This package assists in the automation of multiplex primer design. This package was designed for the companion MPD program, which you can find here (mpd-c).
Please cite our paper if you use MPD in your work. Thanks.
- Compiling the c binaries. Follow the instructions here: mpd-c.
- Clone the perl MPD package (e.g.,
git clone
). - There is a pre-build tarball of the MPD package suitable for installation with
(i.e., App::cpanminus). To install,cpanm MPD.tar.gz
.- The tarball was created with
. Otherwise,Dist::Zilla
is not needed. - Run tests within the directory like so:
prove -l
orprove -lv t/some_test.t
- Coding style and tidying is kept in
) andtidyall -a
) is used to tidy code before committing. - If you want to install
, please see dagolden's distribution and Dist::Zilla on metacpan.
- The tarball was created with
- See examples scripts in the
directory or look at the tests, specifically,t/05-Mpd.t
to see how to build and use the MPD object.
- The MPD package can be made to use the standalone binary for isPcr by Jim Kent. If you are not familiar with isPcr here is a web version which has details about obtaining the source code to build the stand alone binary.
- If you use the isPcr you will need the 2bit genome of the organism.
- Setup a configuration file in the
From the ex
(example) directory:
BedFile: ex/markers.txt.bed # TARGET LIST
isPcrBinary: isPcr # isPcr binary, optional
TwoBitFile: hg38.2bit # TwoBitFile, optional (needed for isPcr)
MpdBinary: ../mpd-c/build/mpd # mpd binary (see
MpdIdx: hg38.d14.sdx # HASHED GENOME, see mpd-c setup
dbSnpIdx: ds_flat.sdx # LIST of FLAT DBSNP FILES, see mpd-c setup
CoverageThreshold: 0.8 # The definition of "covered"
PrimerSizeMin: 17 # Minimum primer size
PrimerSizeMax: 27 # Maximum primer size
PadSize: 60 # The region flanking the target to search for primers
PoolMax: 10 # Maximum number of primers in a pool
PoolMin: 5 # Minimum number of primers in a pool
AmpSizeMax: 260 # Initial maximum amplicon size
AmpSizeMin: 230 # Initial minimum amplicon size
TmMax: 62 # Initial maximum Tm
TmMin: 57 # Initial minimum Tm
GcMax: 0.7 # Initial maximum GC
GcMin: 0.3 # Initial minimum GC
Iter: 2 # Number of iterations to try to find primers
IncrTm: 1 # degrees Celsius to widen the Min/Max Tm on successive trial
IncrTmStep: 1 # degrees Celsius to widen the Tm step (within mpd-c) on successive trial
IncrAmpSize: 10 # number of base pairs to widen the acceptable amplicon max/min on successive trial
- Create an MPD object, and call the
my $m = MPD->new_with_config(
configfile => $config_file,
BedFile => 'target_regions.bed',
OutExt => 'myGreatPrimerPools',
OutDir => '/temp/',
InitTmMin => 58,
InitTmMax => 61,
PoolMin => 5,
Debug => 0,
IterMax => 2,
RunIsPcr => undef, # set to something perl evaluates to true if you want isPcr to check the in-silico PCR
Act => 1, # set to something perl evaluates to true if you want the program to execute the mpd-c binary
ProjectName => $out_ext,
FwdAdapter => '', # your fwd adapter
RevAdapter => '', # your rev adapter
Offset => 0, # when printing pools where do we start?
Randomize => 1, # should we shuffle the pools so they are in random order?
$m->RunAll(); # run the design.
- Feel free to email the authors with questions or suggestions.