Since the last time I accidentally deleted all my config files, I started to figure out that these files are very important for me. Unfortunately, at this time my timeshift doesn't backup and i don't know why. For the peoples like me who use lightweight linux system with standalone window manager and custom configurations, reconfigure everythings from scratch isn't easy.
So I have decided to backup and version contorl all these files.
- Alacritty - Terminal
- Qtile - Window Manager written and configured in Python
- Dmenu - Universal Suckless Dynamic Menu
- Rofi - Dmenu Replacement With More Features
- Xinit - X display server
- Bash - Bash
- Vim - Best Text Editor,IDE
- Neovim - An Implementation of Vim
- Sxhkd - Keybindings Deamon
- Dunst - Lightweight Notifications Daemon
- Picom - Standalone Compositor For Xorg
- Starship - Shell Prompt
- Vifm - Terminal Base Filemanager with Vim keybindings
- Custom Scripts - My Custom Scripts
OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 5.10.62-1-lts
Shell: bash
WM: qtile (LG3D)
Theme: Dracula [GTK2], Ant-Dracula [GTK3]
Icons: Papirus-Light [GTK2/3]
Terminal: alacritty
CPU: Intel i3-7100U (4) @ 2.400GHz
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 620
Memory: 2243MiB / 11883MiB
This section is for future me and someone who want to use my configs.
⚠️ warning: Run this script only when new machine setup or when new linux installation because this script can break your current configurations.
Set permission: chmod +x
Run setup: ./
I recommended directly copy the configurations.
Clone this repo and link files manually. example: ln -s $PWD/.dotfiles/alacritty/ ~/.config/alacritty
Or download custom raw files and place in correct directory ~/.config
or home
example what if picom:
cd ~/.config && mkdir picom && cd picom
download raw file.
Or copy custom configurations.
Install from your package manager.
sudo pacman -S alacritty qtile xorg-xinit xwallpaper vim neovim sxhkd sxiv dunst starship rofi vifm dmenu paru
picom has a lot of fork and I use jonaburg's one.
paru picom-jonaburg-git
Install from your package manager.
sudo pacman -S xorg python3 brightnessctl libxrandr libnotify paru
xidlehook is the same as xautolock but rewritten in Rust. Also i3lock-color is exactly the same as i3lock but I love to have colors.
paru xidlehook i3lock-color
git clone [email protected]:cirala/vifmimg.git && cd vifmimg
sudo make install
Prerequisites here
I also love to have uniform look in all apps, mainly in terminal and gtk apps.So I mainly use one theme called dracula. But most qt(kde) apps like virtualbox, qbittorrent and okular are look weired with dracula theme.I used Breeze theme for this apps. For icons, I mainly used Papirus.
I use ant-dracula for gtk3 and dracula for gtk2.
paru ant-dracula-gtk-theme dracula-gtk-theme papirus-icon-theme
Here my configs: gtk3, gtk2
If you want to use breeze sudo pacman -S breeze
Or dracula with kvantum paru kvantum-qt5 kvantum-theme-materia ant-dracula-kvantum-theme-git
Added these two lines to one of these ~/.bashrc
, ~/.bash_profile
, ~/.xinitrc
If you want to use dracula with kvantum engine, replace Breeze
with Kvantum
. And then run kvantummanager
and change theme.
The fonts I mostly use are Roboto
and mononoki Nerd Font
Good Luck my dear future me. Happy hacking!