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View a landing page built with Hedron.
npm install --save hedron
or better yet
yarn add hedron
View interactive example on webpackbin
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Page, Row, Column } from 'hedron';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Column sm={8} smShift={2} lg={6} lgShift={3}>
<h1>This is a column that's centered using the shift props</h1>
<Column fluid sm={4}>
<h1>Fluid Columns</h1>
<Column fluid sm={4}>
<p>It's a 12 column layout by default.</p>
<Column fluid sm={4}>
<Row divisions={24}>
<Column sm={24}>
But you can change the amount of columns by adding the
`divisions` property to a Row.
<p>It's fully embeddable as well!</p>
First of all, thanks for your interest in contributing to hedron. If you're wanting to make a contribution and not sure what to do, take a look at the issue tracker and look at the tasks labeled with help wanted
$ git clone https://github.com/JSBros/hedron
To install all dependencies, you can use either npm or yarn. I personally prefer [and recommend] using yarn.
$ npm install
$ yarn install
To build hedron from the source code, please run the following command inside the hedron directory
$ npm run build
Before you submit a pull request, you must first make sure that the code base is passing eslint inspections. To do that, please run the following
$ npm run lint
If all goes well, nothing spectacular should happen. If there are any errors, you'll get a lot of red output in your terminal and it will list exactly what needs to be fixed.
Hedron is under the MIT License.