This robot car uses the ESP32 to control its actions. The hardware setup is similar, but the upgrades come in software. This is an upgrade from the Arduino Uno powered T100. Now WiFi and Bluetooth are build in. And way more storage for our programs.
All materials were ordered at CỬA HÀNG IC ĐÂY RỒI. This is the list:
- Khung Xe Robot 68.000₫
- Kít RF thu phát Wifi BLE ESP32 180.000₫
- Mạch điều khiển động cơ DC DRV8833 20.000₫ motor driver
- Đế test board, bread board 85x55mm 15.000₫
- jumper wires 19.000₫
- Đồng hồ đo Vôn (Volt) 3.5-30V 22.000 ₫
This requires 324.000₫ or $14 USD. For higher speed and the use of PWM capabilities it is recommended to upgrade the powersource:
- Pin Cell 18650 4200mAh 3.7V 2x 35.000 ₫
- Hộp đế pin 18650 loại 2 cell 7.000 ₫
The initial setup is wired the following:
Here is the image from Fritzing missing ...
- Assemble the robot
- Connect the motors to M1 and M4 on the L293D shield
- Add the AFMotor.h motor library (library/ in the Arduino IDE
- Upload the program T100.ino to your Arduino Uno
- Install the software Arduino Bluetooth Controller to your Android phone
- Connect to the bluetooth module of the robot
- Configure the keys of the remote the following:
Here the robot just blinks with the LED, attached to pin 2, and drives the motors forward and backward. The motor controller is connected to pins 16, 17, 18 and 19.
The robot can be controlled, using Bluetooth 2.0 with the software ... steps follow, straigt forward.
Using the software ... the arrow keys forward and backward.
Now we make use of the analog controller stick and its 255 values to drive the motors with PWM.
Details, instructions and pictures can be found in the Wiki.