A collection of bash
scripts to efficiently generate and analyse VASP
convergence-testing calculations.
The original vaspup was developed by Alex Ganose
for ground-state energy convergence testing and POTCAR
- Convergence testing of ground-state energy with respect to
(plane wave kinetic energy cutoff) (i.e. basis set size) and k-point density (specified in theKPOINTS
file). - Convergence testing of atomic forces with respect to
(plane wave kinetic energy cutoff)(i.e. basis set size) and k-point density (specified in theKPOINTS
file), which uses thecheckforce
script written by Dr Ben Morgan 🙌 - Convergence testing of
$\epsilon_{Ionic}$ (ionic contribution to the static dielectric constant$\epsilon_0 = \epsilon_{Ionic} + \epsilon_{Optic}$ ) with respect toENCUT
and k-point density, calculated with Density Functional Perturbation Theory (DFPT). - Convergence testing of
$\epsilon_{Optic}$ (optical / high-frequency dielectric constant) with respect toNBANDS
, calculated with using the method of Furthmüller et al. (LOPTICS = True
Installation is quite simple, just clone this git repository and update your PATH
to include the
location of the bin folder.
git clone https://github.com/kavanase/vaspup2.0
echo "export PATH=\"${PWD}/vaspup2.0/bin:\${PATH}\"" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc # Update the current shell
To quickly set up a ground-state energy convergence test, the following steps are required:
- Create a folder named
, containingINCAR
VASP input files, a jobscript file (job
) and aCONFIG
file. ExampleCONFIG
files are provided in the input directory namedCONFIG
respectively. (Note: Renameenergy_INCAR
, and setISPIN = 1
if your system is non-magnetic for faster calculations). The directory structure should match the below:
./<Convergence Testing Directory (run script from here)>
Customise the CONFIG file as you wish (specifying
and k-point convergence parameters and (optionally) thename
to append to each jobname). -
Run the
executable from the directory above theinput
directory. A series of folders will be created, with the folder names matching the calculation settings. For example, thecutoff_converge/e450
folder will contain theENCUT = 450 eV
calculation and thekpoint_converge/k664
folder will contain the calculation with a k-mesh of$6\times6\times4$ .
Note that vaspup2.0
uses the SGE qsub
job submission command by default, but this can easily be modified in the bash scripts.
- Once the calculations have finished running, the
script can be used to extract the total energies from the VASP output. This script will print the convergence data to the terminal (as shown below) as well as saving to a file namedConvergence_Data
. Thedata-converge
script should be run separately within the folders namedkpoint_converge
Example output from data-converge
Example output from data-converge-magnetic
Note that, for semiconductor materials, a denser k-point mesh is typically required for accurate density of states and optical absorption spectra. See Density of States & Absorption Spectrum Convergence examples below.
The calculated value for the ionic contribution to the static dielectric constant
and the k-point density, with more expensive parameter values necessary (relative to ground-state-energy-converged values) due to the requirement of accurate ionic forces. This is demonstrated
in the Dielectric_Constants_Convergence Jupyter notebook.
Thus, calculation of the
To quickly set up a convergence test for
- Create a folder named
, containing appropriateINCAR
files, in addition to aCONFIG
file. ExampleCONFIG
files are provided in the input directory namedCONFIG
respectively. (Note: Renamedfpt_INCAR
). The directory structure should match the below:
./<DFPT Convergence Testing Directory (run script from here)>
Customise the CONFIG file as you wish (specifying
and k-point convergence parameters and (optionally) thename
to append to each jobname). -
Run the
executable from the directory above theinput
directory. A series of folders will be created, with the folder names matching the calculation settings. -
Once the calculations have finished running, the
script can be used to extract the values for the ionic contribution to the static dielectric constant$\epsilon_{Ionic}$ (specifically the diagonal terms from theMACROSCOPIC STATIC DIELECTRIC TENSOR IONIC CONTRIBUTION
files). This script will print the convergence data to the terminal (as shown below) as well as saving to a file namedConvergence_Data
. Thedata-converge
script should be run separately within the folders namedkpoint_converge
Example output from dfpt-data-converge
Beware Warning: PSMAXN too small for non-local potential
and stdout
files) at too high ENCUT
It has been observed that when too large an ENCUT
is used (depending on the 'hardness' of the
pseudopotentials - determined by ENMAX
in the POTCAR
files) VASP appears to run as normal
(but with Warning: PSMAXN too small for non-local potential
printed in the OUTCAR
and stdout
files), but the results for
Note that this INCAR
is for calculating the ionic contribution to the dielectric constant. If you want to calculate other properties such as the elastic constant, you will need to change INCAR
tages (e.g. ISIF = 3
for elastic constants).
The calculated value for the optical dielectric constant
), with a large number of
unoccupied bands required for convergence, as demonstrated in the
Dielectric_Constants_Convergence Jupyter notebook.
Thus, calculation of the ENCUT
or the k-point density, assuming you are using values that are well-converged with respect to
the ground-state energy!
Additionally, note that the_optical absorption spectrum_, as with the density of states, typically requires a denser k-point mesh to give a converged result, than for total energy or optical dielectric constant. See Density of States & Absorption Spectrum Convergence examples below.
To quickly set up an NBANDS
convergence test for
- Create a folder named
, containing appropriateINCAR
files, in addition to aCONFIG
file. ExampleCONFIG
files are provided in the input directory namednbands_CONFIG
respectively. (Note: Rename toCONFIG
). The directory structure should match the below:
./<NBANDS Convergence Testing Directory (run script from here)>
Customise the CONFIG file as you wish (specifying the
convergence parameters and (optionally) thename
to append to each jobname). -
Run the
executable from the directory above theinput
directory. A series of folders will be created, with the folder names matching the calculation settings. For example, thenbands_converge/nbands_100
folder will contain theNBANDS = 100
calculation -
Once the calculations have finished running, the
script can be run in thenbands_converge
directory to extract the values for the optical dielectric constant$\epsilon_{Optic}$ (specifically the X, Y and Z components of thefrequency dependent REAL DIELECTRIC FUNCTION
files). This script will print the convergence data to the terminal (as shown below) as well as saving to a file namedNBANDS_Convergence_Data
Example output from nbands-epsopt-data-converge
For accurate calculations of the optical dielectric constant
file, the PBEsol GGA DFT functional is used for the purpose
of efficient use of computational resources during convergence testing.
It is advised to use this cheaper lower-level theory in order to obtain a good estimate
of the required number of electronic bands (NBANDS
) for a well-converged value of
the optical dielectric constant. Once the required NBANDS
has been determined from the GGA DFT
convergence test, it can then be used in a single Hybrid DFT calculation of
This procedure assumes similar convergence behaviour (wrt NBANDS
) within Hybrid DFT as for GGA DFT.
This is a reasonable assumption in this case, as GGA DFT tends to underestimate band gaps, implying
that it would require a larger number of electronic bands to cover the required energy range for
convergence of NBANDS
for GGA DFT should certainly correspond to a
well-converged value for Hybrid DFT, as has been observed.
Additionally, it should be noted that VASP automatically rounds NBANDS
to the nearest multiple
= # of cores / (NCORE
). So ideally these parameters should be set so that
is a factor of the NBANDS
increment in the CONFIG
If data-converge
gives the output (standard_in) 1: syntax error
, then it means that vaspup2.0
is having trouble parsing some or all of the calculation results. Typically, this means that some
or all of the calculations failed, and so the solution is to look at the output files of the
calculations and decide what needs to be changed for the caculations to be successful (e.g. reduce
to avoid parallelisation errors, increase job
CPU hours to allow calculation
to converge in time etc.), then re-run generate-converge
. Also, if only some of the calculations
failed, it is usually obvious from the output of data-converge
in this case (Hint: they're the
ones with craaazy energies), so you should look at their outputs and see what went wrong.
If you have both vaspup2.0
and the older vaspup
on your $PATH
, and are using the vaspup2.0
files, you may encounter the following error:
/home/path/to/src/vaspup/bin/generate-converge: line 16: [: : integer expression expected
In this case, the advice is to remove the older vaspup
commands from your $PATH
remove the vaspup
folder from your system.
Alternatively, this error can occur if a required tag (conv_encut
, conv_kpoint
, run_vasp
in the CONFIG
file is commented out.
For k-point convergence testing (of ground-state energy or
(to allow for non-cubic systems), as below:
kpoints="3 3 2,4 4 3,5 5 4,6 6 5,7 7 6,8 8 7,9 9 8" # All the kpoints meshes
# you want to try, separated by a comma
Instead for convenience, one can auto-generate the k-points using the kgs_gen_kpts
This will auto-populate the CONFIG
file with the k-point meshes corresponding to real-space cutoff distances
between 5 Å and 25 Å (default values – typically good for semiconductors and insulators, may need to be increased for metals).
These real-space cutoff distances can be specified as arguments to the script in the format
kgs_gen_kpts {min_real_space_cutoff} {max_real_space_cutoff}
, if they need to be changed.
kgs_gen_kpts -h # "-h" shows help message
vaspup2.0 - Seán Kavanagh ([email protected]), 2023
Usage: in 'input' directory with POSCAR and CONFIG files present, and 'kpoints' mentioned in CONFIG file.
$ kgs_gen_kpts {min_real_space_cutoff} {max_real_space_cutoff}
(Default: min = 5, max = 25 – max likely needs to be increased for metals)
This script uses the excellent kgrid package developed by Adam Jackson to generate appropriate k-point meshes corresponding to a given real-space length cutoff (in Angstrom).
A general recommendation for DFT-calculated dielectric constants is to converge the predicted value to within 0.1, at least, though this of course depends on the target property! For example, this criterion typically gives a well-converged optical absorption spectrum, something which can be quickly verified visually, using:
for i in nbands_*; do cd $i; sumo-optplot --ymax 2e6 --xmax 4; cd ..; done
then look at the absorption.pdf
files in each directory.
Usually we expect mostly equivalent energy convergence with respect to k-points / basis set for semi-local (GGA) and hybrid DFT. However, this may not be the case when there is a major qualitative change in behaviour between semi-local/hybrid DFT, such as going from metallic at the GGA level to semiconducting with hybrid DFT – which can occur for relatively low band gap systems. In these cases, it can be worth performing the convergence tests with hybrid DFT to see if convergence is reached at lower k-point densities / basis set sizes.
While the total energy and high-frequency dielectric constant ISMEAR = -5
) will typically give better convergence of the density of states (i.e. converged at lower k-point densities) than Gaussian smearing (ISMEAR = 0
), and is absolutely essential for optical absorption calculations.
If you use vaspup2.0
in your work, please cite as:
S. R. Kavanagh, vaspup2.0 Zenodo DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8408542 2023.
This program is not affiliated with VASP. This program is made available under the MIT License; you are free to modify and use the code, but do so at your own risk.