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Releases: zio/zio-sqs

v0.8.0: Long polling is now the default for an SQS consumer

23 Mar 13:25
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We accidentally switched to short-polling in v0.7.0 from the default (long polling) that was previously there. This caused user's AWS bills to increase when using default settings which was not desirable. The current default has now moved back to long-polling (20 seconds).

Special thanks to @fabian-braun for pointing this out and he has linked some good documentation on this matter

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.7.3...v0.8.0


15 Mar 14:18
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.7.2...v0.7.3


11 Mar 10:37
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2


21 Jan 19:59
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What's Changed

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09 Jan 02:32
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What's Changed

We have added a new high level API called SqsStream.consumeChunkAtLeastOnce inspired by FS2 Kafka's consumeChunk API. This new API allows you to focus on processing a chunk of messages and we take of deleting the messages once you have processed them successfully. Failure to process messages will prevent the messages from being deleted from the SQS queue so you can receive it again (hence at-least-once). If your messages take long to process (i.e. past the visibility timeout), you can leverage the automatic extension feature (on by default) which will automatically submit visibility extension messages for the chunk of messages you are working on so that the messages won't reappear back on the queue for other consumers to process limiting the chance of multiple consumers working on the same message.

The new API looks lke this:

val consumerExample =
      queueUrl = queueUrl,
      settings = SqsStreamSettings.default
      extensionSettings = SqsMessageLifetimeExtensionSettings.default
    ) { (messages: Chunk[Message.ReadOnly]) =>
        ZIO.debug(s"working on $messages").unit

As long as your ZIO effect successfully completes, the API will take care of deleting the messages (using batching) and pulling the next set of messages to process.

We didn't forget about SqsStream and performance improvements have been applied to preserve chunking. If you use autoDelete=true (which is at-most-once delivery), we also perform batch deletes and reduce the number of API calls made.

We have also added SqsStream.deleteMessageBatchSink to help facilitate at-least-once delivery semantics for users of SqsStream so you can use SqsStream with autoDelete=false, process your messages as you see fit and then hook your stream to thedeleteMessageBatchSink ZSink to delete messages from the queue.

Here is an example:

val consumerStreamExample =
  SqsStream(queueUrl, SqsStreamSettings.default.withAutoDelete(false))
    .tap(message => ZIO.debug(s"processing $message here")) // for illustration purposes only

We've also added extendMessageLifetime and batch variants so that you can utilize these methods if message processing goes past the visibility timeout. For batch methods like deleteMessageBatch and extendMessageLifetimeBatch, we take care to perform retries since a batch request can come back with individual message failures that need to be retried. Note that if your extendMessageLifetimeBatch is invoked too late (past the visibility timeout duration), you will get errors since you cannot keep the message invisible from the queue and you will be forced to reprocess the message. We make use of extendMessageLifetimeBatch inside consumeChunkAtLeastOnce

Note: We've made minor breaking changes to SqsSettings to adhere to the AWS defaults and not override them if you don't specify them. We've also removed the R type parameter in Producer.make since requirements are contravariant.

More information about testing the new changes against AWS SQS and AWS SQS FIFO can be found in #773

Full Changelog: v0.6.5...v0.7.0


09 Dec 18:07
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.6.4...v0.6.5


07 Nov 14:21
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.6.4


31 Oct 14:44
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What's Changed

  • Update zio-aws-netty, zio-aws-sqs to by @scala-steward in #742
  • Update by @zio-assistant in #743

Full Changelog: v0.6.2...v0.6.3


30 Oct 13:39
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What's Changed

New Contributors

  • @zio-assistant made their first contribution in #722

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2


03 Sep 15:20
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1