A C++ Redis client, born to bring my experience using Redis and C++ on a opensource library.
- Provide a simple and efficient wrapper of hiredis, with C++ facilities like memory management
- A connection pooling system, with support for high availability using sentinel
- A set of useful patterns ready to use and composable with other code. For example scheduler, orm, counters or message queueing
redis3m requires hiredis and boost libraries.
First step install all required dependencies, on a Debian system you can use:
sudo apt-get install libmsgpack-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libhiredis-dev cmake build-essential
Then checkout the code and compile it
git clone https://github.com/luca3m/redis3m
cd redis3m
sudo make install
See examples directory for some examples, you can compile them with:
g++ <example.cpp> $(pkg-config --cflags --libs redis3m) -o <example.bin>
You can find all classes reference here
This project uses semantic versioning. In short words versions are named X.Y[.Z]. Changing X means break API changes, Y means new features without breaking old code, Z means bug fixing.