Releases: tier4/nebula
Release Notes
This release provides important fixes for point filters and parameter handling, a new hires_mode
option for Hesai OT128, and performance improvements for most vendors.
Breaking Changes
- #294:
boolean parameter added to OT128 schema - #280: Continental ARS548 default IP changed to
, matching the factory default
- #279: remove use of heavy HTTP endpoint for Velodyne sensors. Significant improvement in HW monitor timeliness expected
- #274, #275, #276, #277: remove internal multithreaded queue. No significant performance improvement is expected except for very high CPU load scenarios
Bug Fixes
- #286: fix bug for Hesai sensors where setting any parameter during runtime would fail
- #287: fix interference of the point filter dithering pattern and OT128's high resolution mode dither pattern
What's Changed
- ci(codecov): configure automatic (relaxed) coverage threshold, split analyses into vendors by @mojomex in #278
- chore(ars548): change config for default IP to match the factory default by @mojomex in #280
- feat(velodyne): add node name to diag name of hesai hw_monitor by @KYabuuchi in #281
- fix(velodyne): remove heavy get_snapshot from HW monitor by @mojomex in #279
- build: do not exec_depend on build_depends by @Timple in #283
- ci(pre-commit): autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #285
- perf(ars548): remove mtqueue by @mojomex in #275
- fix(hesai_ros_wrapper): fix a bug where setting any parameter except return_mode during runtime fails by @mojomex in #286
- perf(velodyne): remove mtqueue by @mojomex in #276
- ci(pre-commit): autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #288
- ci(pre-commit): autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #290
- perf(srr520): remove mtqueue by @mojomex in #274
- perf(robosense): remove mtqueue by @mojomex in #277
- refactor(velodyne): remove unused private variables from HW monitor by @interimadd in #282
- feat(hesai): add high resolution mode setting for Pandar128 and OT128 (the 2nd) by @mojomex in #294
- ci(pre-commit): autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #293
- chore(hires_mode): amend #294 - add forgotten-to-commit config option and config print by @mojomex in #295
- chore: remove unused mt_queue by @mojomex in #296
- fix(ot128): introduce anti-flicker downsample dithering pattern by @mojomex in #287
New Contributors
- @KYabuuchi made their first contribution in #281
- @Timple made their first contribution in #283
- @interimadd made their first contribution in #282
Full Changelog: v0.2.4...v0.2.5
Release Notes
This release introduces downsample filters for Hesai sensors and contains other improvements fixes.
Known Issues
- Hesai: setting parameters during runtime (e.g. using
ros2 param set
) fails due to a bug introduced by #251. Fix: #286 (next release)
What's Changed
- chore(nebula_ros): specify library destination for install targets by @mbharatheesha in #261
- feat: mask-based pruning filter (vendor independent) by @mojomex in #250
- fix(nebula_hw_interfaces): handling http get post request exception by @shmpwk in #264
- feat(ars548): updated the driver according to new documentation by @knzo25 in #253
- ci: introduce ccache by @mojomex in #270
- ci(pre-commit): autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #268
- test(rate_checker): add unit tests by @mojomex in #269
- chore(hesai): enable PTP lock threshold setting for XT series sensors by @mojomex in #265
- feat(hesai): implement mask-based pruning filter for Hesai by @mojomex in #251
- chore: version bump to v0.2.4 by @mojomex in #271
New Contributors
- @mbharatheesha made their first contribution in #261
- @shmpwk made their first contribution in #264
Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.2.4
Release Notes
This release contains small bugfixes and improvements, and adds support for Hesai XT16.
Parameter Changes
- Added required
parameter to all Hesai sensors (#239)
Added Sensors
- Hesai XT16 (#137)
- Fixed rosbag record/replay functionality for Robosense sensors (#213)
- Fixed wrong pointcloud width/height fields for empty pointclouds of Velodyne sensors (#216)
- Robustness and efficiency improvements for Hesai sensors(#208, #226, #231, #235)
- For Hesai sensors, PTP lock offset is now configurable (#239)
- Improved diagnostics output(#242, #208)
- Enforce correct mounting angles for ARS548 (#252)
What's Changed
- chore(hesai): add decoder unit tests for OT128, QT128 by @mojomex in #214
- fix(robosense): include DIFOP packets in record/replay functionality by @mojomex in #213
- fix(velodyne): reset pointcloud correctly, including width and height fields by @mojomex in #216
- feat(hesai): add node name to diag name of hesai hw_monitor by @kotaro-hihara in #217
- fix(nebula_examples): fix bugprone-incorrect-roundings by @kobayu858 in #218
- fix(nebula_tests): fix bugprone-incorrect-roundings by @kobayu858 in #219
- refactor(hesai): per-sensor diagnostic struct definitions by @ike-kazu in #208
- docs: add parameter tables generated from schemas per vendor and sensor model by @mojomex in #195
- docs: add contribution guidelines by @mojomex in #202
- fix(docs): install mkdocs plugins in CI workflow by @mojomex in #223
- fix(docs): install requirements CORRECTLY in CI by @mojomex in #224
- chore(docs): disable markdown macro rendering for source file pages by @mojomex in #225
- chore: re-enable all clang-tidy checks by @mojomex in #229
- chore: make clang tidy again by @mojomex in #230
- perf(hesai): remove decoder thread and MtQueue, make everything single-threaded by @mojomex in #226
- feat: add a logging interface, dependency injectable loggers by @mojomex in #233
- feat(hesai_hw_interface): use dependency-injected logger, get rid of RCLCPP dependency by @mojomex in #232
- chore(hesai): make
ing instead of anERROR
by @mojomex in #242 - refactor(hesai_hw_interface): case style fixes by @mojomex in #238
- feat: improve script for decoding packets into a new rosbag by @Owen-Liuyuxuan in #236
- fix(hesai_ros_wrapper): demote calibration fallback message to WARN by @mojomex in #244
- fix(hesai): set PTP lock offset on sensor configuration by @mojomex in #239
- feat(nebula_hw_interfaces): better UDP socket by @mojomex in #231
- ci(sync-files): utilize the sync-file-templates repository by @xmfcx in #248
- feat(ars548): disable object output for corner radars by @knzo25 in #252
- chore(build_depends): update the forks of Nebula's dependencies to the Autoware Foundation ones by @mojomex in #255
- ci(pre-commit): autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #174
- chore(hesai): replace broadcast
by @mojomex in #256 - feat(hesai_hw_interface): use new UDP socket implementation by @mojomex in #235
- chore: develop merge for v0.2.3 by @mojomex in #257
- chore(pre-commit): fix pre-commit error when prettier has no files to process by @mojomex in #258
- fix(xt16): update default parameters and schema to comply with #239, #256 by @mojomex in #259
- test(nebula_ros): add smoke tests by @mojomex in #240
- test(nebula_ros): fix flaky smoke test by @mojomex in #260
New Contributors
- @kotaro-hihara made their first contribution in #217
- @kobayu858 made their first contribution in #218
- @Owen-Liuyuxuan made their first contribution in #236
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #174
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3
Release Notes
- Allow launching without a TCP connection to the sensor. For this, a
parameter has been added. See #210.
What's Changed
- chore: concatenate all namespaces c++17-style by @mojomex in #207
- feat: allow to launch hardware in listen mode by @msz-rai in #210
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2
Release Notes
This release fixes a critical bug for Velodyne sensors introduced in v0.2.0.
- For Velodyne sensors, fixed a bug where the pointcloud timestamp was rounded down to the nearest second (#201)
- AT128 pointclouds will now visualize nicer when coloring by elevation (allow negative angles) (#193)
- Updated installation instructions (#203)
What's Changed
- chore: exclude build and example folders from coverage by @mojomex in #199
- chore: create .codecov.yml and move ignored directories there by @mojomex in #200
- fix(velodyne): propagate sub-second part of timestamps to pointcloud timestamp by @mojomex in #201
- fix(at128): allow negative values in points'
fields by @mojomex in #193 - chore: fix typos in the SetVelocityVehicle function by @JonasKrug in #204
- docs: simplify installation instructions by @mojomex in #203
- fix(nebula_sensor_driver): remove duplicated dependency by @knzo25 in #206
- chore: fix case styles by @mojomex in #205
New Contributors
- @JonasKrug made their first contribution in #204
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1
Release Notes
This release improves stability, error safety, performance and usability while also adding support for the Continental SRR520 radar sensor.
Added Sensors
- Continental SRR520 Radar #124
Functionality Changes
- Nebula is now a single node
. For launch parameters for each vendor/sensor, please refer to the documentation. #127, #147, #148, #151 - Nebula now provides parameter schemas for IDE auto-complete and automatic parameter validation #155
- Hesai sensors now support
as replacements ofscan_phase
to allow for more flexible scan cutting #173 - Hesai sensors now support scan and FoV cutting at exact corrected angles instead of the uncorected encoder angles before #173
Other Changes
- Nebula now builds with Clang #160
- Nebula now builds significantly faster #146
- The amount of idle time and copy operations between hardware interface and decoders has been reduced
- The orchestration of TCP connections to the sensor has been improved for Hesai sensors, greatly improving stability
- Error handling and reporting has been improved for Hesai sensors
What's Changed
- fix(hesai_hw_interface): add error handling by @mojomex in #131
- fix(expected.hpp): add missing string include by @mojomex in #152
- chore(pre-commit): autoupdate hooks by @mojomex in #154
- refactor(hesai)!: combine Hesai ROS wrappers into a single node by @mojomex in #127
- refactor(robosense)!: combine Robosense ROS wrappers into a single node by @mojomex in #147
- refactor(velodyne)!: combine Velodyne ROS wrappers into a single node by @mojomex in #148
- feat(continental_ars548): combined continental ars548 ros wrappers into a single node by @knzo25 in #151
- fix: remove git submodules to prevent docs build error by @drwnz in #158
- docs: move README contents to documentation by @drwnz in #159
- fix: make Nebula Clang-compatible by @mojomex in #160
- fix: non steady clock and watchdog by @knzo25 in #156
- feat(nebula_ros): all sensors json schema support by @amadeuszsz in #155
- feat(cmake): make colcon build fast again by @knzo25 in #146
- feat(srr520): initial driver by @knzo25 in #124
- chore: fix pre-commit config and adapt code to make all checks pass by @mojomex in #162
- fix(schema): handle zeros and floats for default config generation by @amadeuszsz in #170
- docs(readme): add boost version requirements by @mojomex in #175
- docs: update sensor models and pointcloud types by @mojomex in #171
- feat: pretty-print sensor configurations by @mojomex in #172
- chore(hesai_decoders): implement clang-tidy fixes (mostly style-related) by @mojomex in #183
- fix(hesai): correctly handle return mode when updating parameters by @mojomex in #185
- fix(hesai): fix supported return modes for Hesai sensors by @mojomex in #188
- feat(hesai_hw_interface): configure and check
automatically by @mojomex in #186 - chore(nebula_ros/launch): supply choices for
launch argument by @mojomex in #189 - fix( make the generic launch file hand off to the correct vendor's launch file by @mojomex in #191
- feat(hesai): multicast support by @mojomex in #187
- feat(nebula_ros): support
parameter in console again to make replaying rosbags easier by @mojomex in #190 - feat(hesai): software-based precise FoV limit & early publishing by @mojomex in #173
- chore: merge nebula/develop by @mojomex in #176
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.2.0
What's Changed
This is the first released version of Nebula, supporting most Velodyne and Hesai LiDARs and some Robosense LiDARs and Continental radars.
This version is using a three-node architecture:
Refer to the launch files in nebula_ros/launch
for details on how to launch.
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #9
- @wep21 made their first contribution in #16
- @amc-nu made their first contribution in #18
- @tier4-nebula-app made their first contribution in #17
- @mebasoglu made their first contribution in #51
- @esteve made their first contribution in #58
- @KhalilSelyan made their first contribution in #82
- @xmfcx made their first contribution in #96
- @bgilby59 made their first contribution in #113
- @felixf4xu made their first contribution in #117
- @badai-nguyen made their first contribution in #112
- @ahmeddesokyebrahim made their first contribution in #118
- @ike-kazu made their first contribution in #180
- @msz-rai made their first contribution in #192
Full Changelog: