Apollo CLI brings together your GraphQL clients and servers with tools for validating your schema, linting your operations for compatibility with your server, and generating static types for improved client-side type safety.
$ npm install -g apollo
$ apollo COMMAND
running command...
$ apollo (-v|--version|version)
apollo/1.7.1 darwin-x64 node-v10.8.0
$ apollo --help [COMMAND]
$ apollo COMMAND
apollo codegen:generate [OUTPUT]
apollo help [COMMAND]
apollo queries:check
apollo schema:check
apollo schema:download OUTPUT
apollo schema:publish
Generate static types for GraphQL queries. Can use the published schema in Apollo Engine or a downloaded schema.
$ apollo codegen:generate [OUTPUT]
Directory to which generated files will be written.
- For TypeScript/Flow generators, this specifies a directory relative to each source file by default.
- For TypeScript/Flow generators with the "outputFlat" flag is set, and for the Swift generator, this specifies a
file or directory (absolute or relative to the current working directory) to which:
- a file will be written for each query (if "output" is a directory)
- all generated types will be written
- For all other types, this defines a file (absolute or relative to the current working directory) to which all
generated types are written.
-h, --help Show command help
--addTypename Automatically add __typename to your queries
--clientSchema=clientSchema Path to your client-side GraphQL schema file for `apollo-link-state`
(.graphql, .json, .js, .ts)
--config=config Path to your Apollo config file
--customScalarsPrefix=customScalarsPrefix Include a prefix when using provided types for custom scalars
--key=key The API key for the Apollo Engine service
--mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads Merge fragment fields onto its enclosing type
--namespace=namespace The namespace to emit generated code into.
--only=only Parse all input files, but only output generated code for the specified
file [Swift only]
--operationIdsPath=operationIdsPath Path to an operation id JSON map file. If specified, also stores the
operation ids (hashes) as properties on operation types [currently
--outputFlat By default, TypeScript/Flow will put each generated file in a directory
next to its source file using the value of the "output" as the directory
name. Set "outputFlat" to put all generated files in the directory relative
to the current working directory defined by "output".
--passthroughCustomScalars Use your own types for custom scalars
--queries=queries [default: **/*.graphql] Path to your GraphQL queries, can include search
tokens like **
--schema=schema Path to your GraphQL schema (.graphql, .json, .js, .ts)
--tagName=tagName [default: gql] Name of the template literal tag used to identify template
literals containing GraphQL queries in Javascript/Typescript code
--target=target Type of code generator to use (swift | typescript | flow | scala), inferred
from output
--useFlowExactObjects Use Flow exact objects for generated types [flow only]
--useFlowReadOnlyTypes Use Flow read only types for generated types [flow only]
--watch Watch the query files to auto-generate on changes.
See code: src/commands/codegen/generate.ts
display help for apollo
$ apollo help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Checks your GraphQL operations for compatibility with the server. Checks against the published schema in Apollo Engine.
$ apollo queries:check
-h, --help Show command help
--config=config Path to your Apollo config file
--json Output result as JSON
--key=key The API key for the Apollo Engine service
--queries=queries Path to your GraphQL queries, can include search tokens like **
--tagName=tagName [default: gql] Name of the template literal tag used to identify template literals containing
GraphQL queries in Javascript/Typescript code
See code: src/commands/queries/check.ts
Check a schema against the version registered in Apollo Engine.
$ apollo schema:check
-h, --help Show command help
--config=config Path to your Apollo config file
--endpoint=endpoint The URL of the server to fetch the schema from
--header=header Additional headers to send to server for introspectionQuery
--json Output result as JSON
--key=key The API key for the Apollo Engine service
See code: src/commands/schema/check.ts
Download the schema from your GraphQL endpoint.
$ apollo schema:download OUTPUT
OUTPUT [default: schema.json] Path to write the introspection result to
-h, --help Show command help
--config=config Path to your Apollo config file
--endpoint=endpoint The URL of the server to fetch the schema from or path to ./your/local/schema.graphql
--header=header Additional headers to send to server for introspectionQuery
--key=key The API key for the Apollo Engine service
See code: src/commands/schema/download.ts
Publish a schema to Apollo Engine
$ apollo schema:publish
-h, --help Show command help
--config=config Path to your Apollo config file
--endpoint=endpoint The URL of the server to fetch the schema from
--header=header Additional headers to send to server for introspectionQuery
--json Output successful publish result as JSON
--key=key The API key for the Apollo Engine service
See code: src/commands/schema/publish.ts
The Apollo CLI and VS Code extension can be configured with an Apollo Config file. Apollo configuration is stored as a plain object and can be either specified under the apollo
key in your package.json
or as a separate apollo.config.js
which exports the config data.
The core of any configuration is specifying schemas and queries. Schemas specify information about your backend such as where to get the schema, what endpoint to make requests against, and the Apollo Engine API key to get schema updates and stats from. Queries define which documents Apollo tooling should analyze and tie them to the schema they are targeting.
Let's take a look at a basic configuration file (package.json
"apollo": {
"schemas": {
"myPrimaryBackend": {
"schema": "downloadedSchema.json", // if not defined the an introspection query will be run
"endpoint": "http://example.com/graphql", // if not defined the schema will be downloaded from Apollo Engine
"engineKey": "my-engine-key" // use this key when connecting to Apollo Engine
"queries": [ // optional if you only have one schema
"schema": "myPrimaryBackend", // reference the previously defined schema
"includes": [ "**/*.tsx" ], // load queries from .tsx files
"excludes": [ "node_modules/**" ] // don't include any matching files from node_modules
Or in apollo.config.js
module.exports = {
schemas: {
myPrimaryBackend: {
schema: "downloadedSchema.json", // if not defined the an introspection query will be run
endpoint: "http://example.com/graphql", // if not defined the schema will be downloaded from Apollo Engine
engineKey: "my-engine-key" // use this key when connecting to Apollo Engine
queries: [ // optional if you only have one schema
schema: "myPrimaryBackend", // reference the previously defined schema
includes: [ "**/*.tsx" ], // load queries from .tsx files
excludes: [ "node_modules/**" ] // don't include any matching files from node_modules
When configuring a schema's endpoint, you can either pass in a string or an object, which allows for specifying advanced options like headers and subscription endpoints.
endpoint: {
url: "http://example.com/graphql",
subscriptions: "ws://example.com/graphql",
headers: {
cookie: "myCookie=myCookieValue"
Schemas can also declare dependencies on eachother, which can be useful in situations like having a client-side schema for apollo-link-state
. To declare a dependency, use the extends
key. When working with a client-side schema, make sure to also specify the clientSide
key to enable code-generation support.
schemas: {
myServerSideSchema: {
myClientSideSchema: {
extends: "myServerSideSchema",
clientSide: true
See Apollo iOS for details on the mapping from GraphQL results to Swift types, as well as runtime support for executing queries and mutations. For Scala, see React Apollo Scala.js for details on how to use generated Scala code in a Scala.js app with Apollo Client.
If the source file for generation is a JavaScript or TypeScript file, the codegen will try to extrapolate the queries inside the gql tag templates.
The tag name is configurable using the CLI --tagName
When using the codegen command with Typescript or Flow, make sure to add the __typename
introspection field to every selection set within your graphql operations.
If you're using a client like apollo-client
that does this automatically for your GraphQL operations, pass in the --addTypename
option to apollo codegen:generate
to make sure the generated Typescript and Flow types have the __typename
field as well. This is required to ensure proper type generation support for GraphQLUnionType
and GraphQLInterfaceType
Using the type information from the GraphQL schema, we can infer the possible types for fields. However, in the case of a GraphQLUnionType
or GraphQLInterfaceType
, there are multiple types that are possible for that field. This is best modeled using a disjoint union with the __typename
as the discriminant.
For example, given a schema:
interface Character {
name: String!
type Human implements Character {
homePlanet: String
type Droid implements Character {
primaryFunction: String
Whenever a field of type Character
is encountered, it could be either a Human or Droid. Human and Droid objects
will have a different set of fields. Within your application code, when interacting with a Character
you'll want to make sure to handle both of these cases.
Given this query:
query Characters {
characters(episode: NEW_HOPE) {
... on Human {
... on Droid {
Apollo Codegen will generate a union type for Character.
export type CharactersQuery = {
characters: Array<
| {
__typename: "Human",
name: string,
homePlanet: ?string
| {
__typename: "Droid",
name: string,
primaryFunction: ?string
This type can then be used as follows to ensure that all possible types are handled:
function CharacterFigures({ characters }: CharactersQuery) {
return characters.map(character => {
switch (character.__typename) {
case "Human":
return (
case "Droid":
return (
This repo is composed of multiple packages managed by Lerna. The apollo-cli
contains the core CLI commands. The apollo-codegen-core
package contains all the compiler APIs needed to implement code generation support for new languages. The other apollo-codegen-*
packages implement code generation support for individual languages.
Running tests locally:
npm install
npm test
You can also run npm
commands within package folders after you have bootstrapped the repository (part of npm install