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Literate Scala Programming

sbt-scaliterate generates Scala source code from a programming book written in Markdown.

Example Project

Suppose a project called hello with the following layout:

$ tree hello
└── project
    └── scaliterate.sbt

1 directory, 2 files

First of all, sbt-scaliterate is added to the build as a plugin in project/scaliterate.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.wookietreiber" % "sbt-scaliterate" % "0.3.0")

Furthermore, you need to have a single Markdown file, your programming book. The default name of this file is your projects name with the .md suffix, in our case the project name is hello, thus our Markdown file is name It resides directly in your projects base directory. Its content is:

% Hello World

# A Beginners Program

Saying **Hello, world!** is very common when learning a new language.

Here is how to do it in [Scala](

package hello

object Hello extends App {
  println("Hello, world!")

The fenced Scala code blocks are automatically extracted from this Markdown file and compiled with sbt's compile task. Thus, to compile the project, simply type:

sbt compile

To generate the programming book with pandoc type:

sbt scaliteratePandocPDF


The default name of the programming book Markdown source can be set via:

scaliterateSource := baseDirectory.value / ""

To modify the options used by pandoc, e.g. to change the default fonts:

scaliteratePandocPDFOptions in Compile ++= Seq (
  "-V", "mainfont=Droid Serif",
  "-V", "sansfont=Droid Sans",
  "-V", "monofont=Droid Sans Mono Slashed"

Note: Spaces, as with the example above in the font name, do not need to be escaped, however, the -V and its argument need to be separated (ProcessBuilder semantics ...)!