TT-OSS develops and manages WMO's Open Source framework, strategies, guidelines, and best practices.
all team: @wmo-im/tt-oss
Name | Affiliation/Member | GitHub handle |
Tom KRALIDIS (Chair) | Canada | @tomkralidis |
Athina TRAKAS | ECMWF | @trakasa |
Ian EDWARDS | United Kingdom | @isedwards |
Ardhasena SOPAHELUWAKAN | Indonesia | @ardhasena-bmkg |
Jose Mauro REZENDE | Brazil | @JMauror |
Vasile CRĂCIUNESCU | Romania | TODO |
Regina Yulia YASMIN | Indonesia | @reginayasmin |
Joyce BANDA | Zimbabwe | @bbandajoy |
Jian LI | China | @jiancams |
Ethan DAVIS | United States | @ethanrd |
David BERRY | WMO Secretariat | @david-i-berry |
- Teams
- tag all of TT-OSS in a GitHub issue: @wmo-im/tt-oss
- Team members and their GitHub handles