Author: Evgeniy Kapustin, e "atata" kapustin "dot" by
Copyright: Evgeniy Kapustin, 2012
Project home:
: Cadence SKILL script for aligning and distributing objects in Allegro PCB Editor or Allegro Package Designer. Can be used for the following objects: Group, Component, Pin, Via, Text.
- snap to Origin, Body Center
- snap to any Pin
- horizontally and vertically aligning
- snap to grid (only for v15.7+)
- aligning by object boundary (Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
- distributing between utmost left/right (top/bottom) object, auto calculating step
- distributing with fixed step, from utmost left (bottom) object
- distributing using object boundary, instead of distibution by object's origin.
- skip fixed objects
- align by user pick (by selecting object or point)
- stretch CLine
- hotkey for each action (only for v16.3+)
- w, a, s, d - Top, Left, Bottom, Right
- q, z - CenterH, CenterV
- e, c - DistributeH, DistributeV
- r, v - PickH, PickV
- store script settings
- store filter
- Windows XP SP3, APE 16.3-16.5, APD 16.3-16.5
- Windows 7 SP1 x64, APE 16.5-16.6, APD 16.5-16.6
- APE 15.x-16.2 - without "Align" menu item.
- havn't undo. How create undo?
- implemented oops functionality, but not undo.
- launch install.bat, all files will be copied to appropriate folders, and registered for autoloading.
- run the script from allegro command line: aln, or from menu Edit->Align (Alt+e+a)
- select objects, on form press button with required action (form situated in Options panel)