To build the resources_kr.jar bundle on Linux and macOs please run
./gradlew build
or on Windows
gradlew.bat build
The corresponding file will be created in build/libs
To use the translation bundle in PyCharm:
- Copy build/libs/resources_kr.jar to
/lib (where resource_en.jar is located). - Open or restart PyCharm.
If your locale is Korean (ko_KR), then PyCharm will start with the UI translated to Korean.
Note: not all UI strings are yet translated, so some strings may be still in English.
To make a translation:
- fork this repository
- find strings to be translated in the * files and change English text to a corresponding Korean
- commit changes
- make pull-request
Note: If an English string you want to translate is absent in files, please create an issue.
Let's make together a proper Korean localization of PyCharm!