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Automated Fontend Viewer Development.

@wrtnlabs/autoview is an automation tool of frontend viewer development. It can automatically compose React viewer components, just by delivering a value to the AutoViewAgent.value() function. Also, it can compile a TypeScript code rendering a specific TypeScript type through AutoViewAgent.compile() function.

Additionally, if you have a Swagger (OpenAPI) document, you can generate TypeScript codes rendering viewer components for every API operations. If you combined the automatically generated TypeScript codes from @wrtnlabs/autoview, you can dramatically enhance productivity of the frontend application interacting with the backend server.

To automate the frontend viewer development, @wrtnlabs/autoview is performing LLM (Large Language Model) function calling strategy enhanced by compiler and validator feedbacks. Goal of the LLM function calling strategy is to composing the IAutoViewComponentProps typed instance, and it would be rendered by <AutoViewComponent /> component.

How to Use


npm install @wrtnlabs/autoview

npm install typia
npx typia setup

npm install -D @ryoppippi/unplugin-typia

Install not only @wrtnlabs/autoview, but also typia.

By the way, as typia is a transformer library analyzing TypeScript source code in the compilation level, it needs additional setup command npx typia setup.

Also, most frontend developers are not using the standard TypeScript compiler typescript. If you are one of them, please install @ryoppippi/unplugin-typia additionally, following the below guide document.

Value Automation Tool

import { 
} from "@wrtnlabs/autoview";
import OpenAI from "openai";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import typia from "typia";

const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
  const props: IAutoViewComponentProps = await AutoViewAgent.value({
    provider: {
      type: "chatgpt",
      model: "gpt-4o",
      api: new OpenAI({
        apiKey: "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY",
    metadata: typia.llm.parameters<YourSchema, "chatgpt">(),
    value: {...},
  ReactDOM.render(<AutoViewComponent {...props} />, document.body);

Automate frontend development by a value.

If you want to render a value through AI agent of @wrtnlabs/agent, call the AutoViewAgent.value() function. It will return IAutoViewComponentProps typed value, which can be delivered to the <AutoViewComponent /> component, so that you can accomplish the value viewer automation.

Also, when filling arguments of the AutoViewAgent.value() function, you can explain metadata of the value by configuring the metadata property composed by typia.llm.parameters<T, Model>() function. If you skip the metadata composition, you can't hint any definition to the AI agent, and the AI agent will just judge by itself just by content of the value.

TypeScript Code Generator

import { AutoViewAgent } from "@wrtnlabs/autoview";
import fs from "fs";
import typia from "typia";

export const script: string = await AutoViewAgent.compile({
  provider: {
    type: "chatgpt",
    model: "gpt-4o",
    api: new OpenAI({
      apiKey: "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY",
  metadata: typia.llm.parameters<YourSchema, "chatgpt">(),
  random: typia.createRandom<YourSchema>(),
await fs.promises.writeFile("convertYourSchema.ts", script, "utf8");

import { IAutoViewComponentProps } from "@wrtnlabs/agent";

export const $convert = (input: YourSchema): IAutoViewComponentProps => {
  return { ... };

import { AutoViewComponent, IAutoViewComponentProps } from "@wrtnlabs/agent";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

const props: IAutoViewComponentProps = $convert({ ... });
ReactDOM.render(<AutoViewComponent {...props} />, document.body);

Automate frontend development by schema.

In the above section #Value Automation Tool, we've learned how to automate the value viewer rendering through AutoViewAgent.value() function. By the way, if you need to automate the value viewer rendering repeatedly, it may consume a lot of time and a lot of LLM costs.

In that case, you can utilize AutoViewAgent.compile() function instead. When you put target schema type, it would return a TypeScript code. And the AutoViewAgent.compile() function written TypeScript code contains a converter function from YourSchema type to IAutoViewComponentProps type like above.

To activate such AutoViewAgent.value() function, typia.llm.parameters<T, Model>() and typia.random<T>() functions are required. The first typia.llm.parameters<T, Model>() function will inform the definition of the target type to the AI agent, and the other function typia.random<T>() will be used to internal validation.

From Swagger Document

import {
} from "@samchon/openapi";
import { AutoViewAgent } from "@wrtnlabs/autoview";
import fs from "fs";

const original:
  | SwaggerV2.IDocument
  | OpenApiV3.IDocument
  | OpenApiV3_1.IDocument = await fetch(
).then((r) => r.json);
const document: OpenApi.IDocument = OpenApi.convert(original);
const application: IHttpLlmApplication<"chatgpt"> = HttpLlm.application({
  model: "chatgpt",
for (const func of application.functions) {
  const script: string = await AutoViewAgent.compile({
    provider: {
      type: "chatgpt",
      model: "gpt-4o",
      api: new OpenAI({
        apiKey: "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY",
    metadata: func,
  await fs.promises.writeFile(`${}.convert.ts`, script, "utf8");

Automate return value viewer of API operations.

If you have a Swagger (OpenAPI) document of a backend server, you can entirely assist or automate the return value viewer development of every API operations. Load swagger document, and convert it to LLM function calling application schema bypassing OpenApi.convert() and HttpLlm.application() functions.

And then generate TypeScript codes through AutoViewAgent.compile() for each API operation, then TypeScript codes rendering return value of every API operations would be automatically generated. With this way, you can boost up productivity of frontend application interacting with the backend server dramatically.


LLM Function Calling

@wrtnlabs/autoview fills IAutoViewComponentProps type by LLM function calling.

The LLM (Large Language Model) function calling means that, AI agent selects proper function to call, and fills arguments of the function by analyzing the conversation context.

By the way, as @wrtnlabs/autoview delivers only target schema definition as context, and providing only one function render() to the AI agent, the AI agent will fill the arguments of the render() function by analyzing the target schema definition context.

Validation Feedback

import { IAutoViewComponentProps } from "@wrtnlabs/autoview";
import { FunctionCall } from "pseudo";
import { ILlmFunctionOfValidate, IValidation } from "typia";

export const correctFunctionCall = (ctx: {
  call: FunctionCall;
  retry: (reason: string, errors?: IValidation.IError[]) => Promise<unknown>;
}): Promise<unknown> => {
  if ( !== "render")
    return ctx.retry("Unable to find function. Try it again");

  const result: IValidation<{
    props: IAutoViewComponentProps;
  }> = func.validate(;
  if (result.success === false) {
    // 1st trial: 50% (gpt-4o-mini in shopping mall chatbot)
    // 2nd trial with validation feedback: 99%
    // 3nd trial with validation feedback again: never have failed
    return ctx.retry(
      "Type errors are detected. Correct it through validation errors",
        errors: result.errors,

Is LLM function calling perfect?

The answer is not. LLM (Large Language Model) providers like OpenAI take a lot of type level mistakes when composing the arguments of the target function to call. Even though an LLM function calling schema has defined an Array<string> type, LLM often fills it just by a string typed value.

Therefore, when developing an LLM function calling agent, the validation feedback process is essentially required. If LLM takes a type level mistake on arguments composition, the agent must feedback the most detailed validation errors, and let LLM to retry the function calling referencing the validation errors.

About the validation feedback, @wrtnlabs/autoview is utilizing typia.validate<T>(). It constructs validation logic by analyzing TypeScript source codes and types in the compilation level, so that detailed and accurate than any other validator libraries like below. Also, as IAutoViewComponentProps has an extremely complicated union type, typia is the sole validator which can feedback the IAutoViewComponentProps type.

Such validation feedback strategy and combination with typia runtime validator, @wrtnlabs/autoview has achieved the most ideal LLM function calling for the frontend viewer component automation. In my experience, when using OpenAI's gpt-4o-mini model, it tends to construct invalid function calling arguments at the first trial about 50% of the time. By the way, if correct it through validation feedback with typia, success rate soars to 99%. And I've never had a failure when trying validation feedback twice.

Components typia TypeBox ajv io-ts zod C.V.
Easy to use
Object (simple)
Object (hierarchical)
Object (recursive)
Object (union, implicit)
Object (union, explicit)
Object (additional tags)
Object (template literal types)
Object (dynamic properties)
Array (rest tuple)
Array (hierarchical)
Array (recursive)
Array (recursive, union)
Array (R+U, implicit)
Array (repeated)
Array (repeated, union)
Ultimate Union Type

C.V. means class-validator

Compilation Feedback

import { FunctionCall } from "pseudo";
import { ILlmFunctionOfValidate, IValidation } from "typia";

export const correctCompile = <T>(ctx: {
  call: FunctionCall;
  compile: (src: string) => Promise<IValidation<(v: T) => IAutoViewComponentProps>>;
  random: () => T;
  repeat: number;
  retry: (reason: string, errors?: IValidation.IError[]) => Promise<unknown>;
}): Promise<(v: T) => IAutoViewComponentProps>> => {
  if ( !== "render")
    return ctx.retry("Unable to find function. Try it again");

  const result: IValidation<(v: T) => IAutoViewComponentProps>> = 
    await ctx.compile(call.arguments.source);
  if (result.success === false)
    return ctx.retry("Correct compilation errors", result.errors);

  for (let i: number = 0; i < ctx.repeat; ++i) {
    const value: T = ctx.random();
    const props: IAutoViewComponentProps =;
    const validation: IValidation<IAutoViewComponentProps> = func.validate(props);
    if (validation.success === false) {
      // 1st trial: 50% (gpt-4o-mini in shopping mall chatbot)
      // 2nd trial with validation feedback: 99%
      // 3nd trial with validation feedback again: never have failed
      return ctx.retry(
        "Type errors are detected. Correct it through validation errors",
          errors: validation.errors,

As I've mentioned in the above section, LLM function calling is not perfect. Also, TypeScript code generation by AI agent is not perfect either. So compilation feedback strategy is required like runtime feedback case.

For the compilation feedback, @wrtnlabs/autoview is embedding TypeScript compiler. When schema autoomation tool writes invalid TyypeScript code so that compilation error occurred, @wrtnlabs/autoview will correct the TypeScript code by delivering the compilation error messages to the schema automation tool.

By the way, even though no compilation error occurred in the TypeScript code generation from the schema automation tool, may we say that there's no problem on the code? It may not. The runtime data can violate the IAutoViewComponentProps type due to the domain restriction reasons.

To avoid this problem, @wrtnlabs/autoview generates target schema's data randomly using typia.random<T>() function. And transforms IAutoViewComponentProps typed value from the newly created function, and validates it with typia.validate<IAutoViewComponentProps>() function. If the newly generated schema data occurs runtime error in the transformation, or could not pass the validation, @wrtnlabs/autoview re-writes the TypeScript code with the runtime or type error feedback.

Such compiler feedback strategy and combination with typia's random data generator and runtime validator, @wrtnlabs/autoview has achieved the most ideal LLM function calling for the frontend viewer component automation.


git clone
code autoview
pnpm install


Run above commands.

Then you can see the benchmark results in both public/results/json and public/results/images directories.

By the way, as the pnpm run dev is a command of incremental build of the frontend application, you have to open at least two terminals, and run both pnpm run dev and pnpm run test commands in each terminal.