Nebula is a sensor driver platform that is designed to provide a unified framework for as wide a variety of devices as possible. While it primarily targets Ethernet-based LiDAR sensors, it aims to be easily extendable to support new sensors and interfaces. Nebula works with ROS 2 and is the recommended sensor driver for the Autoware project.
We recommend you get started with the Nebula Documention. Here you will find information about the background of the project, how to install and use with ROS 2, and also how to add new sensors to the Nebula driver.
- Design
- Supported Sensors
- Installation
- Launching with ROS 2
- Parameters
- Point cloud types
- Contributing
- Tutorials
To build and serve the documentation locally, see the build steps further below.
Nebula builds with ROS 2 Galactic and Humble.
Boost version 1.74.0 or later is required. A manual install may be required in Ubuntu versions earlier than 22.04.
To build Nebula run the following commands in your workspace:
# In workspace
git clone
cd nebula
# Import dependencies
vcs import < build_depends.repos
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -y -r
# Build Nebula
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1
(optional) To build and serve the documentation, run the following commands in your workspace:
cd src
pip3 install -r docs/requirements.txt
mkdocs serve
To launch Nebula as a ROS 2 node with default parameters for your sensor model:
ros2 launch nebula_ros *sensor_vendor_name*_launch_all_hw.xml sensor_model:=*sensor_model_name*
For example, for a Hesai Pandar40P sensor:
ros2 launch nebula_ros hesai_launch_all_hw.xml sensor_model:=Pandar40P