Some python scripts for Notepad++.
Install the plugin of Python Script in Notepad++.
This is a python script to convert Japanese characters for Notepad++.
- Convert full-width characters to half-width
- Convert half-width characters to full-width
- Convert full-width katakana characters to hiragana
- Convert hiragana characters to full-width katakana
Just copy zen-han
folder to the scripts' folder. For example:
- Select the characters you want to do the convertion.
- Click the convertion's menu in
Plugins -> Python Script -> Scripts -> zen-han
- __init__
The file which make the directory to a python package
- Han2Zen
Convert all half-width characters in selection to full-width
- Han2ZenAns
Convert half-width characters of alphabet, number, sign in selection to full-width
- Han2ZenKana
Convert half-width characters of katakana in selection to full-width
- Hira2Kana
Convert hiragana characters in selection to full-width katakana
- Kana2Hira
Convert full-width katakana characters in selection to hiragana
- Zen2Han
Convert all full-width characters in selection to half-width
- Zen2HanAns
Convert full-width characters of alphabet, number, sign in selection to half-width
- Zen2HanKana
Convert full-width characters of katakana in selection to half-width
- ZenkakuHankaku
The main library
This is a python script to sort json or yaml file by keys
- Download souce code of PyYAML 5.4.1 (Target file: PyYAML-5.4.1.tar.gz).
- Extract folder
from the downloaded file into the lib folder of notepad++. For example:C:\notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\lib
- Copy
file to the scripts' folder. For example:
- Open the target file
- Click the menu
Plugins -> Python Script -> Scripts -> SortJsonYaml
This is a python script to copy files from a directory to another directory for Notepad++.
Just copy
file to the scripts' folder. For example:
- List up all the target files in the editor
- Click the menu
Plugins -> Python Script -> Scripts -> CopyFiles
These scripts are available under the MIT license.