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Releases: r-lib/R6

R6 2.6.1

19 Feb 01:50
@wch wch
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  • Closed #298: In .DollarNames.R6(), avoid use of NextMethod(). This is to work around a compatibility issue with RStudio IDE. (#299)

R6 2.6.0

19 Feb 01:50
@wch wch
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  • R6 methods no longer recommends initialize or .__enclos_env__ in autocomplete.

  • The deprecated lock parameter has been removed.

  • R6Class() now prints a message when a finalize method is public instead of private.

  • When a superclass is not cloneable, then subclasses cannot be cloneable (@IndrajeetPatil, #247).

  • Fixed #253: Errors could occur when deep cloning if a member object was an environment with a class that had a $ method. Deep cloning now uses get0() instead of $. R6 now requires R >= 3.2. (@zeehio, #274)

R6 2.5.1

19 Feb 01:51
@wch wch
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  • Removed unused packages from Suggests section in DESCRIPTION.

R6 2.5.0

02 Nov 14:53
@wch wch
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  • Resolved #195: Slightly clearer message when there is an error in the initialize() method.

  • Fixed #214: When a non-portable object inheritance was cloned, methods that were inherited (and not overridden) had the wrong environment. (#215, #217)

  • Printing R6 objects, no longer includes .__active__.