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FCM Django: Send push notifications via django to websites, iOS & android mobile devices through FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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Django app for Firebase Cloud Messaging. Used as an unified platform for sending push notifications to mobile devices & browsers (android / ios / chrome / firefox / ...).

Supports Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP v1 API. If you're looking for the legacy API, use fcm-django<1!

FCMDevice model fields
  • registration_id (required - is FCM token)
  • name (optional)
  • active (default: true)
  • user (optional)
  • device_id (optional - can be used to uniquely identify devices)
  • type ('android', 'web', 'ios')
  • all necessary migrations
  • model admins for django admin
  • admin actions for testing single and bulk notification sending
  • automatic device pruning: devices to which notifications fail to send are marked as inactive
  • devices marked as inactive will not be sent notifications
  • Django rest framework viewsets

Demo javascript client project

Unsure how to use this project? Check out the demo at:

Migration to v1.0

We've replaced Python package pyfcm for Firebase's own package firebase-admin. Thus, we no longer use an API key. Instead, you'll need an environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS which is a path pointing to your JSON-file stored credentials. To learn more or view other options to input credentials, visit the Google Cloud docs.

Finally, in your (or whatever imported file), add:

from firebase_admin import initialize_app
FIREBASE_APP = initialize_app()
# Or just

The API for sending messages is now under the firebase-admin package; hence, we removed the methods send_data_message from the QuerySet and class instance methods. Instead, everything is under a single method: send_message

from firebase_admin.messaging import Message, Notification
# Note: You can also combine the data and notification kwarg
    Message(notification=Notification(title="title", body="body", image="image_url"))
device = FCMDevice.objects.first()

Additionally, we've added Firebase's new Topic API, allowing for easier sending of bulk messages.

from firebase_admin.messaging import Message, Notification
topic = "A topic"
FCMDevice.objects.handle_subscription(True, topic)
FCMDevice.send_topic_message(Message(data={...}), "TOPIC NAME")

There are two additional parameters to both methods: skip_registration_id_lookup and additional_registration_ids. Visit Sending Messages to learn more.

Note: registration_ids is actually incorrect terminology as it should actually be called registration tokens. However, to be consistent with django-push-notifications, we've refrained from switching to stay backwards compatible in the docs and with the sister package.


You can install the library directly from pypi using pip:

pip install fcm-django

Edit your file:

from firebase_admin import initialize_app


# Optional ONLY IF you have initialized a firebase app already:
# Visit
# for more options for the following:
# Store an environment variable called GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
# which is a path that point to a json file with your credentials.
# Additional arguments are available: credentials, options, name
FIREBASE_APP = initialize_app()
# To learn more, visit the docs here:

     # an instance of firebase_admin.App to be used as default for all fcm-django requests
     # default: None (the default Firebase app)
     # default: _('FCM Django')
    "APP_VERBOSE_NAME": "[string for AppConfig's verbose_name]",
     # true if you want to have only one active device per registered user at a time
     # default: False
    "ONE_DEVICE_PER_USER": True/False,
     # devices to which notifications cannot be sent,
     # are deleted upon receiving error response from FCM
     # default: False

Native Django migrations are in use. migrate will install and migrate all models.


You can read more about different types of messages here.

In short, there are two types: notifications and data messages.


from firebase_admin.messaging import Message, Notification
    notification=Notification(title="title", body="text", image="url"),
    topic="Optional topic parameter: Whatever you want",

Data message:

from firebase_admin.messaging import Message
        "Nick" : "Mario",
        "body" : "great match!",
        "Room" : "PortugalVSDenmark"
   topic="Optional topic parameter: Whatever you want",

As in the following example, you can send either a notification, a data message, or both. You can also customize the Android, iOS, and Web configuration along with additional FCM conditions. Visit firebase_admin.messaging.Message to learn more about those configurations.

Sending messages

Additional parameters are additional_registration_ids and skip_registration_id_lookup. View the "Additional Parameters" section for more information.

from firebase_admin.messaging import Message
from fcm_django.models import FCMDevice

# You can still use .filter() or any methods that return QuerySet (from the chain)
device = FCMDevice.objects.all().first()
# send_message parameters include: message, dry_run, app

Sending messages in bulk

from firebase_admin.messaging import Message
from fcm_django.models import FCMDevice

# You can still use .filter() or any methods that return QuerySet (from the chain)
devices = FCMDevice.objects.all()
# Or (send_message parameters include: messages, dry_run, app)

Sending messages raises all the errors that firebase-admin raises, so make sure they are caught and dealt with in your application code:

  • FirebaseError – If an error occurs while sending the message to the FCM service.
  • ValueError – If the input arguments are invalid.

For more info, see

Subscribing or Unsubscribing Users to topic

from fcm_django.models import FCMDevice

# Subscribing
FCMDevice.objects.all().handle_topic_subscription(True, topic="TOPIC NAME"))
device = FCMDevice.objects.all().first()
device.handle_topic_subscription(True, topic="TOPIC NAME"))

# Finally you can send a message to that topic
from firebase_admin.messaging import Message
message = Message(..., topic="A topic")
# You can still use .filter() or any methods that return QuerySet (from the chain)

# Unsubscribing
FCMDevice.objects.all().handle_topic_subscription(False, topic="TOPIC NAME"))
device = FCMDevice.objects.all().first()
device.handle_topic_subscription(False, topic="TOPIC NAME"))

Sending messages to topic

from fcm_django.models import FCMDevice

FCMDevice.send_topic_message(Message(data={...}), "TOPIC NAME")

Additional Parameters

You can add additional_registration_ids (Sequence) for manually sending registration IDs. It will append these IDs to the queryset lookup's returned registration IDs.

You can also add skip_registration_id_lookup (bool) to skip database lookup that goes along with your query.

from firebase_admin.messaging import Message
from fcm_django.models import FCMDevice
FCMDevice.objects.send_message(Message(...), False, ["registration_ids"])

Using multiple FCM apps

By default the message will be sent using the default FCM firebase_admin.App (we initialized this in our settings), or the one specified with the DEFAULT_FIREBASE_APP setting.

This default can be overridden by specifying an app when calling send_message. This can be used to send messages using different firebase projects.

from firebase_app import App
from firebase_app.messaging import Notification
from fcm_django.models import FCMDevice

device = FCMDevice.objects.all().first()
device.send_message(notification=Notification(...), app=App(...))

Setting a default Firebase app for FCM

If you want to use a specific Firebase app for all fcm-django requests, you can create an instance of firebase_admin.App and pass it to fcm-django with the DEFAULT_FIREBASE_APP setting.

The DEFAULT_FIREBASE_APP will be used for all send / subscribe / unsubscribe requests, include FCMDevice's admin actions.

In your

from firebase_admin import initialize_app, credentials
from google.auth import load_credentials_from_file
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials

# create a custom Credentials class to load a non-default google service account JSON
class CustomFirebaseCredentials(credentials.ApplicationDefault):
    def __init__(self, account_file_path: str):
        self._account_file_path = account_file_path

    def _load_credential(self):
        if not self._g_credential:
            self._g_credential, self._project_id = load_credentials_from_file(self._account_file_path,

# init default firebase app
# this loads the default google service account with GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable
FIREBASE_APP = initialize_app()

# init second firebase app for fcm-django
# the environment variable contains a path to the custom google service account JSON
custom_credentials = CustomFirebaseCredentials(os.getenv('CUSTOM_GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'))
FIREBASE_MESSAGING_APP = initialize_app(custom_credentials, name='messaging')

    # [...] your other settings

Django REST Framework (DRF) support

Viewsets come in two different varieties:

  • FCMDeviceViewSet

    • Permissions as specified in settings (AllowAny by default, which is not recommended)
    • A device may be registered without associating it with a user
    • Will not allow duplicate registration_id's
  • FCMDeviceAuthorizedViewSet

    • Permissions are IsAuthenticated and custom permission IsOwner, which will only allow the request.user to get and update devices that belong to that user
    • Requires a user to be authenticated, so all devices will be associated with a user
    • Will update the device on duplicate registration id

Routes can be added one of two ways:

from fcm_django.api.rest_framework import FCMDeviceAuthorizedViewSet

from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter

router = DefaultRouter()

router.register('devices', FCMDeviceAuthorizedViewSet)

urlpatterns = [
    # URLs will show up at <api_root>/devices
    # DRF browsable API which lists all available endpoints
    path('', include(router.urls)),
    # ...
  • Using as_view (specify which views to include)
from fcm_django.api.rest_framework import FCMDeviceAuthorizedViewSet

urlpatterns = [
    # Only allow creation of devices by authenticated users
    path('devices', FCMDeviceAuthorizedViewSet.as_view({'post': 'create'}), name='create_fcm_device'),
    # ...

Update of device with duplicate registration ID

Tokens are device specific, so if the user e.g. logs out of their account on your device, and another user logins on the same device, you do not wish the old user to receive messages while logged out.

Via DRF, any creation of device with an already existing registration ID will be transformed into an update. If done manually, you are responsible for deleting the old device entry.

Using custom FCMDevice model

If there's a need to store additional information or change type of fields in the FCMDevice model. You could simple override this model. To do this, inherit your model from the AbstractFCMDevice class.

In your your_app/

import uuid
from django.db import models
from fcm_django.models import AbstractFCMDevice

class CustomDevice(AbstractFCMDevice):
    # fields could be overwritten
    id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False)
    # could be added new fields
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

In your

FCM_DJANGO_FCMDEVICE_MODEL = "your_app.CustomDevice"

In the DB will be two tables one that was created by this package and other your own. New data will appears only in your own table. If you don't want default table appears in the DB then you should remove fcm_django out of INSTALLED_APPS at

    # "fcm_django", - remove this line
    "your_app", # your app should appears

After setup your own Model don't forget to create migrations for your app and call migrate command.

After removing "fcm_django" out of INSTALLED_APPS. You will need to re-register the Device in order to see it in the admin panel. This can be accomplished as follows at your_app/

from django.contrib import admin

from fcm_django.admin import DeviceAdmin
from your_app.models import CustomDevice, DeviceAdmin)

If you choose to move forward with swapped models then:

  1. On existed project you have to keep in mind there are required manual work to move data from one table to anther.
  2. If there's any tables with FK to swapped model then you have to deal with them on your own.

Note: This functionality based on Swapper that based on functionality that allow to use a custom User model. So this functionality have the same limitations. The most is important limitation it is that is difficult to start out with a default (non-swapped) model and then later to switch to a swapped implementation without doing some migration hacking.

Python 3 support

Django version compatibility

Compatible with Django versions 3.0+. For Django version 2.2, use version fcm-django < 1.0.13. For lower django versions, use version fcm-django < 1.0.0.


Library relies on firebase-admin-sdk for sending notifications, for more info about all the possible fields, see:

Migration from v0 to v1 was done by Andrew-Chen-Wang

Need help, have any questions, suggestions?

Submit an issue/PR on this project. Please do not send me emails, as then the community has no chance to see your questions / provide answers.


To setup the development environment:
  • create virtual environment with python3 -m venv env
  • activate virtual environment with source env/bin/activate or .envScriptsactivate.ps1 for Windows' Powershell
  • run pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

To manually run the pre-commit hook, run pre-commit run --all-files.

Because there's possibility to use swapped models therefore tests contains two config files:

  1. with default settings and non swapped models settings/
  2. and with overwritten settings only that required by swapper - settings/

To run tests locally you could use pytest, and if you need to check migrations on different DB then you have to specify environment variable DATABASE_URL ie

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/postgres
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.settings.default
# or export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.settings.swap

Packaging for PyPi

  • run rm -rf dist/
  • run python3 sdist
  • run twine upload dist/*