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T100 Arduino robot car with bluetooth control

GitHub release MIT license Build Status

This is our first working sample of a remotely controlled robot at the American International School Vietnam. It has been build in September 2018. That's how it looks:


The software for the Arduino is T100.ino. Library and Android software are described further down.


All materials were ordered at CỬA HÀNG IC ĐÂY RỒI. This is the list:

  1. Arduino UNO R3 DIP 110.000₫
  2. Khung Xe Robot 68.000₫
  3. Shield L293D motor arduino 34.000₫
  4. Module thu phát bluetooth HC-05 80.000₫
  5. Four 10 cm cable 0.25 mm² to connect the motors to the shield
  6. Three female-male jumper wire to connect the bluetooth module to the Arduino (+3.3V, GND, RX)
  7. So in general: some jumper wires 19.000₫
  8. Maybe a breadboard to connect 5.000₫

Building steps

  • Assemble the robot
  • Connect the motors to M1 and M4 on the L293D shield
  • Add the AFMotor.h motor library (library/ in the Arduino IDE
  • Upload the program T100.ino to your Arduino Uno
  • Install the software BlueDuino or Arduino Bluetooth Controller to your Android phone (old link from 2018 no longer works in 2024)
  • Connect to the bluetooth module of the robot
  • Configure the keys of the remote the following:
    • "U" for up
    • "D" for down
    • "L" for left
    • "R" for right

Your result should work:

Window view


The bluetooth module HC-05 (as well as HC-06) are only Bluetooth 2.0 and don't work with iOS, since iOS requires Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (BLE). We created the T-110 with the AR-06 BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy - Bluetooth 4.0) module. This project is described here as T110.

Video about build in 30 seconds

I uploaded a timelapse video about the creation of this robot in 30 seconds. It took 2 hours.

30 seconds

Code from 2018

For the most recent version look at T100.ino.

#include <AFMotor.h> // download from subdirectory 'library' here and install zip file
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define LED_PIN 13
AF_DCMotor motor1(1, MOTOR12_64KHZ); // create motor #1, 64KHz pwm
AF_DCMotor motor4(4, MOTOR12_64KHZ); // create motor #2, 64KHz pwm
SoftwareSerial BTSerial(A0, 3);   // RX | TX  -  pin 2 creates errors on my motor shield, analog pin is fine ...
char BTinput = '0';
byte speed = 200;

void setup() {
  motor4.setSpeed(100);     // set the speed to 200/255
  BTSerial.begin(9600);  // HC-10 default speed
  Serial.begin(57600);   // just to check while programming
void loop() {
  if (BTSerial.available()) 
    BTinput =;
    if (BTinput == 'A')// up
    if (BTinput == 'C')// down
    if (BTinput == 'D')// left
    if (BTinput == 'B')// right
    if (BTinput == 'G')  // that's the "X" key
    {;      // stopped;
    if (BTinput == 'E')// faster - plus 10 - triangle
      speed = speed + 10;
    if (BTinput == 'H')// slower - minus 10 - square
      speed = speed - 10;
    if (BTinput == 'F')// maximum speed - circle
      speed = 255;
    if( speed > 255 ) speed = 255;
    Serial.print("recieved: ");
    Serial.print( BTinput );
    Serial.print(" speed: ");
    Serial.println( speed );

Further details

Details, instructions and pictures can be found in the Wiki.

Reactivation 2024

With some minor changes I made it work again in 2024 - mainly the bluetooth connection part and used app was a challenge. See the new Release notes for more details. That's how it looks:

T100 in 2024