Author: Zach Stoebner
EECE 8396 S22
Exploring compressed sensing fMRI time series.
- tutorial: background tutorial for compressed sensing with examples for:
- the traditional convex optimization approach to recover a wave signal + a downsized 2D image from the discrete cosine transform, and
- an L-BFGS gradient descent approach to recover a full-sized 2D image from the discrete cosine transform.
- opt: L1 minimization of voxel time series through general convex optimization formulation. Analysis of a task-based fMRI to identify the most active voxel correlated to the task and exploring sparse recovery related to the voxel activation, in the context of the Nyquist rates defined by the HRF and task response function. Using:
- ECOS (baseline)
- Run to reconstruct a simple waveform using L1 minimization via convex optimization.
- Run to reconstruct a downsized image using L1 minimization via convex optimization.
- Run to reconstruct the full-size image using OWL-QN version of the L-BFGS algorithm.
python -f <FMRI_FILE> -t <TASK_FILE> [-s <SLICE_INDEX>] [-m <METHOD>] [-b [BLOCK]] [--verbose]
- Clone the repository
git clone
. - Install dependencies
- Install Anaconda. Create a new environment with the dependencies:
conda env create -f no-builds.yml
(suggested), or - Install dependencies with
pip -r requirements.txt
- Install Anaconda. Create a new environment with the dependencies:
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