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An easy to use and extendable input validator library in dart


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validartor ✅


An easy to use and extendable input validator library written in pure dart, with no extra dependencies

Inspired by fastest-validator for nodeJs by icebob.

This repository is still a WIP

Proposed Usage

final mapValidator = MapValidatorRule({
  "id" : NumberValidatorRule(integer: true, allowStringValues: true),
  "someNullFieldThatShouldntBeReturned": NullValidatorRule(),
  "admin": BooleanValidatorRule(nullable: true, treatNullAsFalse: true, allowTruthyFalsyValues: true),
  "extra": DynamicValidatorRule(nullable: true, additionalValidators: [(value) => value != 'undefined']),
  "age": NumberValidatorRule(integer: true, allowStringValues: true, onlyPositive: true,),
  "userType": StringValidatorRule(nullable: true, treatNullAs: "normal", allowedValues: UserType.values),
  "stringList": ListValidatorRule<String>(),
  "stringOrBoolOrNumber": MultiValidatorRule([StringValidatorRule(), NumberValidatorRule(), BooleanValidatorRule()]),
  "dynamicList": ListValidatorRule<dynamic>(rule: MultiValidatorRule([StringValidatorRule(), NumberValidatorRule()])),
  "someDynamicMapThatWeDontCareALotAbout": BasicMapValidatorRule(blacklistedKeys: ["admin"]),
  "nestedObject": MapValidatorRule({
    "id" : NumberValidatorRule(integer: true, allowStringValues: true),
  "someNullFieldThatShouldntBeReturnedShorthand": null,
  "exactValue": "value"

// validatedMap will hold the output, sanitized

try {
  final validatedMap = mapValidator.validate({
    "id" : 1,
    "someNullFieldThatShouldntBeReturned": null,
    "exactValue": "value",
    "admin": true,
    "extra": "any value",
    "age": 25,
    "userType": "normal",
    "stringList": ["a", "b"],
    "stringOrBoolOrNumber": true,
    "dynamicList": [1, "a", 2, "b"],
    "someDynamicMapThatWeDontCareALotAbout": {
      "a": "b"
    "nestedObject": {
      "id": 1
} on MultiValidationException catch (e) {
  // Handle multiple objects mismatch

try {
  // Can also be used to validate only one value
} on ValidationException catch (e) {
  // Handle single validation exception


  • Basic validation rules:
    • boolean
    • dynamic (any value)
    • number
    • null
    • string
  • Advanced validation rules:
    • Multi
    • List WIP
    • Map WIP
  • Exact validation rule ({"a": "b"}) without rule shorthand
  • Allow creation of schemas for validation
  • 0.1.0
  • Tests and complete coverage
  • Readme and usage
  • Publish 🎉


Dynamic (Any value)

Property Default Type Description Sanitizer
nullable false bool Whether the value can be null
additionalValidators [] List<bool Function(dynamic)> Additional validators to run ❌/✅ (Depending on your implementation)


A shorthand validator to ensure null value


Property Default Type Description Sanitizer
nullable false bool Whether the value can be null
treatNullAsFalse false bool Whether null values will be treated as false
allowTruthyFalsyValues false bool if true, allows for truthy and falsy values according to truthyValues and falsyValues parameters, or the default
expected null bool The expected value.
truthyValues ['true', 1] List<dynamic> The values that are acceptable for true checks ✅ (With allowTruthyFalsyValues)
falsyValues ['false', 0] List<dynamic> The values that are acceptable for false checks ✅ (With allowTruthyFalsyValues)


Property Default Type Description Sanitizer
nullable false bool Whether the value can be null
treatNullAs null num What should be returned if there is a null value
allowStringValues false bool if true, allows for numbers as strings and will try to parse them
integer false bool Whether number must be an integer
expected null num The expected value.
notEqualTo null num The value must not be this.
min double.negativeInfinity num The value must be >= min.
max double.infinity num The value must be <= max.
onlyPositive false bool Whether number must be positive (or 0)
onlyNegative false bool Whether number must be negative (or 0)
additionalValidators [] List<bool Function(num)> Additional validators to run ❌/✅ (Depending on your implementation)


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