A Discord bot that helps monitor and forward messages between channels. Perfect for message monitoring, forwarding, and automated moderation across multiple channels and guilds.
Parrot monitors specific users' messages in designated channels and forwards them to separate channels, allowing members to:
- Track messages from specific users without receiving notifications
- Review messages in a dedicated channel
- Jump back to original messages with one click
- 显示帮助信息。
<用户名> <频道名称> - 为指定用户开始监控指定频道的消息。
<用户名> <频道名称> - 停止监控为指定用户设定的频道。
<用户名> <频道名称> - 为指定用户设置消息转发的目标频道。
<用户名> - 显示指定用户的当前状态,包括监控的频道和目标频道。
- Displays this help message.
- Start monitoring messages in a specified channel for a specified user.
- Stop monitoring messages in a specified channel for a specified user.
- Set the target channel for forwarding messages for a specified user.
- Show current status for a specified user, including monitored channels and target channel.
Note: Commands need to include the username for which the settings are to be configured or viewed.
To keep your Discord bot running 24/7, even after you exit the SSH session on your server, you'll need to use a process manager that can handle the lifecycle of your Node.js application. A common tool for this purpose is PM2, which is a powerful, production-ready process manager for Node.js applications that allows them to run in the background as a service.
Here’s how to set up PM2 to manage your Discord bot:
Step 1: Install PM2 First, you need to install PM2 on your server. You can do this globally using npm:
npm install pm2 -g
Step 2: Start Your Bot with PM2 Navigate to the directory where your bot’s code is located (where your bot.js file is), and start it using PM2:
pm2 start bot.js --name "discord-bot"
This command will start your bot under the name "discord-bot", which makes it easier to manage using PM2. PM2 will automatically restart your bot if it crashes and will keep it running in the background.
Step 3: Configure PM2 to Auto-Start at Boot To ensure that your bot starts automatically after a reboot, you can set up PM2 to resurrect your processes on startup:
pm2 startup
This command will generate a line of code that you need to execute with superuser privileges. Follow the instructions provided in the output of the pm2 startup command.
Step 4: Save Your PM2 Process List After setting up the processes you want PM2 to manage, save the list:
pm2 save
This command saves the current list of processes so that they can be reloaded automatically on reboot or if PM2 is restarted.
Step 5: Managing Your Bot with PM2 PM2 provides several commands to help manage your application:
Check Status: pm2 status
will show you the status of all processes managed by PM2.
Stop an Application: pm2 stop discord-bot
will stop the bot.
Restart an Application: pm2 restart discord-bot
will restart the bot.
View Logs: pm2 logs discord-bot
will show logs for your bot, which is useful for debugging.
Update Your Bot: When you make changes to your bot’s code, you’ll need to restart it with PM2 to apply those changes: pm2 restart discord-bot
Monitor Your Bot: Use pm2 monit
to monitor the CPU and memory usage of your applications managed by PM2.