Version: 2.6.0
GeneFlow (GF) is a light-weight platform-agnostic workflow engine for scientific computing.
At a minimum, GeneFlow requires a Linux environment with Python 3. The Python pip installer for GeneFlow handles all python dependencies.
Agave is optional. Agave is a Science as a Service platform developed by the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). It provides fine-grained access to storage, authentication, data manipulation, and compute infrastructure and allows you to bring together public, private, and shared high performance computing (HPC), high throughput computing (HTC), Cloud, and Big Data resources under a single, web-friendly REST API.
Users with access to the CDC SciComp environment may use the pre-installed GeneFlow and Agave to get started: Quick Start for CDC Users.
External users, or CDC users who need a more customized installation, may refer to the general installation instructions which can be found in the Additional Documentation.
Load the GeneFlow module in the CDC SciComp environment (from either Biolinux or Aspen):
module load geneflow/latest
Test the installation by running the GeneFlow CLI:
geneflow --help
If you need to install GeneFlow, it is recommended to use a Python3 virtual environment. However, if you have root access and want to install GeneFlow system-wide, you may skip the virtual environment step.
Create and activate a Python3 virtual environment:
python3 -m venv gfpy source gfpy/bin/activate
Clone the GeneFlow source repository:
git clone
Install GeneFlow:
pip3 install ./geneflow2
Test the installation by running the GeneFlow CLI:
geneflow --help
Additional documentation can be found here. Alternatively, it can be found in the docs folder of this source repository (or by following this link: Additional Documentation). You can view the index.rst text file, or you can generate the html and pdf documentation with the following commands:
cd ~/geneflow_work
git clone
cd geneflow/docs
make html
make latexpdf
The output html and pdf files should appear in the _build/html
or _build/latex
folders. Note that you may need to install some dependencies prior to building the documentation. For example, for Ubuntu systems, run:
pip install sphinx
sudo apt install latexmk texlive texlive-science texlive-formats-extra
Note that sphinx may be installed within a Python virtual environment.
GeneFlow was developed by the GDIT Scientific Computing and Bioinformatics Support (SCBS) team for the Office of Advanced Molecular Detection (OAMD) at the CDC.
For technical support, please contact [email protected].
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This source code in this repository is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Apache Software License for more details.
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