- Todo Pro App is an improved version of the Todo app
- App to manage todo items with basic crud actions
- User can add, edit and remove the todo items
- User can choose a priority for Todo and has an option to sort the todo list based on priority
- Can set a Completion Date and sort the todo list based on priority
- User can clear the Completion Date once it is set
- Todo can be marked as 'Done' by checking a particular Todo
- All the marked Todos can be deleted together
- Source code dir apps/todopro
- Developed using Android Studio (IntellijIdea), built using gradle
- Add support for completion due dates for items
- Add support for priority for items
- Change the item in ListView to display additional attributes, stylize the items
- Tweak the style of the app, improve UI, play with adding images or backgrounds
- Persist the app data in SQLite instead of using a text file
- Use a DialogFragment instead of new Activity to support editing items
- Coordinating view Adapter and persistence storage.
- Using Menu and Dialog widgets
- Custom icons with Android Asset Studio (http://romannurik.github.io/) & built-in widgets(checkbox, edit view) with http://android-holo-colors.com/
- Used third-party library Android-Wheel (https://code.google.com/p/android-wheel/) for implementing date-time picker to set Completion Date
- Using default animation for set/clear completion date
- App Tested using Genymotion Emulator & Nexus 5
- App to simply manage todo items
- User can add, edit and remove the todo items
- Source code dir apps/todo
- Developed using Android Studio (IntellijIdea), built using gradle