MycoSNP Workflows (The GeneFlow version of MycoSNP is no longer supported. Please use the Nextflow version of MycoSNP from
MycoSNP is a portable workflow for performing whole genome sequencing analysis of fungal organisms, including Candida auris. This method prepares the reference, performs quality control, and calls variants using a reference. MycoSNP generates several output files that are compatible with downstream analytic tools, such as those for used for phylogenetic tree-building and gene variant annotations.
MycoSNP (version 0.22) includes the following set of three GeneFlow workflows:
- MycoSNP BWA Reference:
- Prepares a reference FASTA file for BWA alignment and GATK variant calling by masking repeats in the reference and generating the BWA index.
- MycoSNP BWA Pre-Process:
- Prepares samples (paired-end FASTQ files) for GATK variant calling by aligning the samples to a BWA reference index and ensuring that the BAM files are correctly formatted. This step also provides different quality reports for sample evaluation.
- MycoSNP GATK Variants:
- Calls variants and generates a multi-FASTA file.
- Calls variants.
- Generates individual vcf files for each sample, which can be used for gene variant annotation.
- Generates a multi-FASTA file, which can be used to build phylogenetic trees.
This repository contains installation instructions common for all workflows.
To run any of the three workflows, please ensure that your computing environment meets the following requirements:
Linux Operating System
SquashFS, required for executing Singularity containers - Most standard Linux distributions have SquashFS installed and enabled by default. However, in the event that SquashFS is not enabled, we recommend that you check with your system administrator to install it. Alternatively, you can enable it by following these instructions (warning: these docs are for advanced users):
Python 3+
GeneFlow (, install instructions below)
DRMAA library, required for executing the workflow in an HPC environment
git clone
cd mycosnp
bash -I
bash -o testresults
This should install geneflow under a python virtual environment in the "gfpy" directory and the appropriate workflows into the workflows directory, as well as run some test data through the workflows to determine if everything is working correctly.
This section outlines how to perform a manual install if needed. It is recommended to just use the provided script which will perform the installation outlined in this section.
First install GeneFlow and its dependencies as follows:
Create a Python virtual environment to install dependencies and activate that environment.
mkdir -p ~/mycosnp cd ~/mycosnp python3 -m venv gfpy source gfpy/bin/activate
Install GeneFlow.
pip3 install geneflow
Install the Python DRMAA library if you need to execute the workflow in an HPC environment. Skip this step if you do not need HPC.
pip3 install drmaa
Install and run any of the three MycoSNP workflows by following the instructions for each workflow:
- MycoSNP BWA Reference:
- MycoSNP BWA Pre-Process:
- MycoSNP GATK Variants:
# From within mycosnp directory # source gfpy/bin/activate # If not already gf install-workflow --make-apps --git-branch v0.22 -f -g workflows/mycosnp-bwa-reference/0.22 gf install-workflow --make-apps --git-branch v0.22 -f -g workflows/mycosnp-bwa-pre-process/0.22 gf install-workflow --make-apps --git-branch v0.22 -f -g workflows/mycosnp-gatk-variants/0.22
Once installed, the set of workflows can most easily be run using the wrapper script which will run each of the three workflows in succession.
bash -o ~/my-mycosnp-results/test-results -r demo/c_auris_test.fasta -i demo/fastq -v 0.22
See options for using the -h and -H options
# Wraper script help/options
bash -h
Usage: [ -r <reference fasta> ] [ -i <fastq input directory> ] [ -o <output directory: ./output> ] ...
[ -x <result name prefix: result> ]
[ -v <mycosnp version: 0.22> ]
[ -w <work directory: ./work> ] * work directory can be removed after successful analysis.
[ -d <bwa-preprocess coverage-option: 70> ]
[ -D <bwa-preprocess rate-option: 1.0> ]
... If rate is specified, then coverage is ignored. rate specifies the rate for downsampling FASTQ files. A rate of 1.0 indicates that 100% of reads in the FASTQ files are retained, which effectively "skips" downsampling. If coverage is specified and rate is not specified, coverage is used to calculate a downsampling rate that results in the specified coverage. For example if coverage 70, then FASTQ files are downsampled such that, when aligned to the reference, the result is approximately 70x coverage.
[ -p <gatk ploidy: 1> ] Ploidy of sample
[ -f <gatk filter expression: "QD < 2.0 || FS > 60.0 || MQ < 40.0 || DP < 10"> ]
... Filter criteria for variants
[ -a <gatk max_perc_amb_samples: 10> ]
... Max percent of samples with ambiguous calls for inclusion
[ -A <gatk max_amb_samples: 1000000> ]
... Max number of samples with ambiguous calls for inclusion
[ -g <git host root> ]
[ -c <execution type [gridengine/slurm/local]: local> ]
[ -q <cluster queue name: all.q> ]
[ -I Install workflows ]
.. Can be used with -v to install specific version, otherwise the default will be installed
[ -1 Run Step one only ] Prepare Reference Files
[ -2 Run Step two only (requires step one run with same input/output settings) ] Mapping
[ -3 Run Step three only (requires step one/two run with same input/output settings) ] Variant Calling
[ -H print this help message ]
[ -m print geneflow help messages for all of the workflows ]
== Installation ==
This script must first install dependencies before being run. Dependencies would also be installed
if they do not exist on first run of the script. To install run:
bash -I
This will install geneflow and the appropriate workflows into the script directory.
== Testing ==
Test the installation with the demo data.
bash -o testresults
Results will be stored in the directory indicated with -o.
== Running ==
This script will run the following workflows in succession.
* MycoSNP BWA Reference:
* MycoSNP BWA Pre-Process:
* MycoSNP GATK Variants:
To view the helpfiles for the workflows you can use the -H flag.
Note: Either the prefix (-x) or the output directory (-o) must be unique for each run.
To run an analysis, you only need a reference file in fasta format, and a set of directories with fastq files (R1/R2). Each directory
will be analyzed as a separate sample, or each unique pair of fastq files.
bash -r demo/c_auris_test.fasta -i demo/fastq -o demo-results
Individual help for the workflows can be accessed with the -H argument.
# Workflow help descriptions - Note: options are accessed via the wrapper script arguments
bash -H
The results will be present in three separate directories, one for each step of the workflow.
BWA index files for the fasta reference.
The index files from picard CreateSequenceDictionary.
Mapping bam files for each sample.
FastQC report of the mapped/filtered reads.
A MultiQC report file, showing the quality of the reads and mapping results.
A text report of mapping results for each sample.
Reads, trimmed based on qc settings.
Qualimap output to determine the quality of the alignment. Results are better viewed in the multiqc report.
Consensus file for each sample, with variants mapped back to the consensus sequence.
Combined selected variants.
Full vcf files split into one per sample.
Select filtered variants, split into one file per sample.
Combined, filtered variants in VCF format.
QC report showing the number of bases per sample for selected variants and how many of the bases are unknown (N) per sample
A multi-fasta file which includes variants from each sample. This file can be used to construct a tree showing sequence similarity between each of the sequences.
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