MoodGPT is an AI-powered chatbot designed to understand user emotions and recommend tailored activities. Built with machine learning, reinforcement learning, and real-time geolocation capabilities, the application helps users unwind by suggesting nearby activities such as cafes, spas, amusement parks, movie theaters, and more.
🚀 Live Demo: MoodGPT - Your Mood AI Assistant
[Click here to watch the demo video]
- Continuous and natural back-and-forth interaction with the chatbot.
- Chat history dynamically displays to preserve context for intelligent, empathetic responses.
- Based on the user's mood and location, the chatbot suggests:
- Restaurants and cafes
- Movie theaters
- Relaxing activities (e.g., yoga studios, spas, nature walks)
- Entertainment venues (e.g., amusement parks, anime expos, bars)
- Recommendations are fetched dynamically via the Google Places API and displayed interactively.
- Built using OpenAI GPT-4 for natural language understanding and mood detection.
- Reinforcement Learning (Q-Learning) improves recommendation accuracy over time based on user feedback.
- Built with Streamlit for a sleek, intuitive experience.
- Features include:
- Live conversation and chat history
- A dynamic geolocation-based map showing nearby recommendations
- Clear, well-organized interface for seamless navigation
- Python 3.9 or later (Recommended: Python 3.10 or 3.12)
- Streamlit (Web framework)
- OpenAI API Key (For GPT-powered responses)
- Google Maps API Key (For real-time geolocation recommendations)
git clone
cd moodgpt
2. Set Up a Virtual Environment
Copy code
python3 -m venv moodgpt-env
source moodgpt-env/bin/activate # macOS/Linux
moodgpt-env\Scripts\activate # Windows
3. Install Dependencies
Copy code
pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Configure API Keys
Create a .env file in the project root directory.
Add your API keys in the following format:
Copy code
5. Run the Application
Copy code
streamlit run
Welcome Message
Upon launching, the chatbot greets the user with:
“Hi there! I’m MoodGPT AI assistant, my name is Yuki Asuna. How are you feeling today?”
Start a Conversation
Type your mood or feelings into the text input box (e.g., “I’m feeling tired”).
Press Send to interact with the chatbot.
Receive Personalized Recommendations
After 3-4 interactions, the chatbot proactively recommends activities based on your emotions and location.
A list of suggestions is displayed, and locations appear interactively on a map.
Restart the Chat
Use the Clear Chat button to start a new conversation.
Code Overview
Main script that handles the following:
Streamlit Interface: Renders the chatbot UI and map display.
Chat Logic: Processes user input, manages chat history, and generates GPT-based responses.
Recommendation Engine: Fetches personalized suggestions via the Google Maps API.
Manages all interactions with the Google Maps API:
Geocodes user-provided locations into latitude and longitude.
Fetches nearby places based on activity types and keywords (e.g., cafes, parks, anime expos).
Implements ML logic:
Emotion Classification: Uses sentiment analysis and predefined keywords to classify moods.
Recommendation Refinement: Incorporates PCA, K-NN, and decision trees to match emotions to relevant activities.
Reinforcement Learning: Updates activity recommendations over time using Q-Learning.
4. data/activities.csv
A curated dataset of 500+ activities, including categories like:
Cafes, spas, parks
Anime expos, amusement parks, bars
Technologies Used
OpenAI GPT-4: For natural language understanding and response generation.
Google Maps API: To fetch geolocation data and real-time activity suggestions.
Streamlit: For building an interactive and user-friendly web interface.
Scikit-Learn: Implemented PCA, K-NN, and decision trees for activity clustering and matching.
Reinforcement Learning: Q-Learning approach to improve activity recommendations based on user interactions.
File Structure
Copy code
├── # Main Streamlit application
├── # Google Maps API logic
├── # ML methods: classification and reinforcement learning
├── data/
│ └── activities.csv # Curated activity dataset
├── requirements.txt # Dependencies
├── .env # API Keys (user-created)
├── static/
│ └── star.jpg # Background image
└── # Project documentation
Sample Output
Chatbot Conversation
Copy code
MoodGPT: Hi there! I’m Yuki Asuna. How are you feeling today?
You: I’m feeling a bit tired.
MoodGPT: I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like some suggestions to unwind?
MoodGPT: Here are some relaxing activities nearby:
1. Bliss Yoga Studio - 123 Main St.
2. Cloud 9 Spa - 456 Elm St.
3. Nature Walk Trail - Central Park.
Interactive Map
Displays real-time activity locations dynamically based on user input and geolocation.
We welcome contributions!
Fork the repository.
Create a feature branch:
Copy code
git checkout -b feature-name
Commit your changes:
Copy code
git commit -m "Add feature"
Push to your branch:
Copy code
git push origin feature-name
Open a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Author: Yan Li
Email: [email protected]
GitHub: yanzzzk
Feel free to explore the app or contribute to its growth! 🎉