This package implements distributed lock available for multiple processes. Possible use-cases include exclusive access to shared data, leader election, etc.
Azure Storage supports the feature that guarantees exclusive access to the blobs using basic lease functionality: it's possible to acquire a fixed or infinite duration lease, renew and then release it. Thus it's possible to implement a basic distributed mutex on top of blobs.
A wrapper on top of Azure blobs API encapsulates API interactions and provides three primary functions: Acquire, Renew, Release.
Top-level abstractions that support background renewal of the acquired lease.
go get -u
var options = azmutex.MutexOptions{
AccountName: "mystorageaccount",
AccountKey: "******",
ContainerName: "locks",
Use Locker
with automated renewal
locker := azmutex.NewLocker(options, "migration")
err = locker.Lock()
// As soon the lease was acquired we can safely do exclusive job
err = locker.Unlock()
Use AzureMutex
with lease that will expire in 60 seconds
mutex := azmutex.NewMutex(options)
err = mutex.Acquire("migration", 60)
// This code is only safely to run within 60 seconds window
err = mutex.Release("migration")