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Andree Valle Campos avallecam
peruano using health data science.

@epiverse-trace London, UK

Tom Whalley t-whalley
Bioinformatician at Public Health Wales

Public Health Wales Cardiff

Efe Dallı efe3506
Hello there, im new around here. My biggest wish is call my self a qualified front-end developer, do for that aim i'm learning and practicing


Bioinformatics Student 🧬💻


Berk Gonenc sbgonenc
Python developer and AI enthusiast

MDC Berlin

Benjamin Leyton-Carcaman Leytoncito
I am a young researcher, my lines of interest include microbial genomics of emerging pathogens, resistance to antibiotics and mobile genomic elements.

Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus

Steve Baeyen stevebaeyen

Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) Merelbeke, Belgium

Lakhansing Pardeshi lakhanp1
Bioinformatician. Pathogen pangenomics and ML.

Wageningen University & Research Wageningen, Netherlands

Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

Camilo García camilogarciabotero
Biologist interested in applying bioinformatics and DS tools to understand evolution in different organisms. Currently working on bacteriophages and epigenomics

Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia

Jayalal K Jayanthan JayalalKJ
I am a PhD candidate working on microbiota projects involving rodent and fish model

UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø

Lale MAOULOUD Lalemaouloud
Passionate bioinformatics student interested in AI and genomics.

Bioptimus Paris, France

Rauf Salamzade raufs
Interested in using and developing bioinformatics tools to understand microbial evolution & ecology

Madison, WI

Schaudge Schaudge

Shanghai, PRC

Víctor Rodríguez Bouza vrbouza
Postdoctoral Fellow

EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) Cambridge (UK)

Ingrid Vanessa Mora Sanchez ingridvmoras
Biology - Universidad de los Andes

Universidad de los Andes Bogota

Gurprit sekhongurprit
Computational Biology
Rui Li inspirewind
PhD student @ National Genomics Data Center(NGDC), with research interests in genome annotation and viral metagenome analysis.

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing

Karel Břinda karel-brinda
Bioinformatics, Algorithms, Genomics, Pathogens, Rapid Diagnostics, and Antibiotic Resistance

𝐈𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐀🇫🇷 Nat. Inst. for DigitSci & Tech Rennes, France

Sam Horsfield samhorsfield96

Imperial College DIDE London

Biologist studying microbiology


Ahmed M. A. Elsherbini AhmedElsherbini
Tübingen Uni, Ph.D. student, Infection Biology (Nile Uni, Bioinformatics Diploma & Antwerp Uni, Infectious Diseases MSc) Prokaryotic genomics & metagenomics


Tom Stanton tomdstanton
Microbial bioinformatics postdoc; mol bio background. - Monash/LSHTM/UoE/UKHSA - Triathlete/music production

Monash University Melbourne

Matt Moore moorembioinfo
Research fellow at the University of Warwick and the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit (HPRU) in gastrointestinal infections
BioDawg JoJoTsui


Tommi Mäklin tmaklin
Computer scientist / statistician working with metagenomic sequencing data @ University of Oslo.

Helsinki, Finland

Md Abu Jaher Nayeem jahernayeem
A biologist who has passion for Bioinformatics, System Biology and Machine Learning

Research Officer @icddr,b Dhaka, Bangladesh

William McCann wmsci
PhD Student in Computational Biology at Queen's University Belfast. Interested in unconventional cancer antigens.

QUB + @AilseBio Belfast, Northern Ireland

Gerry Tonkin-Hill gtonkinhill
Research group leader at Peter Mac & Doherty Institute | previously at UiO, Sanger & Cambridge | microbial genomics, statistics, machine learning

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre & University of Melbourne Australia

Pengfei Song Song921012
Associate Professor, XI'an Jiaotong University. Interested in Partial Differential Equations, Deep Learning, AI for Science

Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, 710049

Katie O'Mahony aforestsomewhere
PhD student @ the Vision 1 Lab and APC Microbiome Ireland, studying biofilms and quorum sensing.


Tamás Stirling stitam

Biological Research Centre Szeged, Hungary

Brice Letcher bricoletc
Researcher in biology and bioinformatics - developer of open-source software - worked/working at EMBL-EBI (UK) and CNRS (France)

CNRS France

Andy Walker andysw90
Data Scientist in an AI drug discovery pharmatech


Johanna johannahelene
PhD Student at EMBL-EBI and Cambridge University focusing on Metagenomics

EMBL-EBI Cambridgeshire