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My NixOS/nix-darwin config.

Switch system config

In the project root:

sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ".#<hostname>"

Install on a remote host

First, generate a set of SSH keys for the new host: <hostname>
# output to gen/<hostname>

Then, rekey secrets so the new host can decrypt them:

cd secrets
# then add a pubkey from the new host to secrets.nix
agenix -r

Finally, use nixos-anywhere to build on current machine then configure the new remote host:

nixos-anywhere --extra-files gen/<hostname> --flake .#<hostname> nixos@<host_ip> --no-substitute-on-destination

Bootstrap on macOS

  1. Install nix with the Determinate installer
  2. xcode-select --install to make git available
  3. Bootstrap SSH credentials
  4. Clone this repo and enter its devShell
  5. darwin-rebuild switch --flake .#<hostname>
  6. chsh -s /run/current-system/sw/bin/fish
  7. (optional) softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license


Install nix

On non-NixOS, use the Determinate nix installer:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install

Debug flake

nix repl
# in the resulting nix prompt
> :lf .

zfs auto-snapshot

Enable/disable auto-snapshot with the following command:

sudo zfs set com.sun:auto-snapshot=true <pool>/<fs>

Configure maestral

maestral auth link  # follow instruction

mkdir -p ~/sync/dropbox
maestral config set path ~/sync/dropbox

# common excludes
maestral excluded add /audios
maestral excluded add /backup
maestral excluded add /git
maestral excluded add /researches/lhcb-hardware_related
maestral excluded add /videos


  • This project was originally based on digga.
  • digga is no longer actively maintained. To learn nix and make things simpler, I studied lite-config flake, stole the bits useful to me, and remade the project into its current state.