This is an old collection of scripts from 2014 to help set up VASP calculations. The functionality has mostly been superceded by other packages such as materials-toolbox and kgrid. These scripts are only kept here for posterity.
The generate-potcar
script can be used to generate a VASP
POTCAR file, based on an input
POSCAR. If the current directory contains a POSCAR file, simply run:
and the script will prompt you about which potentials you would like to use. Alternatively, a POSCAR file can be specified as follows:
generate-potcar MgO/POSCAR
In order to enable this functionality, the VASP_POTENTIALS
environment variable must be set
(see Installation for more details).
The main functionality of this package is for quickly setting up a series of folders for
convergence testing. To achieve this, create a folder called input
containing INCAR, KPOINTS
POSCAR, and POTCAR files, in addition to a CONFIG file. An example CONFIG file is provided in
the config directory (NOTE: It must be
renamed from CONVERGE to CONFIG). The directory structure should match the below:
./<run script from here>
Customise the CONFIG file as you wish, the run the generate-converge
excutable from the folder below the
directory. A series of folders will be created, with the settings modified to match the folder names.
Once the calculations have finished running, the data-converge
script can be used to extract the
total energies from the VASP output. The data-converge
script should be run separately within the folders named
and cutoff_converge
There are several scripts to help with automating the Site-Occupancy Disorder package but I can't remember what these do exactly. I probably wouldn't go near them if I were you.
Installation is simple, just update your path to include the location of the bin folder. E.g. Edit your ~/.bashrc
file to include:
export PATH="${HOME}/path/to/vaspup/bin:${PATH}"
To enable the POTCAR functionality, you should also set the VASP_POTENTIALS environment variable to
point to your potentials directory. E.g. Edit your ~/.bashrc
file to include:
export VASP_POTENTIALS="${HOME}/path/to/potentials"
This program is not affiliated with VASP. This program is made available under the MIT License; you are free to modify and use the code, but do so at your own risk.