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This repository was archived by the owner on May 26, 2023. It is now read-only.


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This repo was archived by the Apollo Security team on 2023-05-26

Apollo Scala.js

use Apollo Client and React Apollo from your Scala.js apps!

View the docs


Add the dependency to your build.sbt

resolvers += "Apollo Bintray" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.apollographql" %%% "apollo-scalajs-core" % "0.8.0" // if you are writing a vanilla Scala.js app
libraryDependencies += "com.apollographql" %%% "apollo-scalajs-react" % "0.8.0" // if you are writing a React Scala.js app

You probably also want to add other Slinky modules such as the web module, so check out the instructions at

To set up the code generator, which uses the Apollo CLI to generate static types for your GraphQL queries, first install apollo npm i -g apollo

and then set up SBT to automatically run it

val namespace = "your package here"

(sourceGenerators in Compile) += Def.task {
  import scala.sys.process._

  val out = (sourceManaged in Compile).value


    "apollo", "client:codegen", s"--queries=${((sourceDirectory in Compile).value / "graphql").getAbsolutePath}/*.graphql",
    s"--localSchemaFile=${(baseDirectory.value / "schema.json").getAbsolutePath}",

  Seq(out / "graphql.scala")


Once you have placed some GraphQL queries in src/main/graphql, you can use the generated types to create GraphQL-powered React components!

To integrate GraphQL data in your React tree, simply use the Query component to render subtrees based on a specified query.

Query(UsdRatesQuery)  { queryStatus =>
  if (queryStatus.loading) "Loading..."
  else if (queryStatus.error) s"Error! ${queryStatus.error.message}"
  else {
    div(", "))

For more on implementing advanced components, follow the instructions at

Next, to initialize Apollo Client in your application, first create an instance of the client (here using Apollo Boost)

val client = ApolloBoostClient(
  uri = ""

Finally, wrap your React component tree inside an ApolloProvider component, which all components inside to perform GraphQL queries with the specified client
