This fork is adapted for TinyGarble 2.0.
- Install prerequisites using the instructions from TinyGarble 2.0. Follow the Detailed Installation instruction up to steps 2 since all the tools are not required for TinyGarble 2.0.
- To compile, run
cmake .
sudo make install
In case sudo
is not available, change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[include directory path]`
make install
By default it will build for Release. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Release|Debug]
option is also available.
PRG is implemented as AES-NI in the CTR mode. Usage is presented as the following code sample.
using namespace emp;
PRG prg;//using a secure random seed
int rand_int, rand_ints[100];
block rand_block[3];
mpz_t integ;mpz_init(integ);
prg.random_data(&rand_int, sizeof(rand_int)); //fill rand_int with 32 random bits
prg.random_block(rand_block, 3); //fill rand_block with 128*3 random bits
prg.reseed(&rand_block[1]); //reset the seed and counter in prg
prg.random_data_unaligned(rand_ints+2, sizeof(int)*98); //when the array is not 128-bit-aligned
prg.random_mpz(integ, 1024); //random number with 1024 bits.
PRP is implemented based on AES-NI. Code sample:
block key;
PRP prp(&key); //if no parameter is provided, a public, fixed key will be used
block rand_block[3], b3[3];
int rand_ints[100];
prp.permute_block(rand_block, 3);//applying pi on each block of data
prp.permute_data(rand_ints, sizeof(int)*100);
block b2 = prp.H(rand_block[1], 1); //b2 = pi(r)\xor r, where r = doubling(random_block)\xor 1
prp.H<3>(b3, rand_block, 0);// apply the above H on three blocks using counter 0, 1, and 2 resp.
Essentially a wrapper of <openssl/sha.h>
Hash hash;
char * data = new char[1024*1024], dig[Hash::DIGEST_SIZE];
hash.put(data, 1024*1024);
Commitment c;
char * data = new char[1024*1024];
Com com;
Decom decom;
c.commit(decom, com, data, 1024*1024); // commit, will fill values decom and com
assert(, com, data, 1024*1024)); // open, return if the decommitment is valid or not
Reviewed, 12/16/2022 michaelbeale-il