Bug Algorithms in Webots
Consist of Bug 0 and Bug 1 which are working programs written similarily. A world will need to be built using the E-Puck robot in webots. Both may need to be adjusted to fit your webot build and system, however the logic is working.
Bug 2 revision has finished. Does not have the same style as Bug 0 and Bug 1. However should be fairly simple to understand.
Bug 3 is in the process of being written based on the style of Bug 2. The current version of it is just Bug 2 copy and pasted over to the file. This is currently being revised and should be finished before the end of October 2024.
If you are unfamiliar with webots, I suggest these videos to help you understand the world building process. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbEU0vp_OQkUwANRMUOM00SXybYQ4TXNF&si=ejOqIpJbeA-LQ5_N