInner
- UserSignature
- Webhook
- WebhookAccessToken
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.