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Grid System

Garet McKinley edited this page Mar 9, 2017 · 7 revisions

Break Points

Hedron comes with 3 built-in break points. These are the break-points that I've found to be most useful in responsive website design.

Hedron is built mobile-first, which means that all styles that should be displayed on a mobile device are placed outside of all media queries. Whenever I refer to the xs breakpoint, I'm referring to the default break-point that comes before all media queries.

  sm: 500,
  md: 768,
  lg: 1100,

These can be customized using the <BreakpointProvider> component.

Page Component

import { Page } from 'hedron';
  <Row />
  <Row />

The page component is the topmost component in the hedron grid system. It is designed to be a fixed (or fluid) width container which holds all your Rows.

Page Options

Property Name Type Description
className String Set a css class if you wish to override the styles
tagName String By default, the Page component uses a section element. You can change it to something like a div by specifying the tagName
debug Bool Draws all child columns with "bounding boxes" for easy visualization of the grid. This enables debug mode for all the children of this component (Default: false)
fluid Number Enabling fluid mode disables the fixed width of the Page (Default: false)
width String If not using fluid, set a custom width for the page.

Row Component

import { Row } from 'hedron';
<Row />

Although this is the most basic usage, you would never use a Row in the above way. In order for a Row to be useful, it needs to be filled with Column components. Currently it's advised to only put Column or Row components directly inside Row components, because of the way the property inheritance system works in hedron.

Row Options

Property Name Type Description
alignContent String Sets the value of the CSS align-content property
alignItems String Sets the value of the CSS align-items property
alignSelf String Sets the value of the CSS align-self property
debug Bool Draws all child columns with "bounding boxes" for easy visualization of the grid. (Default: false)
divisions Number The amount of horizontal columns this row creates. (Default: 12)
justifyContent String Sets the value of the CSS justify-content property
order String Sets the value of the CSS order property

Column Component

import { Row, Column } from 'hedron';
  <Column><p>By default, this renders a div at 100% width.</p></Column>

Column Options

Property Name Type Description
fluid Bool If true, disable padding.
xs Number Width during xs breakpoint.
sm Number Width during sm breakpoint.
md Number Width during md breakpoint.
lg Number Width during lg breakpoint.
xsShift Number Width of left margin during xs breakpoint.
smShift Number Width of left margin during sm breakpoint.
mdShift Number Width of left margin during md breakpoint.
lgShift Number Width of left margin during lg breakpoint.

Layout Example

import { Row, Column } from 'hedron';
<Row divisions={2}>
  <Column lg={1}>
    <h1>Site Title</h1>
  <Column lg={1}>
    <h2>Site Slogan</h2>

<Row divisions={9}>
  <Column xs={3} lg={1} lgShift={3}>
    <h4>Section Title</h4>
    <p>Etiam pretium libero massa, vitae lacinia nibh ultricies ut.</p>
  <Column xs={3} lg={1}>
    <h4>Section Title</h4>
    <p>Etiam pretium libero massa, vitae lacinia nibh ultricies ut.</p>
  <Column xs={3} lg={1}>
    <h4>Section Title</h4>
    <p>Etiam pretium libero massa, vitae lacinia nibh ultricies ut.</p>

  <Column sm={4}>
    <h4>Footer Title</h4>
    <p>Etiam pretium libero massa, vitae lacinia nibh ultricies ut.</p>
  <Column sm={8}>
      <li><a href="#">Footer Link</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Footer Link</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Footer Link</a></li>



  • Information
  • Grid System


  • Container
  • Box
  • LayoutProvider
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