Bundle is deprecated. Use https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrineCacheBundle instead.
winzouCacheBundle provides a simple cache management. Now you can use a cache system without reinventing it. It supports Apc, XCache, File, ZendData and Array.
Using composer
Add the following lines in your composer.json
"require": {
"winzou/cache-bundle": "dev-master"
Now, run composer to download the bundle:
$ composer update
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new winzou\CacheBundle\winzouCacheBundle(),
// ...
In your controller:
$cache = $this->get('winzou_cache.apc');
// or
$cache = $this->get('winzou_cache.file');
// or
$cache = $this->get('winzou_cache.memcache');
// or
$cache = $this->get('winzou_cache.array');
// or
$cache = $this->get('winzou_cache.xcache');
// or
$cache = $this->get('winzou_cache.zenddata');
// or
$cache = $this->get('winzou_cache'); // in that case, it will use the default driver defined in config.yml, see below
$cache->save('bar', array('foo', 'bar'));
if ($cache->contains('bar')) {
$bar = $cache->fetch('bar');
See Cache\AbstractCache for all the available methods.
When using FileCache, if you don't want to store your cache files in %kernel.cache_dir%/winzou_cache
(default value), then define the absolute path in your config.yml:
cache_dir: %kernel.cache_dir%/MyAppCache
# or cache_dir: /tmp/MyAppCache/%kernel.environment%
If you want to define in only one place the driver you want to use, you will like the default_driver option:
default_driver: apc # default is "lifetimefile"
# and then $cache = $this->get('winzou_cache')
You can now access the ApcCache with the winzou_cache
service. And if you want to change the driver, you have to modify only one value in your config.yml.
If you don't define the default_driver and use $this->get('winzou_cache'), then you are using the FileCache.
You can overwrite any option just by using the factory service. See these two very similar methods:
$factory = $this->get('winzou_cache.factory');
$cache = $factory->getCache('file', array('cache_dir' => '/tmp/cache'));
Or by defining your own service:
factory_service: winzou_cache.factory
factory_method: get
class: %winzou_cache.driver.abstract%
- file # just modify this value to use another cache
- {'cache_dir': /tmp/cache } # you can omit this if you don't use FileCache or if the default value is ok for you
# and then $cache = $this->get('your_cache')