Download url can be .dll
or .zip
that will be placed in the plugins
"mods": [
"version": "1.2.3",
"id": "ExtendedCheats",
"name": "Extended Cheats",
"download": "",
"extract_to_root": true, // optional, if true zip mods will be extracted to the game directory instead of `plugins`
"files": [ // optional, used mainly for uninstallation.
// if not specified all files and directories starting with `plugins/<mod id>` will be removed
"dev_mod": true, // optional, set to true if the mod is mostly intended for mod developers
"description": "Adds more cheats", // optional
"ytinu_version": "<semver constraint>", // optional
"source": "", // optional
"homepage": "", // optional
"games": [ /* See meta.json */ ],
"mods": {
"Desperados3": [ /* See <game>.json */ ]