track/2.0: v1.0.0
1.0.0 (2025-03-10)
- add openfga lib v1 (e747890)
- COS: add Grafana dashboard, Loki alert rules and Alertmanager rules (d8a3ec5)
- COS: COS integration first implementation (f8d1d38)
- COS: implement bundle relations, log on promtail-digest-error, expose metrics port on OpenFGA service (8d3a111)
- enable response time histograms (388e1e9)
- switched to Loki log forwarding (ac06e69)
- update openfga lib (7e976ac)
- update to use openfga v1.5.2 (edbbc75)
- use openfga lib v1 (f5ee976)
Bug Fixes
- Add check that dsn is there (5fbbd1a)
- adjust grafana dashboard sources (d109c2d)
- bump ingress to v2 (3c40361)
- catch error on restart (0a7b1ad)
- content-type is automatically set by lib (c28cec2)
- do not compute token every time (b3b04d0)
- expose workload version (1d7d508)
- fix openfga command (36d8686)
- fix tests (b785dc8)
- pass log level to openfga (5333bae)
- refactor database_created hook (f231334)
- refactor logic in _update_workload (5e00e2f)
- remove duplicate check (192273a)
- remove leader requirement from db events (eb970fc)
- remove logrotate (b11c9b8)
- remove tls integration (839b2e6)
- type annotations (a0d20af)
- typo (0f7bb7c)
- unpin lightkube-models (9ee8459)
- use ghcr image in tests (8164b25)