noradle official demo app show how to use http servlet, NDBC, call-out(with with oracle PL/SQL.
"noradle-demo" is originally a part from "noradle" project as "./demo" sub directory, now, the demo app in noradle is a independent project.
npm -g install noradle-demo
cd "project root"
sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @install.sql
sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @
In oracle database, configure server_control_t, and run noradle dispatcher to listen for client connection.
run noradle-demo -h
for command option help
Usage: noradle-demo [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --listen_port [port] listening port
-d, --dispatcher_addr [port:host] dispatcher listening address
--cid [client id] client identifier to access dispatcher
--passwd [password] password for cid
--dbu [database user] database schema user that hold demo objects
start noradle-demo server example
noradle-demo -p 8888 -d 1522: --cid demo --passwd demo --dbu demo
Check to see if demo web app is working.
get http request info
- for basic http header
- for cookie values
- for querystring
- for form post
- get varchar2, number, date parameters
- for file upload
- for post entity body
write response info
- basic h.line, h.write API
- x. TAG print API
- m. interpolate template with comma separated string, array or sys_refcursor
- tb. support table print
- tr. support tree structure print, usually ul,li nested tags
- use l(url) to easy specify url the plsql servlet link to
- rs. print sys_refcursor data as compact sql result set that can be easy parsed to javascript objects
- multiple ways of print xml data
- demos that easy utilize css frameworks like bootstrap, pure-css, jquery-mobile
- embed/link coupled-in css
- auto redirect post to _c procedure to a feedback page
- clean previous output in buffer, and regenerating page response
charset and international support
- support db-charset output or any unicode output, auto conversion
- content negotiation for accept-language
set response headers that affect the process afterward
- chunked transfer with
, return partial response as quick as possible - long job that must give partial reponse to client after one step is completed
- response compression like gzip
- response body conversion for text/items and text/resultsets
- specify Content-Type
- specify charset
- file download or attachement
- http redirect immediately or after a delay
- chunked transfer with
filter support
- before filter used for authentication check, cache data prefetch
- after filter for logging
- login & logoff
- get session data
- set session data
oracle result-cache
- utilize oracle result cache to cache frequent access data like filter data fetch
- force cache invalidate or update when time is out or then real data is changed
use NDBC call
- set default parameters
- call with parameters
- use response callback that receive statis,header,entity
- if automatic convert original response from oracle to javascript object
- support text/items, that is lines of data, save line separator is used
- support "text/resultsets*, that is produced from sys_refcursor
execute call out from oracle (repeated NDBC call)
- call plsql servlet that wait event like pipe new message
- after plsql servlet wait event timeout, repeat call the plsql servlet
- call for oracle call-out message, and send back response to oracle calling service
- use h.begin_msg,h.end_msg to mark output to header/body is for call-out message