Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | [optional] | |
createdAt | OffsetDateTime | [optional] | |
updatedAt | OffsetDateTime | [optional] | |
name | String | Name displayed in ED admin interface. Is not displayed to end users. | [optional] |
link | String | Link to the survey on the provider website. | [optional] |
active | Boolean | [optional] | |
fromName | String | Name displayed as sender when survey is sent to end user. Currently only applies to surveys sent by email. | [optional] |
instantSendThreshold | BigDecimal | Any intervention whose duration is shorter than this value (in seconds) will have the survey sent instantly. | [optional] |
maxTimeSinceLastReply | BigDecimal | If last message from end user is older than this duration (in seconds), no survey will be sent. | [optional] |
sendDelay | BigDecimal | Delay before sending survey to end users. | [optional] |
categoryIds | List<String> | [optional] | |
teamIds | List<String> | [optional] | |
sourceIds | List<String> | [optional] | |
type | TypeEnum | Contains the information of the survey provider used. Currently, only provider supported is alchemer. | [optional] |
questions | List<SurveyQuestion> | Fetched from survey provider. List of questions asked in this survey. | [optional] |
Name | Value |
ALCHEMER | "alchemer" |
- Serializable