Want to build solid information system solely on PL/SQL and javascript easily, no rely on any other programming language or technical stack? develop with NORADLE.
The word NORADLE is combination of node.js and oracle, It aims at
- write http servlet in PL/SQL with extremely concise code
- with node.js as http gateway, give full http protocol support for oracle environment
- node.js accessibility to oracle, give node.js ecosystem a real thustworthy db backend
procedure bind_data is
cursor c_packages is
select *
from user_objects a
where a.object_type = 'PACKAGE'
and rownum <= 5
order by a.object_name asc;
b.l('<!DOCTYPE html>');
o.t('<table rules=all cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 style="border:1px solid silver;">');
o.t(' <caption>', 'bind sql data to table example');
o.t(' <thead>', o.t('<tr>', m.w('<th>@</th>', 'package name,created')));
o.t(' <tbody>');
for i in c_packages loop
o.t(' <td>', i.object_name);
o.t(' <td>', t.d2s(i.created));
end loop;
o.t(' </tbody>');
create or replace package body chart_b is
procedure common_preface(default_type varchar2) is
v_chart_type varchar2(30) := r.getc('chart_type', default_type);
o.u('<link rel=stylesheet/>', '[animate.css]');
o.u('<script>', '[chart.js]', '');
o.u('<script>', '[zepto.js]', '');
o.u('<script>', '[underscore.js]', '');
o.t('<canvas#cc width=600 height=400>', '');
var ctx = document.getElementById("cc").getContext("2d")
, demoChart = new Chart(ctx)
, chartType=":1"
procedure salary_min_max_by_job_id is
cur sys_refcursor;
if r.is_xhr then
open cur for
select a.job_id, count(*) cnt, avg(a.salary) avg, min(a.salary) min, max(a.salary) max
from employees a
group by a.job_id
order by avg asc;
end if;
o.u(' <a>', r.prog || '?chart_type=Line', 'Line');
o.u(' <a>', r.prog || '?chart_type=Bar', 'Bar');
o.u(' <a>', r.prog || '?chart_type=Radar', 'Rader');
$.getJSON(location.pathname+"?data", function(data){
var salaries = data.$DATA.rows;
var chartData = {
labels : _.pluck(salaries, "job_id"),
datasets : [
fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : _.pluck(salaries, "min")
fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : _.pluck(salaries, "max")
end chart_b;
- NORADLE support full dynamic(data driving) web development(whether for html page service or json data service), but more concise than PHP, J2EE, ...
- NORADLE NDBC make node ecosystem embracing oracle, expand node's realm to serious enterprise information systems
- NORADLE call out feature extend oracle PL/SQL to access external service/resource, break restrictions
- use pl/sql stored procedure to implement application/business logic
- servlet code that access data should be as close as the data, avoid complexity and develop-time and runtime overhead
- all SQL should be in PL/SQL stored procedure, no string concat, no network transfer
- no triditional templating, print html/json with concise API, just use pl/sql, introduce no excessive templating language
- give all function that a triditional servlet tech can provide, but be more concise and easier to master
- be aware of that middle layer JAVA/PHP/.NET/PYTHON/RUBY... is superfluous, except adding comlexity
- enjoy the good of oracle, advanced SQL, availility, stability, performance, scalability, tunable...
- node.js can access oracle, and vice versa, they can aid each other
- node.js give oracle a http servlet container environment
- pl/sql can call out by node.js, extending oracle
- by node.js, oracle became a full servlet container, integrate code and data seamlessly
- by connectivity to oracle, node.js ecosysetm will extend to the area of enterprise information system
note: from v0.14.0, noradle is split into several sub projects under https://github.com/noradle.
it's for those considerations:
- deploy only the sub-module you require, for example, in one server, you deploy noradle-dispatcher only
- each submodule is focused on one goal, easy to manage
- each submodule will evolve itself, allow contributors to improve just the submodule they are interest in
- each submodule represent a special aspect of noradle, doc/wiki will distributed among them, no longer a mess all in the main project
{{browser}} -----------(http)--------------> {{1.noradle-http}} --- / {{noradle-console}}
http client / \ /
\--------(http)-> {{proxy(nginx)}} -----/ {{noradle-dispatcher}} <------ {{oracle}}
\----(SCGI)----> {{2.noradle-scgi}} ----/ /
\---(FCGI)----> {{3.noradle-fcgi}} -----/
(note: 123 require {{noradle-nodejs-client}} )
the submodule list, all under github noradle
- noradle-protocol
- noradle-dispatcher
- noradle-oracle-server
- noradle-nodejs-client
- noradle-http
- noradle-scgi (planing)
- noradle-fcgi (planing)
- noradle-resultsets
- noradle-console (now obsolete when >=v0.14, will redesign )