PCA analysis
# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/zavolanlab/zpca.git
# create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
# activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
# install zpca scripts
pip install .
zpca consists of two tools:
- zpca-tpm
- zpca-counts
When you run
zpca-tpm --help
The following message should appear
usage: zpca-tpm [-h] --tpm FILE [--tpm-filter TPM_FILTER]
[--tpm-pseudocount TPM_PSEUDOCOUNT] --out FILE [-v]
Perform PCA based on a TPM expression matrix (rows are genes/transcripts, columns are samples).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tpm FILE TPM table (tsv).
--tpm-filter TPM_FILTER
Filter genes/transcripts with mean expression less than the provided filter. Default: 1
--tpm-pseudocount TPM_PSEUDOCOUNT
Pseudocount to add in the tpm table. Default: 1
--out FILE Output directory
-v, --verbose Verbose
When you run
zpca-counts --help
The following message should appear
usage: zpca-counts [-h] --counts FILE --lengths FILE
[--pseudocount PSEUDOCOUNT] [--filter-not-expressed] --out
Perform PCA based on an expression matrix (rows are genes/transcripts, columns are samples).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--counts FILE Counts table (tsv). The first column should contain the gene/transcript id. The other columns should contain the counts for each sample.
--lengths FILE Table of feature lengths (tsv).
The file can have two types of formats.
First option: The first column should contain the gene/transcript id.
The second column should contain the corresponding lengths
Second option: The first column should contain the gene/transcript id.
The rest of the columns should contain the gene/transcript lengths for each of the samples
Note that the sample names should be the same the sample names of the counts.
--pseudocount PSEUDOCOUNT
Pseudocount to add in the count table. Default: 1
Filter not expressed genes/transcripts (0 counts for all samples).
--out DIRECTORY Output directory
-v, --verbose Verbose
Pull image
docker pull zavolab/zpca
docker run -it zavolab/zpca zpca --help
Pull image
singularity pull docker://zavolab/zpca
singularity exec zpca_latest.sif zpca --help