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ClimWeb Installation Guide

Content Management System for NMHSs in Africa

User Guide

Read more from the user guide -


Before installing ClimWeb, consider installing on your server:

  1. Docker Engine & Docker Compose Plugin : Ensure that Docker Engine is installed and running on the machine where you plan to execute the docker-compose command Docker Engine is the runtime environment for containers.

ClimWeb Installation Instructions

1. Download from source:

git clone climweb
cd climweb

2. Copy Docker Compose Configuration

cp docker-compose.yml.sample docker-compose.yml

3. Copy Nginx Configuration

cp nginx/nginx.conf.sample nginx/nginx.conf

4. Setup environmental variables

Prepare a '.env' file with necessary variables from '.env.sample'

cp .env.sample .env
nano .env

Edit and replace variables approriately. See environmental variables section below

5. Set up Webhook

Webhook helps to automate some tasks that otherwise need to be done manually. For example upgrading the CMS to a newer version.

The Webhook package needs to be installed on your server (NOT in a docker container)

Install the Webhook package for your OS as described here

If on Ubuntu or Debian, you can run:

sudo apt-get install webhook

From the root project directory (where you cloned this project) run:


This will create a new file webhook/hooks.yaml with the correct paths in place, using the webhook/hooks.yaml.sample file

We will use this file to run Webhook

6. Running Webhook server with Supervisor

Install supervisor to keep the webhook server running in the background.

sudo apt install supervisor

Create a webhook.conf file in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/

cd /etc/supervisor/conf.d
sudo nano webhook.conf

Add the following inside the webhook.conf file

command=webhook -hooks /path_to_project_dir/webhook/hooks.yaml -verbose

Save the file.

After creating the configuration, tell supervisord to refresh its configuration and start the service:

sudo supervisorctl reread
sudo supervisorctl update
sudo supervisorctl status

If everything is ok, Webhook is now set and ready to be used.

You can now set the CMS_UPGRADE_HOOK_URL env variable to:


Note this a special docker network url accessed only from inside the cms_web docker container.

7. Setup Observability (Logging + Metrics)

ClimWeb uses OpenTelemetry to collect logs and metrics. The docker-compose.yml file includes an opentelemetry-collector that provides a vendor-agonistic way to gather observability data.

A default configuration that uses the Honeycomb platform is provided. Honeycomb provides a generous free tier to get you started.

Custom collectors can be used by setting the collector endpoint env variable OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT and commenting out the climweb_otel_collector service, or configuring the climweb_otel_collector to what suits you.

To use the default setup, create a free Honeycomb account and get your API Key from Account > Team Settings menu

Update .env


8. Build and launch a running instance of the CMS.

Navigate back to climweb project directory using commmand

cd path_to/climweb
docker compose build
docker compose up -d

The instance can be found at http://localhost:{CMS_PORT}

9. Finally, create superuser to access the CMS Admin interface:

Log in to container interactive command line interface

docker exec -it climweb /bin/bash

Create superuser providing username, email and strong password

climweb createsuperuser

The admin instance can be found at http://localhost:{CMS_PORT}/{CMS_ADMIN_URL_PATH}

Environmental Variables

Environmental variables for docker compose. All Should be placed in a single .env file, saved in the same folder as docker-compose.yml file

CMS Web Variables

Variable Description Required Default More Details
CMS_DB_USER CMS Database user YES
CMS_DB_NAME CMS Database name YES
CMS_DB_PASSWORD CMS Database password. YES
CMS_DB_VOLUME Mounted docker volume path for persisting database data YES
CMS_SITE_NAME The human-readable name of your Wagtail installation which welcomes users upon login to the Wagtail admin. YES
CMS_ADMIN_URL_PATH Base Path to admin pages. Do not use admin or an easy to guess path. Should be one word and can include an hyphen. DO NOT include any slashes at the start or the end. YES
CMS_DEBUG A boolean that turns on/off debug mode. Never deploy a site into production with DEBUG turned on NO False
CMS_PORT Port to run cms YES 80
CMS_BASE_URL This is the base URL used by the Wagtail admin site. It is typically used for generating URLs to include in notification emails. NO
CMS_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE The language code for the CMS. Availabe codes are en for English, fr from French, ar for Arabic, am for Amharic, es for Spanish, sw for Swahili. Default is en if not set NO en
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS This variable can be set when CMS_PORT is not 80 e.g if CMS_PORT=8000, CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS would be the following: http://{YOUR_IP_ADDRESS}:8000, http://{YOUR_IP_ADDRESS}, http://localhost:8000 and NO
TIME_ZONE A string representing the time zone for this installation. See the list of time zones. Set this to your country timezone NO UTC List of tz database time zones
SECRET_KEY A secret key for a particular Django installation. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value. Django will refuse to start if SECRET_KEY is not set YES You can use this online tool to generate the key and paste
ALLOWED_HOSTS A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve. This is a security measure to prevent HTTP Host header attacks, which are possible even under many seemingly-safe web server configurations. YES Django Allowed Hosts
SMTP_EMAIL_HOST The host to use for sending email NO
SMTP_EMAIL_PORT Port to use for the SMTP server defined in SMTP_EMAIL_HOST NO 25
SMTP_EMAIL_USE_TLS Whether to use a TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server. This is used for explicit TLS connections, generally on port 587 NO True
SMTP_EMAIL_HOST_USER Username to use for the SMTP server defined in SMTP_EMAIL_HOST. If empty, Django won’t attempt authentication. NO
SMTP_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Password to use for the SMTP server defined in SMTP_EMAIL_HOST. This setting is used in conjunction with SMTP_EMAIL_HOST_USER when authenticating to the SMTP server. If either of these settings is empty, Django won’t attempt authentication. NO
CMS_ADMINS A list of all the people who get code error notifications, in format "Name <[email protected]>, Another Name <[email protected]>" NO
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Default email address to use for various automated correspondence from the site manager(s) NO
RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY Google Recaptcha Public Key. will need a Google account for RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY creation NO
RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY Google Recaptcha Private Key NO
CMS_NUM_OF_WORKERS Gunicorn number of workers. Recommended value should be (2 x $num_cores) + 1 . For example, if your server has 4 CPU Cores, this value should be set to 9, which is the result of (2 x 4) + 1 = 9 YES Gunicorn Workers details
CMS_STATIC_VOLUME Mounted docker volume path for persisting CMS static files YES ./climeb/static
CMS_MEDIA_VOLUME Mounted docker volume path for persisting CMS media files YES ./climeb/media
CMS_UPGRADE_HOOK_URL Webhook url to your server that triggers a cms upgrade script NO
BACKUP_VOLUME Mounted docker volume path for persisting Backup dp and media files YES ./climeb/backup

MQTT Broker Variables

Variable Description Required Default
CMS_BROKER_USERNAME Username for MQTT broker YES cms
CMS_BROKER_QUEUE_MAX The maximum number of QoS 1 or 2 messages to hold in the queue (per client) above those messages that are currently in flight. See for details here YES 1000

MapViewer Variables

Variable Description
MAPVIEWER_CMS_API CMS API Endpoint for MapViewer. This should be the public path to your CMS root url , followed by /api. For example
MAPVIEWER_NEXT_STATIC_VOLUME Mounted docker volume path for MapViewer static files
BITLY_TOKEN Bitly access token. The MapViewer uses Bitly for url shortening. See here on how to generate one

Other useful commands

Purpose Command Instructions
docker configurations docker compose config validate and view the Compose file configuration
login to shell docker exec -it {container} /bin/bash interact with the container's command line and execute commands as if you were directly logged into the container
login to shell as root user docker exec -u -0 -it {container} /bin/bash access a running Docker container and open a Bash shell inside it with the root user
read docker logs docker compose logs --follow {containers} real-time output of the containers' logs
stop/remove docker containers docker compose down --remove-orphans {containers} stop and remove Docker containers
check containers status docker compose ps {containers} display container names, their status (running, stopped), the associated services, and their respective health states
generate city forecasts from external source use the login command above and execute python generate_forecast used for fetching 7-day forecast from external source (
setup mautic instance docker compose --file docker-compose.mautic.yml --file docker-compose.yml build {containers} followed by docker compose --file docker-compose.mautic.yml --file docker-compose.yml {DOCKER_COMPOSE_ARGS} up -d setup mautic environmental variables i.e MAUTIC_DB_USER,MAUTIC_DB_PASSWORD and MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD then execute command


Docker Base initialization for ClimWeb






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