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a laravel package that gives you a debounce effect on jobs, notifications and artisan commands with a nice report of occurrences.


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Laravel debounce

by zackaj

Laravel-debounce allows you to accumulate / debounce a job, notification or command to avoid spamming your users and your app's queue.

It also tracks and registers every request occurrence and gives you a nice report tracking with information like ip address and authenticated user per request.

Table of Contents


This laravel package uses UniqueJobs (atomic locks) and caching to run only one instance of a task in a debounced interval of x seconds delay.

Everytime a new activity is recorded (occurrence), the execution is delayed by x seconds.



A debounced notification to bulk notify users about new uploaded files.

See Code



namespace App\Notifications;

use App\Models\File;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class FileUploaded extends Notification
    use Queueable;

    public function __construct(public File $file) {}

    public function via(object $notifiable): array
        return ['database'];

    public function toArray(object $notifiable): array
        return [
            'files' => $this->file->user->files()
                ->where('created_at', '>=', $this->file->created_at)



namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\File;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Notifications\FileUploaded;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
use Zackaj\LaravelDebounce\Facades\Debounce;

class DemoController extends Controller
    public function normalNotification(Request $request)
        $user = $request->user();
        $file = File::factory()->create(['user_id' => $user->id]);
        $otherUsers = User::query()->whereNot('id', $user->id)->get();

        Notification::send($otherUsers, new FileUploaded($file));

        return back();

    public function debounceNotification(Request $request)
        $user = $request->user();
        $file = File::factory()->create(['user_id' => $user->id]);
        $otherUsers = User::query()->whereNot('id', $user->id)->get();

            notifiables: $otherUsers,
            notification:new FileUploaded($file),
            delay: 5,

        return back();




  composer require zackaj/laravel-debounce


Basic usage

You can debounce existing jobs, notifications and commands with zero setup.

Warning you can't access report tracking without extending the package's classes, see Advanced usage.

use Zackaj\LaravelDebounce\Facades\Debounce;

    job:new Job(),//replace
    delay:5,//delay in seconds
    uniqueKey:auth()->user()->id,//debounce per Job class name + uniqueKey
    sync:false, //optional, job will be fired to the queue

    notifiables: auth()->user(),
    notification: new Notification(),//replace
    delay: 5,
    uniqueKey: auth()->user()->id,
    sendNow: false,

    command: new Command(),//replace
    delay: 5,
    uniqueKey: $request->ip(),
    parameters: ['name' => 'zackaj'],//see Artisan::call() signature
    toQueue: false,//optional, send command to the queue when executed
    outputBuffer: null,//optional, //see Artisan::call() signature

Advanced usage

In order to use:

your existing jobs, notifications and commands must extend:

use Zackaj\LaravelDebounce\DebounceJob;
use Zackaj\LaravelDebounce\DebounceNotification;
use Zackaj\LaravelDebounce\DebounceCommand;

or just generate new ones using the available make commands.

Make commands

  • Notification
php artisan make:debounce-notification TestNotification
  • Job
php artisan make:debounce-job TestJob
  • Command
php artisan make:debounce-command TestCommand

No facade usage

Alternatively, now you can debounce from the job, notification and command instances directly without using the Debounce facade used in Basic usage

(new Job())->debounce(...);

(new Notification())->debounce(...);

(new Command())->debounce(...);

Report Tracking

Laravel-debounce uses the cache to store every request occurrence, use getReport() method within your debounceables to access the report chain that has a collection of occurrences.

Every report will have one occurrence minimum.


namespace App\Jobs;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Zackaj\LaravelDebounce\DebounceJob;

class Jobless extends DebounceJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable;

    public function handle(): void
        $this->getReport()->occurrences;//collection of occurrences
        $this->getReport()->occurrences->first()->user;//authenticated user | null

Before After Hooks

If you wish to run some code before and/or after firing the debounceables you can use the available hooks.

Important: after() hook could run before your debounceable is handled if it's sent to the queue when:

  • sendNow==false and your notification implements ShouldQueue
  • sync==false and your job implements ShouldQueue
  • toQueue==true (command)

see: Basic usage

Debounce job

class Jobless extends DebounceJob implements ShouldQueue
    public function before(): void
        //run before dispatching the job

    public function after(): void
        //run after dispatching the job

Debounce notification

You get the $notifiables injected into the hooks.


class FileUploaded extends DebounceNotification
    public function before($notifiables): void
        //run before sending the notification

    public function after($notifiables): void
        //run after sending the notification

Debounce command

Due to limitations, the hook methods must be static.


class Test extends DebounceCommand
    public static function before(): void
        //run before executing the command

    public static function after(): void
        //run after executing the command


Override Timestamp

By default laravel-debounce debounces from the last occurrence happenedAt timestamp

public function getLastActivityTimestamp(): ?Carbon
    return $this->getReport()->occurrences->last()->happenedAt;

You can override this method in your debounceables in order to debounce from a custom timestamp of your choice. If null is returned the debouncer will fallback to the default implementation above.

Debounce job

class Jobless extends DebounceJob implements ShouldQueue
    public function getLastActivityTimestamp(): ?Carbon
        return Message::latest()->first()?->seen_at;

Debounce notification

You get the $notifiables injected into the method.


class FileUploaded extends DebounceNotification
    public function getLastActivityTimestamp(mixed $notifiables): ?Carbon
        return $this->file->user->files->latest()->first()?->created_at;

Debounce command

Due to limitations, the method must be static.


class Test extends DebounceCommand
    public static function getLastActivityTimestamp(): ?Carbon
        return User::latest()->first()?->created_at;

Bonus CLI Debounce

For fun, you can actually debounce commands from the CLI using the debounce:command Artisan command.

php artisan debounce:command 5 uniqueKey app:test

here's the signature for the command: php artisan debounce:command {delay} {uniqueKey} {signature*}

Debugging And Monitoring

I recommend using Laravel telescope to see the debouncer live in the queues tab and to debug any failures.

Known Issues

  1. Unique lock gets stuck sometimes when jobs fail github issue, I made a fix to the laravel core framework about this give it a reaction: PR (merged)
    • cause: this happens when deleted models are unserialized causing the job to fail without clearing the lock.
    • solution: don't use SerializesModels trait on Notifications/Jobs. (old temporary solution, now the bug is fixed)


Contributions, issues and suggestions are always welcome! See for ways to get started.




a laravel package that gives you a debounce effect on jobs, notifications and artisan commands with a nice report of occurrences.






